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Practical taxonomy: examples of plant species

In botany, as in any other science, a systematic approach to the subjects of research is important. Classify the signs and properties, identify patterns and exceptions - all this is necessary for effective study of plants. In botany, this task faces systematics. It is she who identifies specimens that have much in common. Such plants are united by scientists into special groups called species.

Types of plants of the genus Lilia

Illustrative examples of plant species we can observe, considering a flower such as a lily. It refers to perennial grasses, grows from a bulb, has fleshy leaves growing from below and flowers of white, yellow, orange colors. The genus Lilia is subdivided into more than 100 species, the bulk of which in the natural environment grows in Asia and Europe. Examples of plant species we will now consider.

Everyone knows a snow-white (or silver) beauty, whose homeland is Greece. There are so-called Lilia Anhui, there are - bolander, callous, etc. Despite the different, sometimes very exotic, names, these flowers are close in structure and growth conditions. Their stem is a continuation of the onion bulb, and the leaves grow as if in a spiral, without any cuttings (except for a few specimens-exceptions). Such examples of plant species just indicate a great variety of forms of living nature. But the formation of bulbs - "babies" from the main, maternal, almost all lilies are the same. It originates in the corner of the lowest lying leaf and ripens in a year. If the plant is grown from seeds, then it takes 5 to 7 years to wait for it to grow and bloom.

Lily bulbous (bulbous)

Let's consider some examples of species of lily plants - for example, Lily bulbous. In length, these flowers grow normally more than a meter. The leaves are long, narrow, sharp. Color - dark green. Flowers bright, saturated tones. On the stem they can be from three to five pieces. Cuttings short. Petals are large, within 5 cm. Their inner side is velvety in appearance and touch, covered with specks of a brownish hue. Other types of plants, examples of which we consider, differ in that they do not form bulbs in the axils of their leaves, although they are also called bulkovitsosnymi. This, for example, the so-called Lily Bulbiferum, whose homeland is Italy and France.

Family Liliaceae

As we have already explained, the lily flowers are very diverse and multifaceted. But due to the presence of common signs of a plant of this species unite in one genus. And already if there is some similarity between the clans, they also create a "coalition" of a higher rank - the family. For example, the lilies we have already examined have "neighbors": hyacinths and tulips. On the basis of this, botanists consider the common species of the family of lilac plants - "Liliaceae". Families are united in order - the next step in the hierarchy. And from them classes are already made.


What logical conclusions do we have about systematics? It is an indispensable branch of every direction in botany. This is an excellent analytical tool that allows you to identify all possible links between different plants, give them names, correctly classify and organize the classification. Systematics makes it easier for scientists to exchange scientific data in an international format.

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