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Singapore cat

This unique breed of cats was formed in the natural conditions of the East Asian countries. Its historical homeland is Singapore. It was from there in 1971 that T. Meadow brought to the United States several unusual cats and started breeding them actively. Since 1976, representatives of the Singaporean breed take part in exhibitions, demonstrating their extraordinary attractiveness and grace.

These amazing pets have a number of characteristic features. Relatively small in size, the animals have huge eyes of almond shape. The body of Singapura is compact, small, sturdy. Its back is curved arched, and the thorax is rounded. A fairly thin tail of medium length has a rounded tip. The muzzle of the animal is wide. Ears with light "brushes" are quite large in size. Representatives of this breed have graceful lines of the body. The Singapore cat has a short, silky, tight-fitting coat of golden-cream shade with a ticking of soft brown color on each hair. The heels, the tip of the tail and the area along the spine have a darker uniform coloration. On the inside of the paws there are barely noticeable bands. The nose of the animal has a salmon shade with a dark brown stroke.

The cat of Singapura feels great in our climatic conditions. It does not require special care, it is enough just to observe the condition of her eyes and regularly clean the ears.

Unlike other breeds, the Singaporean cat grows rather slowly, reaching a perfect development only by twenty months. An adult animal usually weighs no more than three kilograms.

Singapore's kittens already at an early age have a striking charm and charm. They can be both extremely modest, and very energetic and cheerful. Home pets are very affectionate to their master, they react vividly to various intonations, with great pleasure play with children. The Singapore cat is an interesting and intelligent animal. She can spend a long time next to the owner at those times when he feels unwell. These pets are absolutely non-aggressive. All the actions of man they perceive with great love and adoration. Singapore is a pretty smart creature. They will not bother their master if he has a bad mood. These cute pets like to spend time in the company of people, children and other animals, endlessly jumping, frolicking and playing. Despite the apparent external fragility, Singaporean cats are distinguished by strong health and great energy.

Representatives of this breed are capable of giving birth to four kittens. Becoming a mother, a Singaporean cat treats her offspring with great tenderness and care. Surprisingly, to kittens of another breed, living with her in the same house, she will treat the same way as her children. Separating children with their mother can be after they reach 12 weeks. It is at this age that the young offspring acquire a certain social and physical stability, receive all the necessary vaccinations.

Pets of this breed are heat-loving animals, they do not tolerate cold and drafts. Therefore, it is very important to protect cats from negative factors affecting their health.

It should be noted that Singapore is a rare breed. In the nurseries, this breed is almost impossible to find. Only in some foreign countries there are breeders engaged in breeding Singaporean cats. This amazing pet will become a wonderful friend for active people who can appreciate in animals tenderness, individuality, fervor and beauty.

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