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The mechanisms and consequences of the globalization process

Globalization is not at all a process that has unfolded over the last hundred or two hundred years. It started even when representatives of different cultures first met in the ancient world. The campaigns of Alexander the Great, the expansion of Rome - all this was accompanied by interpenetration of civilizations and unification of cultures. It is another matter that the consequences of the process of globalization have become quite evident only in the last centuries. And indeed, this process as such unfolded only in the New Time on the European calendar.

Prerequisites Geographic discoveries, the development of capitalism in the Old World as the basis for commodity-money relations, stimulating trade, travel and strengthening of the ties of different regions of the world, and, most importantly, the scientific and technological revolution, made possible and substantially facilitated the interpenetration of different cultures, became an increasing globalization. Not surprisingly, with the ever-increasing development of technical capabilities, the consequences of the process of globalization have become increasingly evident. The ships of trading companies were replaced by trains, the trains gave way to aircraft, which made it easier to travel around the globe. In addition to purely transport opportunities, there were other means of communication between representatives of different regions of the planet: book printing, the press, radio, television, the Internet, finally, as the apogee of modern processes of centralization of society, economic system and political power, and unification of culture.

Globalization almost certainly determines the existence of the world as we know it today - with its international division of labor, mass migration, national communities in foreign countries and their successful / unsuccessful assimilation, the standardization of political systems and legislation, and so on. The European Union, international sports, tourist resorts - all these are also consequences of the process of globalization. The world is becoming more and more interconnected. At the same time, researchers note both positive and negative features of this evolution.

The positive consequences of the globalization process

Today, it is customary to scold more (and on the case), but first of all we should note positive moments. Let us list three positive consequences of the globalization process:

  • Sharing of best practices and scientific achievements between different cultures;
  • Stimulating the development of the world economy and economy;
  • As a result of the previous two points - the rise in the average standard of living.

The negative consequences of the globalization process

  1. As a result, uniform standards of consumption are formed, that is, a certain way of life is imposed. In the realities of our world, this means literal Americanization.
  2. With the advent of transnational corporations, there are more and more obstacles to domestic production of countries not from an advanced cohort.
  3. The economic interests of the most developed countries and companies dictate their conditions, ignoring the national and cultural characteristics of different countries.
  4. More and more specific civilizational features of different regions of the planet and their peoples are lost.

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