Spiritual developmentReligion

Neradenie is a despondency and lack of will, mastering a person. Non-occurrence: definition, meaning, characteristics and consequences

What is negligence? How does it affect a person's life? These and other issues we will consider in the article. Non-acceptance is a negligent attitude towards one's duties. The Fathers of the Church claimed that carelessness, negligence and inattention do more evil in people's lives than some particular sins.

Sin can strike us with its disgrace, its horror and its vulgarity. And negligence, oblivion of the fact that the fate of the mortal is deep, that the human part goes into the abyss of God and opens for eternity - it strikes us fundamentally and sometimes absolutely: so that the individual tends to be smaller and can no longer grow up to the extent of its meaning . And by vocation a person is deep and great.

Shiarhimandrite Abraham

Shiarhimandrite Abraham often recalled the Gospel story of how Jesus Christ, on the last night before his torment after the Last Supper, offered a prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. This prayer itself was the beginning of the torments of our Lord. The Evangelist Luke said that Jesus sent prayers to the bloody sweat. Other evangelists also testify to the kind of struggles he experienced.

In the God-Man Jesus, two wills functioned: human and divine (that is, fearful agony and hesitating). As a result, the Savior, although not without the support of the angel who strengthened him, prevailed over himself, the will of the mortal obeyed the will of God.

But Jesus on this terrible night remained a perfect, real man. In this case, impeccability means not the highest step in the evolution of the being, but the fullness of the human nature of the Savior.

Feeling fear and struggle during the reading of the prayer, Jesus asked his human help from his immediate disciples - John, Peter and James. Those who, as written in the Gospel, showed the greatest zeal, though sometimes unreasonable, but still sincere.

And now the Savior, returning to his disciples after his first prayer, found that they were asleep. He reproached them for not being able to wander a single hour. As you can see, the most zealous disciples of Jesus, having lost spiritual courage, succumbing to physical weakness, could not withstand the test worthy of the future that awaited them.


So, negligence is a terrible thing. It is known that the apostle Peter smazolodushchnach and the Savior denied three times. All the other apostles began to run away. Until the end of Jesus, only John the Theologian remained .

Pray and watch, let not you go into the plague: for the spirit is willing, but the body is weak. The apostles displayed what we today would call negligence. Probably, they had any valid reasons: fatigue, sorrow, fear, irrationality of what is happening.

The evangelist Mark says: "Bia Bo boasts them with a burden" (Mark 14:40). Why were their eyes burdened? Perhaps, from crying? Be that as it may, in the end, the apostles showed negligence, which led to a monstrous embarrassment.

The Apostle Peter

Little is known that negligence is a sin. Thus, the Apostle Peter was very sensitive to the above-mentioned moment. When in the courtyard of the priest the Lord looked at him with mute reproach, he burst into tears sobbing. According to legend, throughout his entire life, the apostle Peter, having heard the rooster's singing, began to sob. He burst into tears even when he was already pardoned and again received the rank of apostle, became one of the most important envoys - a pillar, as evangelist Paul spoke of him.

On the icons of the preacher Peter is recreated with grooves on the cheeks, which in icon painting is a sign of penitent tears.


Holy fathers talk about negligence a lot. This sin can lead to terrible trouble! Especially this should be remembered for those who leave this world. Probably, it seems to them that, having shown some kind of jealousy and changing their way of being, they left behind all the dangers and temptations, and they left very little to do for salvation.

But Shiarhimandrite Abraham writes that the change of position and clothing in the ether of salvation does not provide. We can internally remain the same or even become much worse.

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) informs bitterly that he saw many people leading a monk's life and having already acquired passions in the abode, which they did not have in the world. He believes that these people did not have repentance.


What does negligence mean? Irresponsibility, negligence, idleness, neglect and insensibility in the affairs of faith. That is, when a person negligently refers not only to everything that surrounds him, but also to the cause of his salvation.

When the fast begins, it would seem that the one who worries about fasting is somehow prepared. Many in the post enter slowly, little by little, just sin, live without much change, which should not be. Abba Isaiah says thus: "Non-acceptance and laziness is a rest in this world." That is, when a mortal indulges in negligence and laziness, he wants to relax, to find peace in things, in the energies and thoughts that belong to this world. There is a pacification of flesh, bodily wisdom, when a person tries to find in his essence such a point that he never strains himself, wants simply to do nothing, be relaxed, and for this to receive various benefits.

And now the very philosophy of this life in principle is this: the maximum of profit, the minimum of labor. Accordingly, this leads, of course, to the colossal spiritual distortions.

Old Testament

How is negligence treated in Orthodoxy? What kind of action is this? What does the Old Testament say about him? In the book of Proverbs (in the Old Testament), the wise Solomon states that negligence and laziness are stupidity, and every stupidity, according to the teachings of the book of Ecclesiastes, the book of Proverbs, is evil. It is very bad to be stupid, there is nothing good in this.

In a remarkable parable it is said: "It is better to meet on the road a bear, deprived of cubs, than a fool with his stupidity." Think, what juxtaposition! If you meet a bear, deprived of cubs, then you will surely perish, there is no other way out. After all, she will kill a man, because she has been deprived of children, she takes revenge on people. Every person who gets a bear on the way, undergoes an imminent death. And Solomon says that it is better to meet her than to face a fool and his stupidity, so this was considered evil.

New Testament

Now you know that negligence is a negative phenomenon. The Lord in the New Testament says specifically that laziness is a negative feature of human existence: "lazy is a servant of the wicked one," and then lazy and negligent virgins who did not take care of buying oil and so on are also mentioned.

The Lord Himself affirms that the lazy in life do not acquire anything good, and it is terrible. And the Holy Fathers report that laziness and negligence is not even an ordinary sin, it is a real detriment to a person's life, which makes from a mortal some log, a weak, weak-willed, unreasonable being.


In Proverbs it is written: "He who does not walk about his ways will perish" (Proverbs 19:16). This saying also applies to spiritual life. If we do not care about our ways, we, of course, will be lost if the Lord does not forgive us. If we do not worry about studying at school, can we get anything? If we do not care about the upbringing of the kids, then the children will grow unrefined. Accordingly, all perfectly understand that negligence and laziness - this is a real death for a person, especially the collapse of spiritual being.

Correlation of sins

Where does laziness and negligence come from - which of the passions from the other happens? The Holy Fathers in various materials write that as laziness is born from negligence, so negligence arises from laziness - these sins are acted upon by mutual assistance. That is, they nourish and encourage each other.

If a person is lazy, then after all, he does not care about everything. If a person in any case neglected - after that, he is visited by laziness, he loses his strength, he becomes ill-suited for any good deed.

There is also a plea, created especially for people suffering from inattention, dispersion, non-observance in prayer. It has the following content: "Lord, assemble my absent mind and cleanse the icing heart, give me repentance as Peter's, as tears for a harlot, as a tolling for the toller, and for the great voice call Ty, God, save me, for I am One Compassionate and Humane" .

The pernicious influence

It is known that demons and demons intensify their pressure on the lazy and negligent. Rev. Sirin Ephraim said that demons like to disturb those who like laziness and negligence in prayer. As someone there to disturb, then - resting, approached what you want - put this mortal in the mind, in the soul, and everything will lie on plowed, fertilized soil. Man does not resist at all. Accordingly, such people are evil and likes to attack.

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