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Solon Reforms

Athenian society in the VI century BC. E. Has undergone a number of changes. This time was called the "great period of Athens" and was characterized by an increase in the part of the population that was engaged in trade and craft. This new type of people, different from the aristocracy of that time, was called demos, which in translation means "people". Demos was at odds with the aristocratic strata of society, trying to come to power, which was necessary to combat the plight. A huge role in this was played by Solon's reforms, the results of which were equated with the political revolution.

Solon was one of the Seven Sages of Greece. He was a famous reformer who changed the idea of the political life of Athens. The democracy established with his participation enabled the society to become more developed. What preceded this? Historians describe this period of time as follows. The situation of the economy in Attica deteriorated for a whole century, and the discriminatory policy of the authorities towards the common people forced people to live in poverty and drag on a poor existence. The peasants constantly lived in debt, not knowing where to find the means, in order to provide for the family. They were put in such conditions, under which there was no way out. Poor people had to lay their land, sell their children into slavery and even lay themselves. This all led to protest moods in society and social upheavals. Any questions of the common man, asked by the owners, were ignored. The conflict between the rich and the poor was increasingly exacerbated. Dissatisfied were not only poor residents, but also a few wealthy and not very noble people. Ahead of society waited for the reforms of Solon.

The last point of patience of the people was the defeat in the war with the Megars for the right to own the island of Salamis. This happened in the 7th century. Interesting is the fact that after that, Athens was banned from mentioning the very name of the island. But there are always people who violate the prohibitions. It was Solon, who became the mediator between the demos and the aristocracy. He was respected by both. He wrote poems that were perceived differently by people. Reading them on the square, he appealed to the consciousness of the Athenians, urged them to wage war with the Megars. Fearful of the most severe punishment, he dismissed rumors about his madness. Later he headed the army and navy and began the second war with the Megars. This time Athens came out victorious. This brought him popularity, he became an intermediary in solving social issues. Subsequent reforms followed Solon. What were they?

At first he canceled all debts. This was the first reform of Solon - the Sisakhphia. Peasants were able to return their land. In addition, the freedom of will was introduced. This was undermined the main role of the tribal nobility. The main goal of the sage was democracy in Athens. His role in social progress was recognized and appreciated.

The next reform of the Salon dealt with monetary circulation in the country, it helped to provide bread to poor people. Great changes also took place in politics and social structure, a population census began and the incomes of citizens of the country were recorded. The Areopagus became the highest organ in the country, and the Pentakosiomedim entered it. Solon's reforms also affected jury trials. The court became available from now on to all that indicated the democratization of Athens. The significance of the activity of the Athenian sage is great. Of course, not everything Solon did was satisfactory to all categories of people in Athenian society, but what he put into practice can be compared with a political revolution, this changed the state system. With the efforts of such figures, the wheel of history rotates faster.

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