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Symptoms of teething in children, timing

With the arrival of a new member in the family, other questions and tasks arise from the rest of the relatives and directly from the parents. Upon returning from the maternity hospital, the newly mummy is concerned about where her baby will sleep, what he will eat and whether everything is normal for the crumbs with health. After receiving answers to these questions, a new problem arises: colic and increased gas formation in the sterile intestine. With the disappearance of this symptom, there is another concern - the baby's teeth. It is about them that will be discussed later. You will find out the main symptoms of teething in babies. Also you can get acquainted with effective ways of help. It is worth mentioning about the timing of teething in children and what is indicated by a deviation from the established time.

Child's teeth

Before you find out the established terms and symptoms of teething in children, it is worth learning some information about the tabulation of bone formation data. During pregnancy, all the organs and systems of the child are formed and developed. Teeth are not an exception. Their rudiments appear already in the second month of pregnancy. During this period, the woman still does not feel perturbations and does not have a large tummy. However, her baby has already decided on the order of teething.

Approximately in the middle of pregnancy there is one more important stage of development of this system. The fetus forms the rudiments of permanent teeth, which will appear only after 5-8 years. Most of the children are born without these formations. However, medicine knows cases when teething in children (symptoms are absent) started already in the womb.

Milk teeth

Symptoms of teething in babies appear long before mom or dad can detect a cutter. Dairy these formations are called because they are mainly shown during breastfeeding (or artificial) feeding. It is worth noting that the symptoms of teething in babies are always different. They may be absent altogether or have a blurred clinical picture.

By the age of three, the baby should have a full set of baby teeth. They are only 20. Most often they appear in pairs and almost simultaneously. Doctors say that between the eruption of similar teeth should not take more than one month. Otherwise, we can talk about some kind of violations.

Terms of teething

So, you already know what the number of baby teeth should be in children. Some babies can boast the first incisor at the age of three months. While others acquire these formations only by the end of the first year of life. Everything is very individual. However, there are generally accepted terms for teething in babies. Consider them.

  1. The first group of lower incisors is shown in a period of 6 to 9 months. However, sometimes mummies detect the front medial formations as early as 3-4 months of the child's life.
  2. The upper incisors go almost immediately after the lower incisors. The term of eruption is from 7 to 10 months. If the bottom teeth come out at 8 months, then the appearance of the upper ones should wait at about 9.
  3. The second incisors (lateral) first appear from above. This happens approximately in time from 9 to 12 months of the child's life.
  4. Immediately after this, the lower pair of lateral incisors appears. The term is set at 10-12 months.
  5. Next, the upper molars can make themselves felt. They appear before fangs. This is a feature of the normal development of the baby's jaw. This process takes place on the date from 12 to 18 months of life of the crumbs.
  6. Do not wait for the lower pair of molars. They cut through almost immediately after the upper ones. However, the time range for this is from 13 to 19 months.
  7. The time comes to appear fangs. First, parents discover the top pair. It cuts through for a period of 16 to 20 months.
  8. Immediately after this, the lower symmetrical teeth are felt. These fangs appear approximately in 19-22 months.
  9. The penultimate pair becomes the second molars. They appear first on the lower jaw and have a duration of eruption from 20 to 33 months.
  10. The last come out the upper molars. This can happen in the period from 24 to 36 months of life of the baby.

Can there be deviations from the established deadlines?

No parent can pull or push the process of teething from his child. The order of appearance of these bone formations is defined in the womb of the mother. However, there may be pathologies in which there is a strong shift in eruption.

If you notice an early appearance of teeth (at the age of one to three months), then this may be the result of a variety of endocrine system diseases. In this case, it is necessary to pass a survey as soon as possible. Perhaps the early appearance of teeth is an individual feature of your baby. However, it is worth making sure that the problem is really missing.

If the crumbs of teeth do not appear at the end of the first year of life, then it's also worth worrying a little. It is worth noting that most newly mummies begin to sound an alarm at the age of 7-10 months. However, this is absolutely not justified. A clear indication for the examination is the fact of the absence of at least one tooth at the age of 12 months of the child. The most common lag in eruption is associated with a lack of calcium and vitamin D, which in turn can be a symptom of rickets. Diseases of the thyroid gland can also have a retarding effect on teething in children.

Another deviation from the generally accepted terms of teething is their wrong order. Often mothers accept this fact for the individual peculiarity of the organism. In fact, such a consequence arises as a result of failure of intrauterine development. If the future mother in the period of the laying of the teeth has suffered any disease or led an incorrect lifestyle, then one should not be surprised at this phenomenon.

In some cases, teething in children (the symptoms will be described below) can occur simultaneously. In this case, for example, not just two, but four or more incisors at once go. Of course, this fact somewhat shifts the generally accepted terms. However, this is not considered a pathological deviation from the norm.

Teething in children: signs

Most often, the appearance of the first incisors and their subsequent neighbors does not pass asymptomatically. In most cases, signs appear several months before this exciting moment. Mom and Dad every day look into the mouth of a crumb to find the first tooth. However, this may not happen for a long time.

Symptoms of teething in babies often begin when the colic ends. One unpleasant moment is replaced by another. In most cases, this is expressed by the child's anxiety, poor appetite and sleep, irritation and itching of the gums and so on. It is worth noting that the symptoms of teething in a child in a year practically do not differ from a three-month-old age. However, observant mothers may notice that with age, the baby begins to show his anxiety somewhat differently. So, let's consider the most popular symptoms of teething in children.

Restless behavior and wanton crying

Symptoms of teething in a child (4 months and older) are almost always expressed as anxiety. The crumb begins to cry suddenly and behave differently than a few minutes ago. Also, the pain from teething may not be sharp, but growing. In this case, the baby can be whining and irritating for a long time.

It is worth noting that this phenomenon can be a sign of any other disease, for example, heat or headache, gas accumulation in the intestine or banal hunger. Before giving first aid to a child, it is worth making sure that these are the symptoms of teething. In addition to restless behavior and crying, children can manifest themselves with other signs.

Itching and irritation of the gums

Symptoms of teething in children under the age of almost always accompanied by an itch of gums. A crumb always wants to chew something. Everything that falls into the hands of an infant is in his mouth. The child can try the taste of toys, his own clothes, a chain of pacifiers and so on.

Remember that the baby's mouth should not get anything dirty. Otherwise, it is fraught with the development of infection or inflammation. Itching with gums can be removed with the help of modern medications: ointments, gels, rectal suppositories and syrups. However, only a health worker should prescribe medicines.

Increased body temperature

Symptoms of teething in children can be manifested in the form of heat. However, it is not necessary to write off any increase in body temperature to this particular symptom. When the teeth appear, the thermometer mark can be at the level of 37.2-37.5 degrees. If your child has a fever and thermometer showing 38-39, then it's worth worrying about and not writing off everything on the chisels.

The temperature when teething occurs immediately when the gums injure and falls right after the appearance of formation. Such a symptom should not accompany a child more than one week. With this value of the thermometer, antipyretic drugs can be used, but this is not recommended.

Increased salivation

Symptoms of eruption of the upper teeth, as well as the lower ones, can be expressed in the form of abundant salivation. However, this is not always an accurate sign of the early appearance of bone formation. Babies for a year do not have the skill in swallowing saliva. That's why the accumulated liquid flows out.

Also, excessive salivation may occur when the child is hungry. Most often this feature does not appear on its own. It is compulsory to have the accompanying symptoms of teething in the child.

External feature

Each mommy, having discovered suspicious signs, looks in the child's mouth to assess the condition of the gums. If the mucous membranes are swollen and reddened, then these are obvious symptoms of teething in the child. Photos of irritated gums you can see in the article.

In addition to redness and swelling, you can find a strip of white or red. In the first case, it is a tooth. If the band on the gum is red or even purple, the incisor is only trying to break through the mucous membrane.

Restless sleep

Symptoms of teething in children aged 5.5 months and later may manifest as a sleep disorder. It is worth remembering that this sign can also be with neurologic abnormalities. If your baby does not sleep well from birth, often wakes up and cries, then do not write off everything to the teeth. Call a neurologist or pediatrician to determine the cause of the anxiety.

If a previously quiet baby begins to cry suddenly at night and ask for another portion of mother's milk, then it may be about the imminent appearance of the tooth. In this case, the children, after applying to the breast, do not eat so much as just chew the nipple. This helps them to calm down and fall asleep, but Mom can be very unpleasant and painful. Many babies refuse at this moment from pacifiers.

It is worth noting that most of the teeth are worried about the child at night. In this day, the crumb behaves as usual and shows no other signs. To help the baby in this case, you can use any children's pain medications. This includes syrup and candles "Nurofen", suppositories "Cefekon", tablets "Naize" and so on. Many mothers use a variety of gels. However, their action is fairly rapid, and the drug is often prohibited.

Impairment of appetite

Symptoms of teething in children (4 months and later) can be expressed as a refusal to eat. It would seem that even yesterday your crumb with pleasure used the proposed food, but today he already refuses the spoon. If there are no additional signs of any disease, then this may well be a symptom of the fact that the teeth are climbing.

Often children refuse any complementary foods and constantly hang at mom's breast. It is worth noting that with natural feeding the child is much easier to transfer this state. Do not refuse the baby in a dose of milk, and certainly, do not blame him for what the baby does not want to eat.

Changing chair

Symptoms of eruption of the eye teeth in children can be manifested in the form of changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Since kids at this point prefer to use liquid food (more often Mom's milk or mixture), then there is a slight dilution of the stool. Remember that you should not confuse obvious diarrhea with such a sign of teething. If the child has started vomiting and fever has risen, then this is a clear symptom of an intestinal infection.

Liquefied stool with teething does not occur more than three times a day. At the same time, the baby is not disturbed by abdominal pain and fever.

Accession or disease

Symptoms of teething in a 7-month-old baby can be expressed in the form of infection. This happens for the following reason: at this age the baby is no longer limited to communicating with his mother. He can communicate with other children and have a long walk. During the eruption of the baby, the immunity decreases. This is absolutely normal and does not require any intervention. However, on contact with an infected person, a baby can get a virus or an infection. Due to the lack of a normal protective function of the body, inevitable infection occurs.

It should be noted that almost half of all children face infection during teething. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the crumb tries to taste everything. Often children become infected with stomatitis or other bacterial infections during this period.

How correctly to recognize the symptoms of teething in babies?

If you notice the above signs, but are not sure that this is really a tooth, then visit the doctor. You can contact a pediatrician, a pediatric dentist or a neurologist. Describe a child harassing problem. The medical worker will have only one glance at your baby's gums to tell if the teeth are chapped or not.

In some cases, such counseling will be able to prevent a variety of problems, since not always indicated signs are exclusively a symptom of the early appearance of teeth.

If you are not the first time to become parents, then for sure you can easily recognize the symptoms of the appearance of teeth in a child. Remember, that the cutter could appear from the gum, he needs to go a long way and make his way. The first signs of a child's anxiety may appear already 2-3 months before the eruption of the tooth. If the baby has two or three pairs at the same time, then all of the above symptoms can be very pronounced. In this case, the baby does not feel a local pain in the area of one tooth, but the unpleasant sensations throughout the jaw.

Is it possible to somehow relieve the symptoms of teething?

If the child behaves very restlessly, then it is worth using some tips. All your actions should be aimed at alleviating the condition of the baby.

  • Do not swear and shout. Be patient. The child is now much more difficult than you.
  • Use different medications if necessary. Remember that many children's antipyretic drugs are also painkillers. Do not get involved in this treatment. Do not use the same product for more than five days.
  • Massage the gums to the baby. Remember that at the same time your hands should be sterile clean, and your nails carefully trimmed. Now you can buy in the pharmacy chains special finger brushes. They are made of quality silicone and do not have a harmful effect on the structure of the mucosa.
  • Give the child a teetotal. This accessory can be purchased at any children's store. Remember that before using it you need to thoroughly disinfect.
  • Offer a child a bagel. If the crumb already eats lure or adult food, then you can give him a steering wheel or cracker. During the meal, he will be able to massage the itching gums and feel relief.
  • Regularly wash the hands of the baby. To avoid joining the infection and worsening the health of the baby, it is worth as often as possible to wash his hands. Fingers of the child, whose teeth are chopped, are kept in the mouth all the time.
  • Wipe the skin with a tissue. Due to abundant salivation on the chin and neck area, the baby may develop a rash. This is another sign of teething. All due to the fact that secreted drooling irritates the delicate skin of the face. If you regularly wipe this area with a cleansing napkin, you can avoid such a symptom.

Summing up and a small conclusion of the article

So, you now know the timing and signs of teeth in babies. Remember that all the kids are different. Do not be equal to the development of a neighbor's baby or a child's girlfriend. In some cases, the symptoms of teething in children (4 months and older) may be absent altogether. This does not mean any deviation. Quite the contrary. It is necessary to rejoice that your baby does not get discomfort from this process.

When there are complaints and signs of an early appearance of teeth, it is worthwhile to gain strength and observe the above rules. If necessary, ask your pediatrician for help. Remember that teething is inevitable. This process is experienced by all the kids, most of whom experience unpleasant sensations. Easy appearance of teeth to your child and good health!

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