Food and drinkRecipes

Recipes with meat: all the most delicious and popular

No matter how much they talk about the benefits of vegetarianism, most of the planet's population without meat can not do. That is why various recipes with meat are so popular: cutlets and chops, soups and pancakes and much, much more, for the description of which would require the publication of a multivolume encyclopedia of culinary art!

Recipes with meat: pork

Baked pork with mozzarella and tomato sauce

Pork slice the pork cut into slices (size - as for a chop) and beat off. Rub garlic, sprinkle with pepper and salt. Cut one Bulgarian pepper into strips and fry lightly (3 minutes is enough), then add tomatoes in your own juice (grams 200), salt and pepper, put a little dried basil and sugar in the vegetables. On fire, hold for 1 minute.

Pork put on foil, pour it with the resulting sauce and put on a piece of mozzarella (all should go 150 grams). Wrap the foil and bake for 1 hour.

Meatballs in dairy sauce

For Russian cuisine it's more common to cook meatballs under tomato sauce. However, they can be cooked with cream sauce, having a completely new dish. To do this, we need 800 grams of pork minced meat, which we mix with 1 cut onion, garlic chopped (2 cloves), 1 raw egg and 1 glass of boiled rice. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, add salt and pepper and form small meatballs. They need to roll in flour and fry in a pan. When zamumyanjatsja, we shift them in a saucepan, we pour there 2 glasses of water and we extinguish, having covered a cover, minutes 20.

And at this time you can make a sauce. Fry in a dry frying pan 2 spoons of flour, mix it with half a liter of milk, make sure that there are no lumps. Fry 1 chopped onion until soft and add to the milk. All together, cook until the mass slightly thickens, then add 1 bunch of chopped dill, nutmeg and salt. With the resulting sauce we water the meatballs.

No less interesting are recipes with rabbit meat. Below, we describe one of them.

Braised in mustard sauce

Rabbit meat is not too common and is not cheap, but it has a very pleasant taste. Therefore, if you love meat, you should definitely try to cook something from the rabbit.

We need 800 g of rabbit meat, which we cut into portions, add pepper and salt and saute over low heat. When browned, cover and simmer for another 15 minutes. 300 g carrots cut slices and put them to meat. Stew them together for 20 minutes. Then add to the frying pan 2 tablespoons of mustard and 200 g sour cream, stirring and stewing until cooked (ie about another 20 minutes). Soft and sharp rabbit is ready!

Recipes with beef

Meat in a Merchant

The recipe for this dish is quite simple. One kilogram of beef is cut into pieces with a mix with one kilogram of chopped onions. We lay out all the pots and keep in the oven for 1.5 hours (if the pieces are large - then 2 hours). One spoonful of flour fry in a dry frying pan and mix it with 2 tablespoons of mustard, half a kilo of sour cream, salt and pepper. Bring the sauce to a boil, and then pour it ready meat.

Meat in a royal way

Cut 400 grams of beef slices. Cut one kilogram of potatoes into mugs. The pan should be poured with oil and layers of meat, potatoes, 250 g of mayonnaise and 0.5 kg of shabby hard cheese. Spices and salt to your liking.

Recipes with chicken meat


To prepare this dish, we will first need pancakes. To do this, we prepare the dough: in a half cup of flour, drive in 3 eggs, gently pour in 500 ml of milk, mix. Pour 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of baking powder and a pinch of salt. Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. While the mincemeat is being prepared, the dough can be poured.

1 onion grind and fry. Add to the onions 0.5 kg of minced meat from the chicken, knead it with a fork and lightly fry it. When lightly cool, whisk or scroll through the meat grinder, then a little more fry, adding 1 tablespoon butter butter.

On a small frying pan bake thin pancakes. In each we put one spoonful of forcemeat and wrap it with an envelope. Before serving, pancakes should be fried on both sides and poured with sour cream.

Bon Appetit.

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