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Scenario of a theatrical concert: examples

At present, for many people, the main type of leisure is the computer. And this trend is largely prevalent among the younger generation, with all the attendant shortcomings and threats in terms of both health and basic human communication.

In this regard, the theatrical concert as a form of direct, unobtrusive, fascinating and cognitive way of pastime becomes more and more attractive, relevant and in demand. It has a large space for creativity, a wide range of instruments and virtually unlimited possibilities for combining all kinds of culture areas and modern audio and video technologies to provide the necessary effects in various types of decorative productions.

The theatrical concert in its essence contains an original mechanism not only creating a feeling of "live" presence in the process of script development, but also active empathy in the course of action of the plot. Through original, non-standard solutions, it allows you to acquaint the viewer with culture and art, aesthetic norms and moral principles.

The task of the theatrical productions: what exactly is it?

In the best scenarios of theatrical concerts, the true spiritual content and huge emotional charge are concentrated. They are absorbed into the mind of the viewer, leaving an indelible deep trace in his memory, changing his psychological appearance and moral postulates. Especially important and relevant is the visit of such concerts by children, when they are still in the process of formation, are deeply receptive to the adoption of certain moral dogmas and believe everything that actors show on stage, observing the scenario of a theatrical concert.

Therefore, the idea contained in it and embodied in the artistic image, in its importance, stands above all that technically draws and accompanies the gameplay itself. Theatrical costumes, role personification, make-up, scenography, mise-en-scene dialogues - all accompanied by choral performance, dances and subject interweaving serve to beautifully design the main idea of the play, its moral prerogatives.

The idea of the script should contain an element of artistic intrigue. Its development helps to relieve the psychological tension of the viewer, bringing him to emotional resonance through deep empathy. And, as a consequence, it leads to its moral and moral renewal. A burst of audience emotion resonantly splashed onto the stage of a theatrical concert in the form of applause, laughter, and unrestrained cries testifies to their immersion in the atmosphere of the script, the emergence of a single emotional space of the stage and hall. He is an irrefutable factor of successful staging and the fact of having a universal idea in the play.

Theatrical concert is characterized by the use of different genres and types of art. In one setting, for example, an academic choir, folk dances and scenery can be combined, presented in a contemporary art style. Strange as it may seem, but the variety of possibilities and options for designing and equipping the scenario of a theatrical concert is not only a hobby, but also an essential need to ensure the integrity, harmony and coherence of the fragments composing it, to achieve a unity of style and word.

Consecutive conglomeration of forms, however sharp they may be, destroys the scenario of a theatrical concert if they are not harmoniously combined into a single semantic whole that represents a moral idea. Therefore, the writer should have a good taste, experience and skills, not inferior to the knowledge of his colleagues in the theater and in the cinema. The responsibility assigned to him, especially when preparing a script for a children's theatrical concert, can be compared with the responsibility of the teacher and even the doctor. The theatrical concert is not limited to the venue. It can be carried out in addition to such traditional premises as a stage and a club hall, in a hotel, a chapel, in the green of the city, etc. Like the theater, it can have offices and intermission.

Possible themes of the concert

As a rule, a theatrical concert is thematic. It is accompanied by the text of the facilitator. Under the scenario, it can be targeted and intended to hold a particular category, profession or age among viewers, for example, children or the elderly. The concert can be New Year's or anniversary, devoted to any holiday known to people. Either the performance can be connected with the presentation of some bright event, for example, the opening or closing of the festival. By its nature it can be a gala concert or a mono concert.

The artistic imagery and ideological expressiveness of the script are achieved through the compositional design of all the numbers of the theatrical concert separately and ensuring their subsequent semantic interrelation. Each performance is formalized according to all the laws of drama and assumes the presence of one or more performers.

The combination of variety, choral and dance numbers allows you to apply contrast, consistently switching the viewer's attention to various forms, styles and genres of the concert. The theatricalization of each room, which is a separate, artistically and tastefully decorated colorful work, must necessarily comply with the condition of brevity and topicality. In this case, the form of the text can have a poetic format. The concert usually starts with a bright performance. His plot involves the involvement of the masses of viewers in some general unifying action. For example, it can be built in a question-answer format.

More about the technological process

The relevance of the theatrical concert is due to its relevance in almost any collective: kindergarten, school, creative houses, clubs and various organizations of various profiles and purposes. The process of creating and implementing a scenario involves project and preparatory periods. And only after them is carried out its implementation. The script of the theatrical concert of the collective embodies the work of many people. It is a multifaceted artistic work of amazing beauty and brightness.

Project period

The most important task of choosing the subject matter of the scenario and its main idea is being solved. The latter should be revealed in the climax of the plot. The scope of the script is determined by its targeting. It is either specified by the customer, or is determined independently on the basis of available opportunities. According to the chosen theme, ready concert numbers and repertoire are selected, representing the main musical value of the theatrical concert. They, in turn, affect the details and character of the development of the plot. Thus, the possibility of two-sided adjustment of both the subject matter of the script and the numbers to the extent that does not lead to a decrease in the quality of the concert or the devaluation of its main idea is assessed, but at the same time it will positively affect the harmony and compatibility of the entire composition of the numbers as a whole.

When choosing numbers, you need to achieve their maximum entertainment, contrast, mobility, genre and technical compatibility, so that the continuity of the concert action reflecting the scenario's intent is observed. The selection of the plot and the choice of heroes are recommended to be conducted on the already published works of professional authors. They can be shortened and adjusted so that they correspond to the timing of the theatrical concert, the abilities of the staff and the availability of technical capabilities. Based on the selected material, a scheme for constructing an action is developed, including an exposition, a culmination and a finale.

From what the concert will consist: all parts

The preparatory period includes basically various kinds of study of the decoration of the concert and all sorts of stage rehearsals. During the rehearsals, the working version of the scenario is formed and adjusted. In addition, a detailed study of images is carried out. Rehearsals of the creative teams and the presenter are made according to the text in all numbers and episodes. At the same time, in the course of the script, on the steps and stairs of the stage hall, interesting mise-en-scenes are selected and prepared. Technical services mounts, customizes the design of the scene, developed and approved light and sound scores.

The main thing is to develop a good and high-quality scenario. A theatrical concert, film frames to which are selected, can be filled with scenes with a slide show or a demonstration of video clips. In this case, the corresponding equipment is checked and brought into working condition. Everything must comply with the technical standards, so that during the concert there are no breakages.

The exposition, the culmination and the ending are three whales, on which the whole scenario of the theatrical concert is held. The main creative effects need to focus on the climax. Exposition smoothly and harmoniously should go into it. In this case, the emotional peaks formed at the audience at this stage should not exceed the tension in the culmination of the scenario. The final is the moment of moral order. He must emphasize the idea and intent of the script. Depending on the level of perception and preparedness of the viewer, at the end of the production the idea may be a direct or veiled form. If the concert is intended for children, the presenter should explicitly state the moral component of the idea. The concert rehearsal of the concert is the final phase of the preparatory period.

The process of realization of the concert

The implementation involves conducting a technical run on the day of the concert, rehearsals of the numbers and mass scenes. Waiting for the upcoming performance can provoke the emergence of tension in the relations between the members of the collective. Therefore, consideration of the human factor is one of the main at this stage. The leader of the team needs to show benevolence, tolerance, equanimity and all those qualities that inspire confidence in people's success. To prevent misunderstandings and aggressiveness in collegial relations, it is necessary to hold round-tables, to sort out mistakes and sum up the results before the concert.

What else do we not know about the scenarios for a theatrical concert?

By the nature of the use, purpose and scope of the application, the scenario of a theatrical concert can be viewed and evaluated from different classification positions. Let's consider one vivid example. When creating a script dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the Parsky Secondary School, a director appears on the stage accompanied by an assistant. The concert begins with callsigns from the song "School years". Next is a video about the educational institution, its history - this also provides for a scenario of a theatrical concert (a movie about an institution long before that with the participation of teachers, students and parents is being shot). Scenario children's theatrical concert should be teachers and students together, so that everyone was interested in the performance.

The director announces the concert open. Sequentially there are numerous shots about the school. And the whole process is accompanied by the fulfillment of a lot of merry and sad songs about the years spent at the desk. The review is accompanied by the transfer of a variety of statistical information about the school itself, as well as the number of graduates and their achievements. In addition, on the stage, the presenter tells about the teachers who have already passed away. Next come the children - students of this institution, demonstrating their talents and achievements.

The above statement can be considered simultaneously as a scenario of a theatrical concert of the reporting one. In this case, it will be used to promote the achievements of the school and popularize the institution. For this, appropriate decorations are selected: school desks, mannequins dressed in uniform, large photographs adorning the walls, depicting the faces of the best graduates.

Addressed the scenario of a theatrical concert: a detailed example

In order to better imagine performing a theatrical concert, it is worthwhile to consider the detailed examples. This can be a speech prepared for grandparents. For such a production, the script of a theatrical concert dedicated to the Day of Older Persons is being written . It is intended for execution on the first of October. It is then that the International Day of Older People is celebrated.

As an anchor is an ordinary schoolteacher. After congratulating all present pensioners on the holiday, he describes in detail how carefully and diligently their grandchildren and granddaughters were preparing for the concert: they made souvenirs, drew pictures, composed poems, etc. Then the children themselves alternately enter the stage from the hall where they Sit with their parents, and begin to tell interesting stories about their grandparents. These stories in the performance of kids are very expressive, diverse and original. Some of them are memories of grandmothers themselves, when they were the same age as their granddaughters: how they played dolls, how they sang their mother's lullaby songs, what fairy tales they told them at the same time. Other stories tell of the golden hands of a grandmother or grandfather, created by them a homely cosiness. The scenario of a theatrical concert for the Day of the Elderly person should be made as interesting as possible.

Completion: how best to do?

Each performance ends with a song performed by toddlers, which fully corresponds to the scenario of a children's theatrical concert. Before the next issue, the teacher addresses the audience with new wishes, poems and congratulations. In the interval between performances, there is a musical pause in the performance of a boy playing the accordion. Then, as the scenario of a theatrical concert for the Day of the Elderly Person demands, a contest quiz "Big Wash" is announced. Its essence is simple - who quickly hangs clothes on a rope. This scenario is addressed to both the elderly and children. Such competitions are always happily perceived by adults and kids. Both those and others in them willingly participate.

Concert for the Year of cinema

The scenario of a theatrical concert for the Year of Cinema usually presupposes the presence in the leading text of information about the main dates of the history of cinema: from the invention of the apparatus by the Lumiere brothers and ending with the demonstration of fragments of the beloved films. At a successful coincidence of circumstances, it is also possible for famous artists to participate. In the course of the script, a lot of competitions are usually held, the participants of which must guess the artists, the music from the pictures, etc. It is quite simple to compose a similar scenario of a theatrical concert: the film is shot for this event about the best premiere of the century, for example. The main thing is to pay careful attention to the details. And also give enough time to the audience.

Such a statement in its essence implies a harmonious combination of theater and cinematography possibilities. You can use facial expressions, gestures and other moments directly from the film: transfer it all onto the stage and surprise the viewer with a similarity of presentation. The quality of the script for a theatrical concert for the Year of Cinema can be significantly influenced by the organization of the contest for the best program for holding this national holiday and discussing its results.

Concert for the House of Culture

The script of a theatrical concert in the House of Culture can have a good repertoire and decorations, as it is the center of leisure. In addition, this institution has cultural ties with various choral and dance groups. Activities held at the club are usually scheduled for the holidays. They are regularly financed at the state level and are repeated from year to year, which significantly affects their quality. There you can also conduct a production, which provides a script for a theatrical concert on the Day of the Elderly. Audiences in the years will be convenient and familiar to gather in the House of Culture.

Concert for Mother's Day

On Mother's Day a theatrical concert, the script of which is well thought out, can be provided with a very wide repertoire of songs and poems in the performance of both adults and children. The director should avoid the templates and form a new, original approach to the viewer to interest and intrigue him. It is necessary to find and manage to present stories related to the dedication, sacrifice and perseverance of the mother. Pay attention also to the statement: the game on the stage should be similar in strength to the emotionality with the excitement of the viewer. In both cases, attention should be paid to details and a well-defined plan of action.

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