HealthDiseases and Conditions

The big city is carbon monoxide poisoning

To date, cases of poisoning with carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide), which is the most common toxic gas in nature and pollute the environment, can often be observed. The source of carbon monoxide is the combustion of fuel or exhaust gases released by cars. It can be said that carbon monoxide poisoning poses a mortal danger to a person, especially if the latter is in an enclosed space. Carbon monoxide is devoid of any odor and color, it is formed during the combustion process due to lack of oxygen, so poisoning can occur imperceptibly for a person. At present, small doses of poison gas are present in the atmospheric air, therefore, with prolonged exposure to the human body, chronic poisoning occurs.

Carbon monoxide through the lungs penetrates into the blood and displaces oxygen from the hemoglobin, resulting in hemoglobin ceases to carry oxygen, there is a fasting of cells and tissues of the body. A person who has been exposed to carbon monoxide poisoning, whose symptoms appear when small doses of carbon monoxide enter the body, begin to suffocate, with dizziness, loss of consciousness or coma. Therefore, a person must immediately be taken to fresh air, otherwise death occurs. Death occurs as a result of a violation of the functions of the heart after a breakdown of the brain.

Carbon monoxide affects all human organs, primarily the brain and heart. In general, the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning may be slightly different for different people, it all depends on their activity at the time of poisoning, general health and age.

A severe degree of carbon monoxide poisoning is characterized by a drop in pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, changes in blood vessels, which can lead to a heart attack, as well as changes in the cerebral cortex, muscle activity, vomiting, loss of consciousness, in some cases, coma.

Having a chronic carbon monoxide poisoning, a person experiences frequent pain, palpitations, increased pressure. These symptoms can be treated until the person is fully recovered.

In addition to carbon monoxide, combustion gases contain other gases that can cause chemical burns when exposed to respiratory organs. Also some components cause desorption of the lungs.

First aid, in such cases, should be immediate. With a slight degree of poisoning, a person must be taken to the air and allowed to smell ammonia. Severe poisoning with carbon monoxide signals the appearance of vomiting, in which case the patient must be carried to the air in a lying position. A prerequisite is the inhalation of oxygen in large quantities. If a person is unconscious and difficult to breathe, it is necessary to carry out resuscitation measures, as well as to call an ambulance.

If carbon monoxide poisoning has occurred, the poison should be removed as quickly as possible from the entire body. Attention should be paid to the treatment of cerebral edema and burns of the respiratory tract, if it is present. Often affected by poisoning are coughing, choking, dyspnea, wheezing in the lungs, nervous tension, and in some cases pneumonia and pulmonary edema develop , which can lead to death. Treatment in such cases is prescribed symptomatic, aimed at restoring the entire body.

Thus, at present, there are a large number of cases of carbon monoxide poisoning, the causes of which can be different. To exclude the possibility of poisoning, it is necessary to comply with safety measures at the enterprises, when using gas stoves or columns, to avoid gas leaks, to ventilate often the premises, to observe safety precautions while being near combustion products.

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