
The drug "Terbizil." Instructions

The terbizil instruction refers to antifungal preparations. The active component of the agent is terbinafine, an allylamine derivative.

Therapeutic concentrations have fungicidal action against yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes and individual dimorphic fungi. Terbinafine is able to suppress in the early stages of biosynthesis in the sterol fungus cell by inhibiting (inhibiting) the squalene epoxidase enzyme in the membrane of the fungal cell. This provokes an increase in the concentration of squalene inside the cell and the appearance of a lack of ergosterol, which leads to the death of the fungal cell.

Terbinafine has no effect on the metabolism of hormones and other drugs.

Terbizyl (ointment). Instruction: indications

The drug is prescribed for multi-colored lichen, skin mycoses, provoked by yeast-like fungi (usually the genus Candida) and dermatophytes.

Terbizyl (cream). Instructions for use

The duration of treatment is determined by the severity and nature of the pathology. Premature termination of treatment or irregular use of the drug causes a relapse of the disease.

Terbizil instruction recommends applying once or twice a day. Immediately before applying the drug, the affected areas are cleaned and dried. Cream should be applied to problem areas with a thin layer. Apply the product to adjacent areas. Allowed easy rubbing.

In the treatment of infectious lesions accompanied by the development of diaper rash (between the buttocks, fingers, in the groin area and under the mammary glands), the drug is applied under the bandage. The terbizil instruction recommends applying at least two to four weeks.

Use of the drug may cause itching, flushing on the site of application.

The instruction "Terbizil" does not recommend the instruction for lactation, at the age of the patient up to two years, with individual intolerance.

Clinical data on the safety of use of the drug by pregnant women are not enough. The appointment is carried out by the attending physician if necessary. The application must also be under the control of the doctor.

It was revealed that the active component of the drug (terbinafine) penetrates into the milk. Use of the drug for lactation is contraindicated.

If the patient develops abnormalities in liver function (appetite disorder, nausea of an incomprehensible nature, jaundice, weakness, clarification of stool or darkening of the urine) with the use of terbizil, it is necessary to cancel the drug.

Therapy implies compliance with general hygiene rules in order to prevent relapse (re-infection).

Ointment is intended for external use only.

The drug has a small ability to increase or slow down the clearance of medications metabolized by isoenzymes from the cytochrome P450 system (tolbutamide, cyclosporine, oral contraceptives).

In case of accidental ingestion of the drug, it is possible to develop a similar state with an overdose of tablets. In particular, there is abdominal pain, vomiting. Obligatory washing of the stomach is mandatory, then the reception of activated carbon. If necessary, therapy is prescribed depending on the symptoms.

Often, when signs of fungus appear on the legs, people do not rush to address specialists, prescribing drugs themselves. However, this behavior is not always correct. To obtain a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to select a medicament correctly, which can be done only on the basis of the results of tests and diagnosis. Terbizil is a broad-spectrum preparation. It is often prescribed for the elimination of fungus, especially in neglected cases.

According to the patients, terbizil is very effective. When using the drug, one should not forget that the fungus is not excreted in a short time, and only regular use and following the recommendations of a doctor will help cope with the disease.

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