
"Neurox": reviews, instructions, price. Analogues of "Neurox"

Among the population there is an opinion that there are substances that can inhibit the oxidative processes in the body, caused by the destructive effect of free radicals, thereby slowing the aging of cells. These substances can be of natural or synthetic origin, and they are called antioxidants. One of these drugs, belonging to the antioxidant group, is Neurox. It is better to start using the drug as directed by a doctor, rather than appoint it yourself. This is due to the opinion of medical experts that food additives that have antioxidants in their composition can be dangerous to humans and can harm their body.

Main Components

The main constituent of the preparation is eilmethylhydroxypyridine-succinate, the dose of which in 1 ml of the substance is 50 mg. In addition, the composition of the drug includes auxiliary components: sodium disulfate - 1 mg, water for injection - not more than 1 mg. The form of the Neurox preparation is injections. Instructions for use are always attached to the drug, which is offered to customers in ampoules of 2 or 5 ml. Ampoules are packed in cardboard boxes of 5, 10, 20 pieces (2 ml each can be packed in 50 pieces).

The impact on the body

"Neurox", whose reviews are both positive and negative, reliably protects the membranes of neurons (brain cells) from any influences from the outside.The presence of this drug contributes to more efficient blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, which, in turn, improves saturation Neurons with oxygen .. Under the influence of "Neurox" in the brain, the concentration of dopamine increases (in another way this substance can be called a pleasure hormone) .This leads to the fact that fear and tension go away, anxiety is removed The person taking Neurox is more effective in resisting stress, mental activity is activated, the probability of convulsions is reduced, the cycle of sleep-wakefulness processes is normalized, Neurox has indications for the use and, if necessary, the normalization of metabolic processes In the ischemic myocardium.The drug will reduce the necrotic zone, restore (or significantly improve) the contractility of the heart muscle, its electrical activity.

With intramuscular injection, the effect of Neurox's effect will persist up to 4 hours. To achieve the highest concentration, 20 to 40 minutes after the injection is needed. The main active ingredient quickly gets from the blood into the organs and tissues. The drug is excreted from the body with urine, previously decomposed in the liver into metabolic products.

Indications for use

Antioxidant drug "Neuroks" is appointed as part of complex therapy for any disorders of cerebral circulation. "Neurox" indications for use are regulated as a drug effective in the complex therapy for ischemic strokes and its various consequences. Justified will be the use of the drug in neurocirculatory dystonia and dyscirculatory encephalopathy. It is appropriate to use the drug in neurotic and neurosis-like anxiety states, a good effect can be expected if it is necessary to remove the withdrawal syndrome with alcoholism, when poisoning with neuroleptic drugs.

You can talk about the effectiveness of the drug in the occurrence of disorders of attention and memory, a decrease in the level of efficiency. For elderly people, its use in neurological and mental age problems, atherosclerosis of the brain vessels is actual.

In addition, Neurox (injections) positioning instruction as an effective drug in such acute purulent-inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity as acute necrotic pancreatitis and peritonitis (as part of complex therapy).

Who should refrain from taking?

Contraindication for the reception of absolutely any drug is the individual intolerance of its components. It is also relevant for Neurox. Instruction, expert reviews do not recommend introducing it to people suffering from acute disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Pregnancy and lactation are also an undesirable time for the use of the drug, as there is currently no clinical experience with the drug. In addition, there are age limits - children under 18 years of age (efficiency and safety have not been determined).

Cautious should be people who have a history of allergic diseases and reactions.

Dosing regimen

Dosage regimen of the drug Neurox, instructions for use (the price of the drug, by the way, is directly dependent on the volume of the package) recommends selecting specifically for a particular patient, focusing on his health and the presence of certain diseases. The form of release of the drug allows it to be administered intramuscularly or intravenously in the form of injections. The jet preparation is administered no faster than 5-7 minutes. With the drip method from 40 to 60 drops for one minute. Usually the administration of the drug begins with a dose of 50-100 mg. Injections can be done from one to three times during the day. Further, the dose gradually increases until a stable therapeutic effect is obtained. The maximum possible volume of "Neurox" is not more than 800 mg per day.

In the presence of acute circulatory disorders in the brain in the first 2-4 days, intravenously administered 200-300 mg of the drug (one-time). Further up to the end of the course three times a day intramuscularly injected 100 mg. If the patient suffers from all sorts of neuroses, neurocirculatory dystonia - he is usually prescribed to intramuscularly administer 50 to 400 mg of the drug within a day for 2 weeks.

With discirculatory encephalopathy in the stage of decompensation, the course of treatment can last up to 28 days. The first half of the treatment period (2 weeks) the patient is given intravenous injections of 100 mg of the drug 2-3 per day, depending on the state of health. Further to the end of the course - one injection per day intramuscularly without changing the dose. For preventive purposes, with such a disease, twice a day, intramuscular injections of 100 mg of Neurox are made. The total treatment period can be from 10 days to 2 weeks.

In patients with alcoholism for the removal of very unpleasant manifestations of withdrawal symptoms, injections can be given intramuscularly at a dose of 100-200 mg 2-3 times a day, or intravenously 1-2 times a day, while maintaining a dose. The course of treatment usually lasts 5-7 days.

With the poisoning of all kinds of neuroleptics, doctors prescribe intravenous injections with a total dose of 50 to 300 mg of the drug per day. The course can last for 1-2 weeks.

In elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment, the treatment period can last from 2 to 4 weeks. The total dosage for a day is usually 100-300 mg of Neurox.

Exceeding the permissible dose: consequences

When taking "Neurox", increasing the dose above the maximum allowable may cause disturbance of the cyclicity of the sleep process (difficulties with falling asleep or drowsiness). If the drug was administered intravenously, the arterial pressure may increase slightly within 1.5-2 hours. Usually, there is no need for any special medical measures, the symptoms of an overdose run on their own within 24 hours. If the consequences are sufficiently pronounced, then with difficulties with falling asleep, one of the following drugs is indicated: Nitrazepam (10 mg), Oxazepam (10 mg), Diazepam (5 mg). If the arterial pressure has risen to sufficiently high levels, it may be necessary to take antihypertensive medications. The pressure must be constantly monitored.

Especially it should be noted that in the process of treatment, "Neurox" should be careful when driving a car. In general, any kind of activity requiring concentration of attention and rapid reaction of psychomotorics should be done with caution.

Price range

On the drug "Neurox" (injections), the price varies depending on the form of release and the number of ampoules in the box. Packaging of 5 ampoules of 5 ml is offered to buyers at a price of 260 to 318 rubles. A package of 10 ampoules of 2 ml can be purchased for a sum of 308 to 420 rubles. However, from a financial point of view it is more profitable to purchase a package of 50 ampoules of 2 ml, the cost of which is in the range from 970 to 1070 rubles.

As for the substitutes for Neurox (analogs), the price for them varies widely and depends on the form of release and the size of the package. For example, the price range of the drug "Mexidol" is from 80 to 460 rubles; "Crestor" can be purchased for an amount of 500 to 4,500 rubles.

Opinion of consumers about the drug "Neurox"

Having become acquainted with the opinion of people, one can see that reviews are not always positive for Neurox drug. On the one hand, patients with degenerative lesions of the nervous system write that after a course of various supporting drugs (and "Neurox" including) the physical condition improves significantly, it leaves weakness, it becomes easier to move.

On the other hand, patients with vegetovascular dystonia after the course of treatment with Neuroxom did not see any visible improvements. Some patients with headaches and vasospasms also did not receive the expected effect.

In such cases it is important to find a competent and interested in your patient doctor. It is this doctor who will be able to choose the most combinable drugs for treatment, to choose the right dosage for the needs of this particular patient. Without such a reception scheme, Neurox is a simple tool that gives the potential for a good result. If the tool is configured - a positive effect will be obtained, there will be no effect.

Another specific group of patients expressed their opinion about Neurox: in patients with alcoholism, the antioxidant quite effectively removes the withdrawal syndrome caused by the sudden cancellation of alcohol. Even the appearance of small side effects from taking the drug does not detract from the positive effect on health.

Side effects

Virtually any drug in the process of admission, there may be some side effects. Neurox was no exception. Feedback from patients and health care providers indicates the potential for side effects of the drug, especially if it is injected intravenously. Of the most pronounced - a feeling of dry mouth, an unpleasant "metallic" taste. In addition, there may be a kind of "tides" (sensation of warmth spreading through the body), an unpleasant sensation in the throat. If the drug is injected at a faster rate than prescribed by the instruction, there may be discomfort in the chest area, a feeling of lack of air. As a rule, such manifestations are of a short-term nature.

The drug "Neurox", the indications and the need for which is evaluated by the attending physician, can cause nausea, increased gas formation in the intestine, up to the appearance of intestinal colic, with a long period of admission. Perhaps a sleep disorder: insomnia or a persistent feeling of drowsiness.


The antioxidant "Neurox" analogues has many medicinal groups. Similar in the medical field is called interchangeable drugs, which have similar indications for use and belong to the same pharmacological group. "Neurox" has a lot of analogues, but before you buy any of them, you should definitely consult with a specialist about the replacement. In addition, it is necessary to study the instructions for the use of the drug Neurox, reviews about it and the proposed analogue.

Similar to the "Neurox" effect on the human body have drugs from the nootropin group ("Piracetam"). "Nosepam" and "Sibazon" - benzodiazepine tranquilizers - are also analogues of "Neurox". Drugs that regulate cerebral circulation ("Vinpocetine") and antioxidant agents (vitamins C and E) have a similar effect on the body.

"Vinpocetine" is one of the most popular analogues of Neurox. Instructions for use (the price of both drugs is close to each other) recommends taking Vinpocetine to those patients who have problems with cerebral circulatory insufficiency (encephalopathy, various stages of stroke, ischemic attacks). Also, the drug is prescribed to those who have mental disorders and neurology, manifested in memory disorders and motor coordination, headaches and dizziness. Specialists-ophthalmologists appoint "Vinpocetine" to patients with vascular diseases of the retina, the eye membrane, in the presence of symptoms of secondary glaucoma. In otolaryngology, this analogue of "Neurox" is prescribed by specialists with developing senile hearing loss, with dizziness.

One of the most frequently used analogues of Neurox is Mexidol. The drug is prescribed in the presence of acute disorders of cerebral circulation and diseases caused by such disorders. Indication for the use of "Mexidol" is the disruption of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system (the tone of the vessels decreases). Also, the drug can be prescribed for withdrawal of the withdrawal syndrome (occurs after a sudden stopping of alcohol intake, narcotic substances) in people with alcoholism or drug addiction.

Has Neurox analogues in the group of drugs designed to combat high cholesterol. One such - "Crestor" - is prescribed if the patient has a disease such as hypercholesterolemia. The drug is prescribed both at the primary stage of the disease (type 2a), and in a mixed form (type 2c), if non-pharmacological methods (changes in diet, physical activity, weight loss) do not give the desired effect.

Insufficiency of cerebrovascular activity (inadequacy of the brain's need for oxygen with its intake) can be regulated by such an analog of the Neurox as Vazobral. The drug is successfully used in cerebral atherosclerosis, is effective in reducing mental activity and attention, memory impairment and orientation in space. Specialists prescribe "Vizobral" for prophylaxis to patients suffering from migraine, dizziness, tinnitus, which have damage to the walls of the retina vessels (retinopathy). The drug is also effective in chronic venous insufficiency.

"Vijaysar" is another analogue of Neurox. Instructions for use, reviews of patients and specialists characterize it as an effective tool for normalizing blood glucose levels and patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In addition, the drug can be recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, ischemia, atherosclerosis). The drug is used in the presence of chronic diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis. The presence of different manifestations of allergy also serves as a sufficient reason for taking Vijaysar.

"KardiASK" is another well-known analogue of Neurox. Instructions for use (analogues are also accompanied by such a document) regulates the drug as a good preventive against such formidable diseases as acute and repeated myocardial infarction. Unstable angina pectoris, stroke prevention, thromboembolism (after operative and invasive vascular interventions), deep vein thrombosis - all this is the reason for the medical specialist to prescribe the drug.

To treat patients suffering from various abnormalities in the cerebral circulation, which may result in a decrease in memory, attention, and deterioration of intellectual abilities, another analogue of Neurox, Ginkoum, is used. Usually, medical specialists prefer to prescribe this drug as a component of complex therapy with deterioration of blood microcirculation and peripheral circulation. Symptoms of such a disease are pain in walking, a feeling of cold in the limbs, spasms of the calf muscles. In addition, this analogue drug is effective in worsening of the functioning of the inner ear, which is expressed in impaired coordination, dizziness, and tinnitus. According to consumers' reviews, "Ginkoum" is a worthy analogue of Neurox, the price for which can fluctuate from 170 to 280 rubles per package.


Here, perhaps, and all that can be said about the drug "Neurox". Feedback, price, effect from application, indications and contraindications - all this has been described in detail in the review.

In any case, it is up to the patient (together with his attending physician!) To be better and more effective in a particular disease. Take a good antioxidant drug, which is "Neurox", or stop focusing on a quality, well-established analogue among patients and doctors.

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