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The female and the male mosquito - absolutely not superfluous in nature

On a quiet summer evening, near a lake or rivulet, or perhaps over a footpath in the forest, you must have watched mosquitoes swarming. By the way, this randomly moving mass consists of only males of a mosquito. In science, swarms that measured up to 5 m in width and 7 m in height were described.

How the male mosquito conducts mating

All the mosquitoes wait for a roar when the female is next. This space-consuming method of pairing is called "eurygamia," that is, mating at the time of digestion. Males, in the number of up to 100 000 individuals, are tossed, ringing wings, which attract females. The first, who manages to grab a curious person who flew into a swarm, impregnates her right in the air.

But the urban male mosquito produces mating without a swarm. This is called "stenogamy" and allows the urban insect to produce offspring in basements, which, as a rule, have limited dimensions.

How the thirst for blood is awakened

Ready for mating, the male mosquito detects the female using antennal antennae covered with microfobs, they serve as hearing organs capable of catching sounds emanating from the female. The squeak of a mature female causes more activity of the mosquito than sounds produced by a young specimen.

Since the moment of fertilization, the female mosquito begins to badly need blood. Without it, it can not lay eggs and bring forth full offspring. Therefore, the female searches for an object for feeding. A hungry fertilized individual can feel the presence of a warm-blooded object at a distance of up to 3 km! And for one visit a bloodthirsty "lady" can drink a portion more than her initial weight.

Why is the male mosquito a vegetarian?

Probably, for anybody any more a news that bite us only females. And all types of mosquitoes without exception assume males that feed on nectar, pollen or do not eat at all. For example, like mosquitoes, ringing, which live only 3 days and do not even have a mouth opening. And although they are itchy as disgusting as their bloodthirsty young ladies, but the person does not cause any harm.

By the way, if for some reason a female mosquito can not find blood, it becomes a forced vegetarian. True, she also loses the ability to lay eggs.

The protein, which is in the blood of a person or an animal, gives strength to the mosquito in order to lay eggs that can produce healthy mosquitoes. The male mosquito, whose photo you see in this article, does not need such a solid recharge. He has enough carbohydrates to enjoy life.

And what are they for?

Do not rush to argue: "They bite hurt, they squeal disgustingly - they interfere with life!" Well, yes, they interfere to some extent. Mosquitoes - females and males - seem to be created in order to annoy people and animals. Moreover, they endure diseases! But the disappearance of this important link in the natural food chain would lead to incredible cataclysms.

For example, in places with severe climatic conditions, only mosquito larvae serve as food for a large number of birds. The disappearance of a mosquito - the death of birds ... And then, probably, and do not need to tell. In addition, on their bodies, these insects carry so many trace elements necessary for the growth of both the blade and the giant trees that the reasoning about the need for a mosquito in our world goes aside. In nature, there is nothing superfluous!

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