
Rescue pillow - car suspension

Every year the number of car owners is skyrocketing. The world auto industry is a branch that has multiplied its capacities in a short time. There is nothing surprising. After all, now most of us choose road transport. Get the right - does not mean to understand the car.

Why in the technical characteristics of any machine, except engine power and body dimensions, does the manufacturer always mention the chassis? Everything is very simple. It is the suspension of the car that affects its stability and controllability. Plus, the chassis isolates the driver from vibrations, noise and other speed problems. In any case, the car's suspension should hold the wheels well in close contact with the road. Why? The fact is that all the power that the motor gives out is transmitted to the tires of the car. Moreover, the suspension keeps passengers and cargo from damage. That is, it softens the blows. If our roads were perfectly flat, then the running gear of the car would not be needed. But the realities of life dictate a completely different scenario. Even recently made trails are far from ideal. All small irregularities are transferred to the wheels of the car. Further, the impact reaches the body, the cabin and the driver himself. To avoid such inconvenience, and was invented car suspension.

This mechanism is a chassis, which includes all important systems. A lot of things depend on the stiffness of the wheel axles. Proceeding from this, two types of suspension are distinguished: dependent and independent. The first type is characterized by rigid coupling of both wheels of one axis. A solid beam forms. If you drive one wheel on a rock, then the other will deviate to the same angle. Most often, such a construction is equipped with rear suspension of cars of economy class. This model of the running gear is quite cheap and durable, but it has a significant drawback. Most of the weight of the car is not transmitted to the shock absorbers of the running gear. In the case of an independent system, the wheels of one axis are not connected with each other. That is, when one wheel hits a bump, the second does not change its position. This suspension of the car has become more popular.

There is another type of car chassis. This is a semi-independent suspension. It is something middle between the above two species. The design includes longitudinal arms and a crossbeam between them. Only here the latter, unlike the rear suspension, is shifted closer to the levers and their supports. Thus, the crossbar takes on not only the lateral forces, but also acts as a stabilizer of the car's movement. In this case, twisting is observed with a different direction of the wheels. If you look from the point of view of kinematics, the semi-independent suspension took from its "great-grandfathers" only the best qualities. The straight wheels do not get camber, and entering the turn the camber changes both relative to the road and relative to the body. The simplicity of the construction plus excellent stability on the straight road and cornering made the semi-independent suspension popular among motorists.

Any design sooner or later fails. In our case, the repair of the car's suspension plays an important role. The thing is that this part of the vehicle takes on all the loads connected with the irregularities of our domestic roads. Accordingly, there is a rapid wear of the components of the suspension. Mechanical damage is the most common cause of its failure. When causing significant damage, the car will lose stability. The car will not obey the helm. Thus, riding will become life-threatening. In this case, immediately it is necessary to use highly qualified specialists, to diagnose, to identify faults and to eliminate them as soon as possible. Particular attention should be paid to shock absorbers. They are subjected to a tremendous load.

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