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Relations between Onegin and Tatyana in Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin"

All of us in school were forced to read Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin". But at this age, most children hardly think about the deep meaning of this work, looking at the relationship of Onegin and Tatiana through the prism of their sensory experience. However, many critics can not understand the author's ideas, preferring to confine oneself to a superficial analysis of the actions of the characters solely, without focusing on the spiritual component.


At first glance it may seem that the two central characters of "Eugene Onegin" are opposed to each other. Tatyana Larina is a highly moral, spiritual person, she is pure in spirit and body. And Onegin is a Petersburg dandy, experienced in secular life, already familiar with passion and its consequences. They are attracted to each other like charges of the same name, a certain mutual understanding arises between them, because both have outgrown their environment and are searching for the truth in something else, incomprehensible and even frightening.

Features of Education

A comparison of Onegin and Tatiana can begin with considering the conditions under which they grew up. Lyubimitsa Pushkin was born in a rich house, even if in a wilderness. In infancy and childhood, she was courted by a nanny chosen by parents from nearby peasants. She sang lullabies, told tales and, of course, read prayers over the girl. This tied Tatiana to the people more than one could imagine. By nature, thoughtful and taciturn, the girl spent little time with her peers, avoided noisy games and amusements. She was more interested in books, contemplation of nature and reflection. The youngest daughter of the Larins lived according to folk customs, got up early to catch the dawn, believed in signs and performed traditional rituals, despite the religiousness.

Onegin grew up in European society. Nanny was replaced by a tutor, who brought up the boy according to his idea of a secular man. Early growing up, Eugene plunged into a brilliant and noisy life, acquiring the status of a young rake. Education and love of the popular authors gave him charm and promised favors for women. He quickly understood all the subtleties of sensual love and learned to manipulate them. Became skeptical about the manifestation of humanity, kindness, compassion. He criticized and questioned everything that happened to him and around him, as advised by European authors.

The world through the window

Characteristics of Tatiana in "Eugene Onegin" can not do without a mention of nature. Describing panoramic views, Pushkin does this, as if looking from the window of the room belonging to the main heroine. Any landscape in the novel reflects the state of mind of a girl. As the plot develops, not only the time of the year and the weather on the street, but also that part of the day that Tatiana spends in reflections about her chosen one.

Byronic and sentimental literature

To trace the differences between Eugene and Tatiana, you can also read the books they read. For Onegin, Byron was an example for imitation, ironically and skeptically looking at the world. This is how the ideal man seemed to the boy. Selfish, charming, a bit sarcastic and sarcastic. European literature of that time cultivated a similar way of thinking.

Tatiana Larina, on the contrary, draws attention to sentimental novels that show the value of sincerity, kindness and responsiveness. Of course, they are somewhat naive for a girl who will revolve in a higher society, but the nobility and honor brought up by them helped her for many years to keep herself unchanged under the influence of circumstances.

It is about the hero from the sentimental novel that the girl dreams. And when Onegin, despised and driven from all sides, appears at their edges, she takes him for an ideal that has been waiting for so long.


Tatyana's letter to Onegin reflects the sublime love that the girl had for her chosen one. It is in him that it is good to trace the features of the girl's character: sincerity, gullibility, impressionability. She has no reason to doubt her choice. For a young beauty, an alliance with a man like Eugene is not only the fulfillment of a cherished desire and the long-awaited reunion with a loved one, but also the possibility of spiritual growth, self-improvement.

Onegin, on the contrary, sees in Tatyana in love only a naive, enthusiastic little girl who was inspired by his stories and appearance. He does not take her feelings seriously, even though he suspects that it will not pass so easily. Secular "games of love" ahead of time made his heart unresponsive to such signs of attention. Perhaps, if it were not for a rich life experience in this field, the couple could have formed differently.

Tatyana's letter to Onegin is permeated with feelings that the girl can no longer keep within herself. She admits that the abyss in education, education and experience between them is huge, but hopes to someday overcome it in order to be closer to the beloved.


As you know, Eugene refused Larina, explaining this by the fact that he is not worthy of it, since he does not feel such exalted feelings and does not want to offend her by the immutability of his motives. In the opinion of most critics, it is Onegin's refusal that provokes rejection from the reader. This was, perhaps, the most noble act in his entire life, but the luminaries of literature look at this situation somewhat differently. They believe that fear prompted the young rake to give up, reason prevailed over the feelings that "Russian soul" Tatyana aroused in him.


Onegin and Tatiana in the novel meet thrice. The first time - when Eugene comes to the estate Larins. The second is when he is forced to explain to Tatiana about her letter, and the last one on her birthday, a year after the tragic events. And every such meeting changes something in Onegin's soul, does not allow him to stay away, to brush aside feelings and emotions. Afraid of what happens to him, the rake prefers to leave and throw out the girl's image from his head, than to be near her and change.


It is the relationship between Onegin and Tatiana that makes the character of the work somewhat gloomy. The main character is angry: to himself, to Larin, to Lensky's best friend, to the fate that brought him to this estate, to his uncle, who died so on time. This pushes him to reckless actions, for example, to flirt with Olga. Of course, a duel was necessary, but it was not necessary to kill each other. However, the events were summed up in such a way that, because of the growing hatred, Vladimir had to withdraw to another world.

The last ball

Comparison of Onegin and Tatiana continues throughout the last scene of the novel. The ball in honor of the name-day in the estate of the Larins seems to copy the girl's terrible dream of her wedding with Eugene. A man who is sick, dissatisfied, depressed by remorse, is surrounded by grotesque characters who are so in contrast with his inner world that it seems as if they are mocking him.

Unable to endure these torments, Onegin leaves, motivating it by the fact that he was seized by the desire to change places.

St. Petersburg

A very short time has passed, and the main characters meet again, now at a social event in St. Petersburg. Relations between Onegin and Tatyana practically did not change. They became more complicated, but the inner heat still continues to pulsate in both. Larina got married, became a princess and now holds her head high. Now there is no trace of that rural girl who fervently confessed her feelings to the young woman.

The situation turns against Eugene, as he realizes that he is in love, and suffers from this. He writes letters to the object of his adoration, tries to bring everything back, but the girl is adamant. So this situation sees Pushkin. Onegin has feelings for Tatiana, but now she is trying to avoid relations. In the end, the girl denies the man in a secret connection, motivating it by giving an oath to be true to another man, despite the fact that she still loves Eugene. This puts the last point in the novel but, according to some critics, the finale still remains open.

Relations between Onegin and Tatiana were complicated, they were tainted with the blood of a friend, with refusals and confessions ... But as a result, their love continued to live even when they together signed her a death sentence.

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