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Renal colic: how to relieve pain? Symptoms of renal colic in women and men

Renal colic is a typical picture of urolithiasis, the most common kidney disease. Approximately 70-75% of patients in urological hospitals are hospitalized with this diagnosis.

In fact, we are talking about several diseases that have different origins and unequal path of development, but are united by one manifestation - renal colic. The first descriptions of this disease we got from Hippocrates, but so far scientists have not been able to solve the riddle: why are certain particles formed that do not obey the general movement of urine, but immediately grow from a crystal to clinically significant dimensions?

The answer to this question, perhaps, would solve this problem, but today we can only state the steady growth of this disease. And if earlier it was mainly affecting mature people, now it is often diagnosed even in twenty-year-olds.

Acute pain, so characteristic of this disease, is not caused by the "scratching" of the concrement that has set in motion, as many people think. The mechanism of its occurrence is associated with a violation of the outflow of urine as a result of edema of tissues and venous stasis. The swollen tissue of the kidney presses on the fibrous capsule, which has a mass of pain receptors, which causes such a sharp syndrome.

Disturbance of outflow can be caused by the passage of stone, small stones (in the form of sand), a clot of blood, mucus or pus. The cause may also be a tumor process, and even inflammations that have arisen in neighboring organs: all this may be a prerequisite for squeezing the ureter. And yet the most common reason is the obstruction of the urinary tract with a stone.

Manifestations of renal colic

Most often, everything starts completely unexpectedly, without any warning signs. The pain appears from the back, initially unsharp, pulling. However, very soon it begins to grow and gradually moves to the side, and then to the stomach, "sliding down" along the ureter.

The pain is able to localize not only in the lower abdomen, it can irradiate in the groin or in the genital area, often pushes into the hip, lower back and the hypochondrium. If we talk about the intensity of suffering, they are simply "legendary": people roll around the floor, almost losing consciousness, on the verge of shock.

No change in the position of the body can not reduce the heat, reduce these painful sensations, often this can only be done with narcotic drugs. Acute pain with renal colic causes bloating, muscle spasms, difficulty bowel movement. A person is ready to take even a poison to stop this nightmare!

This is indeed an extremely unpleasant symptom - renal colic. How to relieve pain? The solution of this issue becomes an obligatory and paramount task. However, this is not the only manifestation of the disease. Patients may experience nausea, vomiting often occurs, and the temperature can sometimes be very high.

The person's face turns pale, the sweat protrudes, the consciousness becomes clouded, the heart rhythm changes, the pressure rises. Urination is frequent and painful, but it can break down to full anuria. Usually the duration of an attack of colic does not exceed a day, but there are cases when it lasts a long time, with periods of remission and subsequent deterioration of the condition.

Renal colic: how to relieve pain during an attack?

If we briefly outline the strategy of actions, it will be expressed in three directions:

  1. Application of heat.
  2. Analgesics.
  3. Spasmolytics.

Let's start with heat. It would seem that a hot bath to the waist with the maximum temperature water that a patient can withstand, a warmer on the waist region or mustard plasters - and the question is settled. However, not all so simple. There are a number of factors, and they must be taken into account.

For example, you can not use a hot bath in case of cardiac pathology or high temperature. This method is also excluded in conditions accompanied by a disturbance of consciousness. In addition, there must be a firm belief that this is renal colic, not peritonitis caused by an inflammation of the appendix, or something else that does not allow the use of heat.

If renal colic is accurately established, then the hot sedentary bath is a very good tool for relieving pain. If there are contraindications to the bath, you can use mustard plasters or a heating pad.

Of the painkillers most often use the means "Analgin" or "Baralgin." Any drug injected as a prick has a stronger and faster effect than tablets.

However, do not take painkillers for kidney colic before the doctor's examination. This can "lubricate" the picture and make it more difficult to correctly diagnose it.

Spasmolytics for renal colic obey the same requirement. If the diagnosis is not in doubt, then their reception will help to expand, relax the walls of the ureter, facilitating the withdrawal of urine and thereby improving the patient's condition. Usually, for this purpose, the drug "No-shpa" is well suited, and it is necessary to take a large dose of the drug - up to four tablets.

There are cases when all these funds are not able to relieve the pain. In this situation, a doctor who has drugs in his arsenal, such as "Promedol" medication, can help. For a person experiencing renal colic, how to relieve pain is the main issue, but it is necessary to begin with accurate diagnosis.

Surveys to clarify the diagnosis

Symptoms of colic may resemble an "acute abdomen". This concept includes a whole group of diseases. In addition to appendicitis, a similar appearance of liver colic, it is also necessary to exclude acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

An error can also occur if there are ulcers of the duodenum or stomach. Almost similar symptoms have some vascular diseases, intestinal obstruction, not to mention women's ailments. Symptoms of renal colic in women have their own specifics, so this topic is dedicated to a special section.

In addition to the "acute abdomen", a similar picture is given by a herniated intervertebral disc, sciatica, shingles, or even ordinary intercostal neuralgia. Almost complete coincidence of signs occurs with intestinal obstruction.

Many of these diseases require urgent action. So the task facing the doctor, the first time seeing the patient, is not at all simple. That's why you should never resist the offer to go to the hospital and conduct a comprehensive examination there. With renal colic, this is an absolute, 100% indication.

In this case, an incorrectly diagnosed diagnosis may well cost a lifetime. For example, the ureter could be completely blocked by a stone. This can not be determined by external examination, but it can lead to necrosis of the kidney, its acute deficiency. It may be necessary to administer the catheter, or the operation and drainage of the organ. It is unlikely that all this will be done without leaving home.

In the conditions of the hospital, the doctor can prescribe a variety of examinations as needed, and also provide proper help with renal colic. However, first of all, general tests are usually done, specifying in this case blood biochemistry and, of course, ultrasound of the excretory system, and possibly also an X-ray.

"Female" specificity of renal colic

The above described symptoms of colic do not have a sexual color, except that sometimes the irradiation of pain in men occurs in the scrotum. For women, pain syndrome in the genital area is more typical. Otherwise, all this is universal.

At the same time, the same symptoms of renal colic in women can be indicative of other diseases, which men can not by their nature. For successful treatment it is extremely important to make a clear differentiation when diagnosing a patient to exclude the following reasons:

  • Uterine tube rupture;
  • Apoplexy of the ovary;
  • Tubal abortion;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Torsion of the leg of the ovary.

All these conditions can cause blockage of the ureter and create a typical picture of colic. In this case, the alarming symptoms are:

  • cold sweat;
  • pallor;
  • low pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • dizziness.

The special complication for treatment is renal colic in women, which occurs during pregnancy. In itself, this condition does not create conditions for the development of urolithiasis, but it is in this period very often there are exacerbations of all chronic diseases.

Especially this applies to the kidneys, which are particularly actively involved in the process of creating a new life and are forced to work with redoubled force. Manifestations of the disease are common, but here's an arsenal of funds to stop the pain syndrome is seriously limited.

First, hot baths are excluded, as well as other thermal procedures on the kidney area - this can lead to premature birth. For understandable reasons, narcotic painkillers for renal colic in this case are also inapplicable.

In this case, prolonged intense pain in itself can provoke premature onset of labor activity, so the only correct way is to immediately consult a doctor. In the most extreme case, it is possible to take antispasmodics: preparations "No-shpa", "Papaverin" or "Baralgin", can be in the form of injections.

What first of all do with renal colic?

Of course, to relieve the pain, to save the person from nightmarish torment. This is the first thought that can come to mind, but it is not the best. First aid for renal colic should be provided by a physician.

Moreover, before he comes, it is desirable to refrain from any attempts at home treatment to avoid complications and to keep all the symptoms in a pronounced form without interfering with the correct diagnosis.

This is especially important in complicated cases: colic of one remaining kidney, elderly age, bilateral attack, poor general condition, heart disease, etc. What should I do if the doctor for any reason is not available? How to relieve renal colic in this case? In principle, the basic methods have already been described.

It is important only to add that in cases where there are doubts about the true causes of pain, the least dangerous would be the use of antispasmodics, if there is no doubt - you can use a heating pad, bath, analgesics. Some experts recommend that you also add half a tablet of "Nitroglycerin" under the tongue.

To stop the attack in hospital conditions, Novocain blockade, acupuncture, electro-puncture, and physiotherapy are also used. If all measures fail to produce the desired result, urinary excretion will be restored using a catheter. It is also possible to pre-destroy the stone with the help of special equipment.

It is in a hospital environment that it is simpler and more logical to undergo a thorough examination in urology after the seizure is eliminated. In any case, it is necessary to remember the serious danger of self-treatment in the presence of such a formidable symptom, such as renal colic. How to relieve pain, how much and what to do examinations, than to treat - all this should be decided only by a doctor.

Renal colic. ICD-10

To date, in Russia, at the level of the Ministry of Health, the standard of treatment for this disease has been approved. This is a step-by-step system designed to help patients with this symptomatology. A system based on the International Classification of Diseases of the Tenth Revision was created. It provides all methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. According to the ICD, renal colic has code N23.

How to eat with renal colic

After removal of the pain syndrome, nausea gradually passes, and the patient's ability to take food returns. It is important to understand that a diet with renal colic is very important for a quick recovery. Specific recommendations on products can only be given by a doctor, since he knows the chemical composition of the stones. As for the general recommendations, they are as follows:

  • Food is frequent, fractional, small portions;
  • Do not overeat, especially at night;
  • To exclude sharp, fried, smoked, canned products;
  • Do not expose to prolonged heat treatment;
  • It is better to cook for a couple or cook, you can bake.

Diet in renal colic is relevant during illness. As the working regime of the kidneys is restored, the range of products should be expanded, guided by the recommendations for healthy and balanced nutrition.

And this means that, first, the products should be enough to provide all the needs of the body, but not too much.

Secondly, the food should be varied, with the obligatory inclusion of "live" products: vitamins, minerals, fiber.

Third, moderation in the consumption of tasty, but not useful products.

And, finally, the most important thing: to provide the body with a lot of really pure water without any impurities. Many believe that compliance with this condition alone can completely improve the body.

Traditional methods of treatment

Help with renal colic is offered to us by numerous folk healers. Although they, in the first place, advise to consult a doctor. But in the process of waiting, you can attach a leaf of cabbage to the waist or drink an infusion of birch buds.

Well-proven field horsetail, and sporich well helps with this ailment. With colic, prepare a decoction of a mixture of a thousand centner and sage, it is even better to add chamomile. Drinking such a drug can be long, up to two months. But the field horsetail can not only drink, but add to the bath.

Compresses from hot potatoes or oats broth will also suit. In general, there are many recipes. If you add a diet to all this, success is assured. But on one condition: please call a doctor!

Well, if it's serious, then it's unlikely that people's methods will withstand competition with modern medicine in treating the acute phase of the disease. But here you have removed the pain, conducted a survey, gave recommendations on nutrition, prescribed medication. Now we must work hard to cleanse our kidneys of unnecessary "trash," to dissolve and drive out everything that should not be there. At this stage, the experience of traditional medicine is simply irreplaceable.

For centuries, polished collections of herbs and medicinal plants will help to completely say goodbye to the disease, and at the same time disturbed metabolism to be restored. It is best to find an experienced herbalist and, having patience, to conduct a course of treatment to the end, as expected.

And after this, it is necessary to undergo a second examination and compare the results. What can you do? In this world, nothing is given without difficulty, but the health of this is worth it!

How to prevent kidney colic

The formation of stones is often provoked by diseases of the endocrine glands. Also, an overabundance in the body of vitamin D or lack of A promotes the deposition of salts. Not the least role in this process is played by diseases of the digestive system. Nutrition in renal colic, or rather, the principles of such nutrition, should be applied and after recovery to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Limitation of human mobility is also a risk factor. A hot climate creates conditions for dehydration and, accordingly, increasing the concentration of urine. Even the frequent use of mineral water becomes a source of introduction of salts in excretory system. Daily drinking clean water, and in large numbers, but in small portions, can play a decisive role in the victory over the disease.

Sanatoriums and resorts for urolithiasis

Many have heard about how well the resorts with mineral water help to recover with kidney disease. However, each water acts only on a certain type of stones. In the presence of phosphate, you can go where there are acidic mineral waters:

  • Truskavets.
  • Kislovodsk.
  • Zheleznovodsk.

If urate is found in your urine, then you need alkaline water :

  • Borjomi.
  • Zheleznovodsk.
  • Truskavets.
  • Essentuki.

When Oxolate stones are recommended:

  • Pyatigorsk.
  • Essentuki.
  • Zheleznovodsk.

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