HealthDiseases and Conditions

Right hemiparesis

The disease, in which the functions of one of the sides of the body are weakened, or there is an incomplete paralysis of the limbs, is called hemiparesis. This disease is the result of damage to the cortical neurons of the brain. There is hemiparesis right-sided and left-sided, as well as upper and lower hemiparesis, in which only one limb can be affected. For a more specific indication of the varieties of this disease, the following notation of paresis was introduced: "tetraparesis" - in which all four limbs and "paraparesis" do not function - hands or feet do not function on the one hand.

Hemiparesis: symptoms

The symptoms of damage to the cerebral cortex and their intensity depend on the localization of the lesion. The main symptoms of hemiparesis are: agnosia, speech disorders, the presence of cognitive disorders, apraxia, recurring epileptic seizures, and sensitivity disorders. In the case when hemiparesis (right-sided or left-sided) extends only to the muscles of the leg, hands or face without any accompanying symptoms, this indicates the presence of minor brain lesions in the upper part of the variolium bridge, the brain stem or in the posterior part of the inner capsule.

Symptom of this disease can be long, acute headaches, with different localization. In addition, the symptoms of this disease can be attributed to general fatigue, fever, lack of appetite, sudden weight loss, pain in the joints. However, there is no standard, strictly limited set of signs of this disease, because they depend on many factors.

This disease can be caused by violations of the structure of the brain, various abnormalities of its development, as well as head and spinal injuries. In addition, paresis can occur as a jamming of nerve endings that are located in the vertebral column, and atrophy of peripheral nerves. As a rule, with violations in the brain, pareses appear on the opposite side of the body, i.e. If there are violations in the work of the left hemisphere, right hemiparesis will occur and vice versa.

Hemiparesis: treatment

Whatever the type of this disease, its treatment should first start with the elimination of the cause of its occurrence. Only in the presence of systemic therapy of the underlying disease can weaken (weaken) manifestations of paresis and achieve restoration of normal functioning of the affected limbs. Both right-sided hemiparesis and left-sided form of this disease can be congenital, however, only severe cases make themselves felt even in the perinatal period. In other cases, which most, require constant dynamic observation of the development of the baby, which will give an opportunity to assess the existing deviations and to make timely and adequate correction of them.

To prevent severe mental disorders, movements, speech and increased chances of recovery, the course of treatment should begin immediately. Once the final diagnosis is made, a course of drug treatment and a set of special physical exercises should be prescribed. After discharge from a medical facility, physical exercises should be continued at home. All the prescriptions of the doctor must be strictly observed, do it regularly. After all, only with competent and timely treatment, which includes both medication and physical exercises, multiplied by the persistence and perseverance of parents, can be completely eliminated from this ailment in most cases.

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