
The doctor podolog that heals? The Center of Podology in Moscow

Medicine, as a living organism, is constantly evolving and embracing more and more new directions. Sometimes in a conversation you use the specialization of a doctor, and you do not know what problems are being addressed to him. Here, for example, the doctor-podologue that heals? The answer to this question may interest people who have leg problems.

Who is a forgery?

The word "forgery" is formed from two parts. It has Greek roots and is translated as follows: podo - "stop", logos - "knowledge". Proceeding from this, we conclude that the doctor-subordinate specializes in eliminating the problems of feet. These include:

  • Ingrown nails;
  • Fungal lesions;
  • Cornflowers;
  • Corns;
  • Hyperkeratosis;
  • Cracks and other troubles.

It is necessary to understand that a forgery is a specialist with a higher medical education. This means that a professional should be sought not in beauty salons and pedicure rooms, but in medical clinics.

With whom is the subpoena collaborating?

If a person is bothered by a burr or a hard skin on the heels, this may not be just a cosmetic problem, but a symptom of a foot disease. In this case, a pedicure with mechanical removal of rough skin does not solve the problem, but masks the problem. Therefore, it is worth turning to a forgery.

First of all, the doctor will disinfect feet with a special solution, then go to the examination. Problems associated with warts on the feet or corns, the podiatrist decides on the spot. More complex issues will be solved with specialized specialists. So, for example, a common naotopsy may be a symptom of longitudinal or transverse flatfoot. In this case, treatment is carried out in conjunction with an orthopedic or traumatologist.

Skinning of the heels and deep cracks are often one of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus. This means that the podogology will call for help from the endocrinologist, and the treatment will be held under his patronage.

If a specialist detects a fungal nail or skin lesion, then the dermatologist is called for help, and the treatment is appointed after the analysis and determination of the type of fungal infection. The cooperation of these two specialists accelerates the solution of the task, since the doctor-podogul additionally affects the nail plate and the skin of the feet, facilitating the penetration of antifungal agents.

The appeal to a podogo with unaesthetic, hilly nail plates on the legs will require consultation of the gastroenterologist. Do not be surprised, but the mounds and thickening on the nails - evidence of problems with the digestive system. In this case, treatment should be carried out in two ways. Not only directly nails, but also the digestive tract. Only in this way it will be possible to bring your toes in full order.

Arsenal podologa: preventive pedicure

First of all, the specialist suggests performing a hardware pedicure. Such manipulation in the hands of a forgery turns from a hygienic into a curative and prophylactic procedure. From the conventional edged pedicure, the apparatus differs in the absence of the effect of cutting tools and soaking of the feet in hot baths. To soften rough areas, the doctor uses special tools, and for their removal - abrasive nozzles. The procedure helps to identify hidden foot diseases and eliminate them.

Particularly worth emphasizing that patients with diabetes mellitus are contraindicative pedicure. They can do only the hardware procedure.

Correction of nails

Often, a peg is treated with an ingrown toenail. This problem is quite common and has the medical name "onychryptosis." The cause of ingrownness can be unnatural or uncomfortable shoes, mistakes in the execution of edged pedicure, mechanical trauma, dysplasia of the nail plates, deformity of the feet or hereditary predisposition. The doctor-podologist assesses the possibility of treatment without surgical intervention and carries out the necessary manipulations. One of the corrective procedures - the imposition of special staples, which painlessly straighten the nail plate and solve the problem.

Removal of warts and calluses

Most often, the doctor-podogo that heals plantar warts, uses liquid nitrogen. The method of freezing in this case is most suitable.

To remove calluses also should be taken seriously. The corn grip affects the deep layers of the skin, up to the impact on the periosteum. This can cause severe pain. The backlog uses special drills and burs that allow the rod to be removed, and then prescribes medications to eliminate the problem.

In many cases, corns are formed due to the incorrect setting of the feet. The specialist develops individual corrective orthoses that protect the toes and prevent the appearance of new calluses.

Treatment of hyperkeratosis and cracks

Hyperkeratosis is the strong keratinization of the skin surface on the feet. It is localized on the pads of the fingers and heels. For the treatment specialist uses cutters and grinding stones, which allows to give the skin softness.

If hyperkeratosis is neglected, dry or wet cracks appear on the heels. The professional selects the optimal treatment and, if necessary, produces interdigital inserts to prevent the problem.

Diabetic feet

Handle diabetic footsteps to an ordinary pedicure master is useless. A qualified doctor is needed here, since this is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus. With such a lesion, the feet become insensitive, crack, swell and become covered with keratinized growths. The skin has an unhealthy color and is covered with abscesses. Any damage to the diabetic foot results in a fungal infection or ulcerative lesions. Care of the feet in this case can be entrusted only to a high-class specialist in collaboration with an endocrinologist. It is impossible to solve the problem independently.

Modern medicine is designed to save a person from many major and minor problems. One of the assistants is forgery. Moscow and other large cities allow you to choose from a huge list of specialists precisely the doctor who will help you cope with your problems and thus improve your well-being, quality of life and self-esteem. Problems such as diabetic foot, hyperkeratosis, ingrown nails, warts, are easily eliminated using effective modern methods.

The Center of Podology in Moscow (Podology Clinic) offers treatment for people with various foot diseases. Specialists of the clinic are trained and advanced in the most famous Western schools and leading sub-centers in Russia. The earlier treatment is initiated, the easier it is to fight the disease. Do not neglect your health. There is a clinic on Michurinsky Avenue, 19, bldg. 1.

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