
Nettle broth for hair - an affordable and effective remedy

Who among us would not like to have healthy beautiful hair? It does not matter whether you are a man or a woman. The strong sex suffers when they have even the slightest hint of bald patches and bald spots. Men are more prone to such an age manifestation as hair loss. What to say about women, because such a problem did not pass them by. Especially, striving for perfection, using the new trends of fashion in painting, marking, chemical wave and other tweaks to make their appearance impeccable, women think from the momentary beauty, not understanding what harm they do to their hair. Especially it concerns young girls. Such experiments can result in hair loss.

If you are affected by this problem, then one of the recommended remedies may be a decoction of nettle for hair. Nettle is a useful and affordable herb that you can collect on your own in May and June or buy at a pharmacy. Included in the composition of vitamins, acids and other elements make the plant useful for the whole organism. The broth of nettle for hair includes macro- and microelements, which help in strengthening and ensuring normal growth of curls.

There are many recipes for cooking decoctions. The composition can include only nettles or a combination of several herbs, each of which carries its own particular benefit. What cooking recipe to choose, it's up to you. There is no doubt that an excellent assistant in the recovery and recovery of your head of hair is a decoction of nettle for hair. Reviews of such a wonderful tool speak for themselves.

Cooking recipes

  1. Cut fresh nettle leaves, pour 6 tablespoons of herbs into 0.5 l of water, add the same volume of apple cider vinegar. To cover with a lid. Put the boil over low heat. After half an hour strain and squeeze the boiled grass. The broth of nettle for the hair is ready. Use by rubbing into the roots.
  2. Get rid of oily hair will help rinsing with a decoction prepared from 2 glasses of water and 1 glass of sea buckthorn juice, with the addition of 100 g of nettle leaves. Boil over low heat for half an hour. Rinse with broth, previously diluted with water at the rate of 1 part of the product and 2 parts of water. Reduces the secretion of fat, strengthens hair, eliminates dandruff.
  3. In dandruff, it is useful to use complex means such as a decoction of nettle for hair, as Rubbing into the scalp and rinsing. When ingestion also helps to solve problems. Prepare a mixture of herbs. The composition includes: nettle, burdock root, plantain, St. John's wort - one and a half of any measure; Mint, corn stigmas, marigold flowers - one part of the same yardstick. A tablespoon of the prepared mixture pour 1 cup of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes on low heat. Then insist another 45 minutes. Strain, the remnants of the boiled grass to squeeze. Take a third cup for half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Infusion of nettles for hair at least Effective decoction. Only the way of preparation distinguishes them, the result will be in any case. Regular use of funds from such an affordable plant, like nettles, will restore your hair health. Be beautiful!

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