
Serotonin: how to raise the level in the body? Effective methods

Modern people with the help of various magazines, television and mainly the Internet have access to such information, which only the narrow specialists previously owned. Today, if someone, for example, complains of depression, then along with doctors almost every acquaintance, sympathizing and giving advice, will not forget to mention serotonin. How to raise the level in the body of this substance, what kind of thing is it, how it works - we'll tell about this in our article. So…

What is serotonin?

Our intelligent organism constantly synthesizes a substance closely connected with the physical and mental activity of people: with our mood, appetite, libido. It is also capable of directly influencing our behavior. Due to the high level of this mysterious substance, we can feel a surge of energy, a good mood, in case of a lack - we experience despondency, irritation, etc. The name of the magic substance is serotonin. How to increase the level of this "hormone of happiness" in the body will become more understandable if one knows that most of it is synthesized in the intestine (80-90%) and only 10-20% of serotonin is produced in the brain. Therefore, proper nutrition can literally transform our lives.

How the "hormone of happiness" works in the human body

Between the nerve cells of our body is constantly exchanging information. Serotonin serves as a kind of mediator-transmitter of nerve impulses. Thanks to him, the brain receives commands: move, rejoice, do not be sad. If the amount of serotonin corresponds to the physiological norm, then it provides a normal emotional mood, a good mood, working capacity, etc.

So, in what colors we perceive the surrounding reality: in black or white - the correctness of signal transmission to neurons and a sufficient number of "happiness hormone" is very important. Our readers on the basis of the reading can get the impression that the more serotonin is bigger, the better. This is not true! The surplus of the hormone also has a detrimental effect on the body, as does its deficiency. But we'll talk about this in more detail when it comes to preparations that increase serotonin. How to raise the level in the body, ways and effective means - all this is very important first of all for people suffering from depression.

What happens when the serotonin level is lowered

If the body lacks serotonin, then the following symptoms are observed:

  • Headache.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Irritability.
  • Depressive states of varying severity.
  • Insomnia.
  • Loss of appetite or, conversely, its increase.
  • Thirst for alcohol.
  • Memory impairment.

Interesting facts about serotonin

The scientists carried out very interesting studies. Imagine a flock of monkeys, from which one male was selected, which did not cause special respect to his kinsmen (too submissive and subject to attacks of aggression). But after he was artificially elevated serotonin, the status of the animal in the environment of his own kind increased sharply. The monkey became extremely self-confident, calm, boldly looked into the eyes, her posture straightened. All this gave her the right to claim in the pack, even for the role of leader.

When observing people, too, a link was found between the level of serotonin, the behavior of a person and the attitude of others around him. Scientists have established that people with low serotonin indicators are characterized by great impulsiveness, a tendency to hysterics, neuroses, which prevents them from taking a higher social position in society. When scientists began to learn more about serotonin, how to raise the level in the body in effective ways, they found feedback. If psychologists began to work with a self-assured, unsystematic person, then as the external behavior and internal self-perception changed, the level of the "happiness hormone" in the body increased.

Products that increase serotonin levels in the blood

Anyone interested in how to increase the level of serotonin in the body, you need to know that there are many foods that can help in this. People who feel oppressed often begin to eat a lot of sweet and flour (cakes, buns, sweets, etc.), especially this sins a sweet weak sex. All of the above contains in excess so-called fast carbohydrates. They instantly saturate the body with glucose, the serotonin level rises sharply, a person feels relief, anxiety muffled, but it does not last long, unfortunately. This "seizure of stress" causes a gradual addiction, there is something like a drug addiction to fast carbohydrates, which ultimately leads to an even worse deterioration.

But complex carbohydrates - this is what you need! Thanks to them, the body is saturated gradually, the blood sugar level is not subjected to sudden jumps, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Of course, once you can not feel the tide of beating over the edge of joy, you will need to be patient and a day to include in your diet the following products:

  • peas;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Lentils;
  • Potatoes baked;
  • parsnip;
  • Brown rice;
  • Beans;
  • Bread from wholemeal flour;
  • Whole-grain cereal;
  • muesli;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit.

And now we will reveal to you one extremely important secret: to make more serotonin, it is necessary to ensure the entry of tryptophan into the body of an amino acid. One or two grams of tryptophan per day are quite capable of providing a normal production of a "hormone of joy." We will list the products with a high content of the desired amino acid. We draw your attention to the fact that in the first positions are products with a higher concentration of tryptophan:

  • Hard cheese;
  • Soy products;
  • Processed cheese;
  • chicken eggs;
  • Lentils;
  • Low-fat meat;
  • Oyster mushrooms;
  • Fat cottage cheese.

Low-fat cottage cheese or even fat-free also contains serotonin. How to increase the level of the "hormone of joy" in the body in addition, or rather than? Natural coffee in the amount of several cups a day is also a good help. And also products that contain vitamins of group B (liver, buckwheat, leaf salad, yeast, oatmeal). Melon, pumpkin, bananas, dates, oranges, prunes, dried apricots and chocolate (bitter) are also excellent allies in the struggle to raise serotonin.

Physical activity and sunlight are factors that increase serotonin

How to raise the level in the body of a magical substance that makes life more joyful, with the help of various food products, we sorted out. But eating alone will not be enough. It is necessary to begin to move more, that in a depressed state, in general, it is quite difficult. And nevertheless it is necessary to apply strong-willed efforts and resort to the help of physical culture. It does not necessarily have to be immediately recorded in the fitness center, you can simply go walking in the fresh air. By the way, fresh air, saturated with oxygen, is another factor effectively increasing serotonin.

And it would be nice to have more sunlight! True, here we sometimes are powerless, because the sky is clouded, and it does not depend on our will. But as soon as the sun appears, you need to use it for one hundred percent.

Serotonin: how to increase the level in the body. Preparations

There is a group of drugs that can effectively influence the production of serotonin in the body. They have a complex name: selective, or selective, serotonin reuptake blockers. Such drugs provide the accumulation of a hormone in neurons in sufficient quantities.

True, there is the possibility of an overdose, and this alone can cause great harm. In this case, people with hyperactivity, severe migraines, hand tremors, sleep disorders, convulsions may develop in sick people. Therefore, such medicines must definitely appoint a doctor with an indication of the exact dosage and the length of time taken. For informational purposes, we list the drugs that increase serotonin:

  • "Paroxetine".
  • "Citalopram."
  • "Fluoxetine."
  • "Sertraline."
  • Fluvoxamine.
  • "Venlafaxine."
  • "Mirtazapine".

Serotonin: how to raise the level in the body folk remedies

It seems that all ways to increase serotonin have been listed, but there are still popular recipes, they also need to be mentioned for the sake of completeness. And the first thing we can recommend is a Russian bathhouse with a birch or oak broom, however, a Finnish sauna is also a good fit. After the bath procedure, the joy in the body will necessarily increase, so this is an effective remedy.

Well, after the bath it would be good to drink a healing tea. There is a wide choice for every taste! Very good broth of dogrose with honey, lime tea, tea from St. John's wort. The herb St. John's wort, by the way, has the ability to inhibit the reuptake of serotonin. From its extract, even a pharmacological preparation is produced under the spoken name "Negrustin."

Well, it seems that everything that they knew told you about serotonin: how to raise the level in the body in popular ways, and pills, and food, and physical education. Well, you, dear readers, it remains only to apply the information received in practice.

Concluding remarks

When depression is piling up, it may seem to a person that no one and nothing can help him, he is possessed by complete apathy and reluctance to take any action. In fact, such thoughts cause a disease that can be defeated, and then the joy of life will certainly return.

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