HealthAlternative Medicine

Pollen of pine: useful properties, how to take, when to collect. Recipes of traditional medicine

Pine is a beautiful tree, but the flowers are so plain that it is unlikely that anyone will ever dream of tearing them into bouquets. But the usefulness of pine flowers, and the whole tree as a whole is very much appreciated. It can be said that it contains a whole forest pharmacy. Useful cones are bumps, needles, branches, kidneys, bark, resin, flowers, and especially pollen. Not without reason in the flowering period over the pine fly whole swarms of bees. Smart insects strive to procure as much as possible a valuable food product, necessary for the food of all the inhabitants of the hive. The healers have long paid attention to the behavior of bees and have begun to find out what pine pollen has beneficial properties, how to take it with health benefits, from which it can be cured. Continue to study this natural product and now. We offer you information about it, tested by numerous experiments and experiments.

Pine inflorescences

Surprisingly, some people do not know that conifers can blossom, and they think that bumps appear straight from the branches. In fact, there are flowers in the conifers, and two species, both male and female, are "blossoming" in one tree in close proximity to one another. Pine pollen, whose use for medicinal purposes is known for centuries, is found only in male flowers, scientifically called microstrobils. Usually they are located on several pieces (less often one at a time) at the very tips of the branches and resemble light brown, sometimes yellowish-beige spikes or cones in miniature up to a maximum of 15 mm. In these microstrobils, pollen grains are ripening. They are round, but on each side have two air sacs, so that the wind or water carries them for many kilometers. To collect pollen, you need to know exactly the time of flowering of pine, otherwise the valuable curative product from the microstroke will be poured out. In each region, the dates may differ, and the pines, although outwardly similar, can belong to different species and varieties and have different flowering periods. But everywhere they come before the landscaping of deciduous trees and bushes. In the suburbs this is the second half of May.

Chemical composition

What is useful for pine pollen? The use of this natural product causes its richest composition. In each speck of dust there are proteins, fats, glycine, organic acids, proline, rutin, threonine, testosterone (especially its high content in Scotch pine pollen), flavonoids, enzymes. In the pollen, vitamins A, B, D3, C were found, and in addition, trace elements of potassium, selenium, manganese, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus - about 30 minerals in all. This is an incomplete list of substances and their compounds, making pine pollen so valuable.

Application area

In folk medicine, mainly Chinese, for centuries, treated with pine pollen of such diseases:

- tuberculosis;

- Some problems with the digestive tract (constipation, inflammation, dysbiosis);

- mental disorders;

- Depression;

- prostatitis;

- hyperleukocytosis;

- aging of the body;

- menopause;

- impotence;

- as an additional remedy for many types of cancer;

- diabetes;

- arthritis;

- Lowered hemoglobin, anemia;

- Skin diseases.

Scientists conducted experiments on mice, adding to their diet pine pollen. The results confirmed that this product can be used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-tumor, anti-aging and anti-immunity agent.


No matter how valuable a pine forest pharmacy is, you can not use it all. During the flowering period of coniferous trees in places where they grow in large numbers, some people experience allergy symptoms (runny nose, conjunctivitis, cough and others). Those whose body reacts to pine pollen, it is contraindicated to take drugs from it. In addition, this medication is not suitable for those suffering from kidney and heart failure, pregnant women, infants, people with individual intolerance.

Pine pollen: how to collect

In principle, it is not difficult to prepare pollen. The main thing to keep in mind is the timing of flowering. Mature pollen spills out of the male microstroke quickly and easily. Promotes this and the wind, swinging twigs. Therefore, the collection of the product must begin when the male inflorescences have already reached the desired (mature) size, the specks of dust are already ripe, but the microstrobils have not yet opened. Nature spends on this process only 2, a maximum of 5 days. There are collectors who simply pour out into prepared containers, for example a plastic bag, pollen from flowers, shaking them or tapping them lightly with a finger. In this case, the flowers remain on the branches. This method is gentle for wood, but ineffective, although as a result of the package is ripe in the wild pine pollen.

How to assemble it with more efficiency, experienced prosecutors know. They determine when it's time to start the process, according to the color of the male strokes, which should become bright yellow, sometimes with a greenish tinge. Inflorescences are carefully cut from the twigs and put in a container, laid with clean paper. Some small percentage of pollen is poured out, but not lost.

Inflorescences are laid out to dry, shake out pollen from them, sift it through a sieve with a very fine grating and pack in sealed jars. It is advisable to sift the pollen 3-4 times, substituting a polyethylene bag for the sieve. As a result, the product should turn out to be pure yellow, without brown impurities. In a room where manipulations with pollen are carried out, there should be no drafts, let alone winds. The yield of raw materials is small. Usually clean pollen turns a glass and a half from a bucket of inflorescences.

The easiest way to treat

People's medicine men, especially in China, know well what pine pollen has useful properties. How to take, and most importantly, how to prepare preparations from it, we'll tell you now. You can use pollen as a kind of dietary supplements, that is, add it to your diet. For adults, the dose is half a teaspoon or slightly less than half an hour before each meal. Drink this medicine with water, tea or milk. The course is one month, after which you need to take a break, as long-term use of pollen can change the coagulability of the blood. Take dry pollen as a preventive medicine for colds in the off-season, as a means to strengthen the body after the operations, serious illnesses, as a means of controlling metabolic processes and thereby removing excess weight, as well as to slow the aging process.


There are ways of making potions, in which the pine pollen shows more useful properties. How to take these drugs and how to prepare them? The main of these folk remedies are tinctures. They are considered to be the most powerful biostimulator, renewing cells, restoring all bioactive processes in the body. This gives excellent results as a comprehensive treatment for cancer, tuberculosis, infertility, stomach, liver, kidney, lungs, rejuvenation of the body, restore the nervous system, improve sleep, relieve fatigue, improve immunity. Prepare the tincture is not from one pollen, but also from anthers (ripened male pine flowers), in proportions of about 1: 2. Fill this jar with a 2/3 vodka and pour it over with vodka. Insist from 2 days or more, after which filter and place in the refrigerator.

To prevent any diseases, to raise the tone, to relieve fatigue and to strengthen the body, tincture is drunk 1 time per day by a teaspoon half an hour before meals. As a remedy for oncology, asthma, tuberculosis drink tincture three times a day on the dining room or dessert spoon, also half an hour before meals. Course - no more than a month, after which you need a break. It is very useful to add a tincture of pollen in herbal teas, for example, when coughing sputum in broths of mother-and-stepmother, lungwort, plantain, thyme, dog rose. With a dry cough - in the broths of althea, buckwheat, chamomile, hazelnut leaves, sunflower petals.

Infusions on water and milk

From folk healers you can get many tips, how to use pine pollen. Recipes of broths too. They are simple, but you need to remember that you can not boil pollen, because at temperatures over 90 degrees many useful substances disappear from it. The easiest way is to brew the pollen with milk (teaspoon per glass). Milk is brought to the stage of the beginning of the boil and is removed from the fire, a thin trickle of pollen is poured, mixed, wrapped and insisted. You can add honey to this medicine. They drink milk with pollen with tuberculosis, bronchitis, various hormonal disorders, with stress and fatigue, with a weakened organism.

There is a separate recipe for preparing medicine from pollen and milk for hypertension. Take a glass of unboiled milk, add pollen to the tip of the knife, mix and drink every morning an hour before the start of the meal.

With bronchitis in milk, you can brew not only pollen, but also male inflorescences of pine.

Prepare the broths of pollen on the water (you can with herbs) without boiling, only on a water bath.

There is a good recipe for making syrup from pollen and male inflorescences of pine. To do this, boil 300 grams of sugar in a half cup of water. Finished syrup poured 500 grams of raw materials, pressed down with a light load and put to cool. Then filtered, and the syrup is used as a preventive medicine, for the treatment of asthma and strengthening the body, and inflorescences of pine are added to the teas as needed.

Pine pollen with honey

This is the most effective method of treatment. Prepare the remedy so: the dining room (without a slide) or a half dessert spoonful of pollen is added to 500 grams of honey and mix the mass to homogeneity. It should turn out to be a beautiful yellow-gold color. Before consuming, the candied honey should be melted in a water bath or placed on a battery. Such a medicine can be eaten absolutely for all diseases to those who do not have allergies to beekeeping products. Especially often pollen with honey is used for colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Adults use it for 2 teaspoons three times a day, and children from 6 years, one teaspoonful.

Some Recipes

Truly universal has pollen pine useful properties.

How to take it with tuberculosis:

In a glass of alcohol tincture of pollen and pine flowers (for allergic reactions, you can replace alcohol with milk), add a spoonful of honey and butter, 1 chicken egg, mix thoroughly and use three times a day before eating a tablespoon.

To prepare a medicine from pollen from tuberculosis it is possible and so: in 150 grams of honey (preferably linden) add one and a half spoons (without a hill) of pollen, mix very well and take a dessert spoon of the drug before the meal in about an hour. Course - 3 weeks, then a week break and again 3 weeks of treatment. The cycle is repeated all the time until complete healing.

With diabetes:

The composition of the pollen contributes to the protection of the pancreas and the production of insulin. Suffering diabetes it is desirable to use alcoholic tincture of pollen of pine, prepared according to the recipe described above. Drink tincture on the tea spoon for 30 minutes before the start of the meal three times a day. For those who do not have diabetes, tincture of pollen serves as an ideal preventive.

In cosmetology:

Pine pollen improves the regeneration of skin cells, relieves inflammation, heals, removes harmful substances. Preparations based on it are used for acne, freckles, dandruff, furuncles, dryness and skin fatigue. Most of the pollen make masks, mixing a couple of spoons of sour cream, juice of half a lemon and half a teaspoon of pollen.

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