
Mummy for hair in shampoo: how many tablets are needed?

Healthy beautiful hair is the most luxurious decoration for a woman. But what if the hair condition is far from ideal? There are simple and effective ways of returning beauty and health, one of them is adding a mummy to hair shampoo, reviews about this recipe are very good.

What is a mummy?

It is a product of natural origin, it is called mountain tar, tears of mountains, mountain balsam. It looks like pieces of dense substance of irregular shape resembling frozen resin, their size may be different. The surface is matte or shiny, the color is black or brown. The mummy has a special smell, since the formation of this substance involves plants, microorganisms, soil, animals. Scientists still can not give an exact answer about the origin of this substance.

Its composition depends on the deposit, it can differ significantly. After the mummy is freed of impurities, it becomes a homogeneous mass of black or brown, with a shiny surface, a bitter taste and a specific odor.

How useful is the mummy?

If this word is strange for the ear to translate from Greek into Russian, then we get "preserving, protecting the body." And indeed it is. In its composition there are biologically active substances, microelements, useful acids, vitamins, not all to list.

Mumiye is able to accelerate the regeneration processes in the body, increase resistance to negative environmental factors. It strengthens and heals, is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Avicenna believed that this means only death can not be defeated, with all the rest it will cope.

All this is wonderful, you will say, but how will it help the hair? The condition of the hair depends very much on the state of the whole organism as a whole. If the immunity is weakened, the nutrition lacks vitamins and minerals, there are diseases - all this can cause hair loss, dimness and thinness. Therefore, work on the beauty of hair should be conducted on all fronts - both from the inside and outside.

Helping the hair from the inside

Make sure that your food was high-grade, there was enough protein (meat, fish, eggs, milk), vitamins (fresh vegetables and fruits), beans, seeds, nuts, cereals (oats, buckwheat, millet).

Start taking pharmacy vitamin complexes, selected specifically for hair. Just remember that vitamins and nutrients reach the hair in the last place, first of all the body uses them for more important organs. To see the results of proper nutrition and intake of vitamins on the hair, you will have to be patient and wait at least 2-3 months, not a month, as often written in the instructions to vitamins.

If problems with hair are associated with reduced immunity, a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, then the reception of the mummy will help.

Helping Hair Outside

If you want to get results quickly, we add hair care procedures. For example, a solution for hair mummy. You need to take 2 g of mummy, dissolve in a glass of water, apply the solution to the roots 1-2 hours before washing your hair. Instead of water in this recipe, you can use an infusion of burdock root. For two tablets, 100 ml of infusion is required. This agent accelerates the growth of hair.

Another simple way is to add the hair mummy to the shampoo. You can use a regular shampoo, which you wash your head regularly, or acquire a neutral base and enrich it. It is best to use natural shampoo, without harmful additives.

Adding a mummy to the hair in the shampoo stimulates the hair follicles due to the fact that the circulation of the scalp improves. As a result, hair grows faster, becomes more dense, due to the awakening of "sleeping" hair follicles, they acquire a lively and pleasant shine.

Add the hair mummy to the shampoo better immediately before use, but it is more convenient to prepare immediately the whole bottle of the remedy and gradually use. Wash the enriched hair, as usual, to keep the shampoo on your hair specifically, like a mask, it is not necessary.

Mummy in hair shampoo, prescription and proportions

Choose the optimal proportions you need depending on whether you want to add a hair mummy to the shampoo once or with a stock. How many tablets are needed per bottle of shampoo?

One bottle of 0.5L shampoo needs 10 tablets of the drug. It is not necessary to crush them, they dissolve well. Be prepared for the shampoo to change color and get a specific smell. Enrichment can not only shampoo, but also hair masks - both purchased and homemade.

To enhance the effect of the mask, you need to put a polyethylene hat on your head and wrap your hair with a towel. Keep the mask on your hair for longer than 30 minutes is not necessary, so as not to dry your hair. Regularity of masks - no more than once a week.

If only one application you want to add a hair mummy to the shampoo, how many tablets will it take? In this case, one tablet will suffice.

Remember that one-time procedure will not bring the desired result, use the mummy for hair in shampoo need regularly, then you will get the desired effect.

To buy a mummy is easiest and cheaper in tablets, but this is not the only form of release. There may be blocks, capsules, you can also buy ready-made shampoos and hair masks that contain a mummy.


Mummy, as a potent agent, has contraindications. It is not recommended to use mummies for pregnant and lactating women, its reception is incompatible with alcohol. There are a number of diseases when it is necessary to use the mummy very carefully. Therefore, before using the product inside, you should always consult a doctor.

However, all this applies to the use of the drug inside, if you plan only to add a mummy for hair growth in shampoo, in masks, to make a solution for the roots, then there is no contraindication for this method of application, except for individual intolerance.

Feedback on applying mummy

Does shampoo help with mummies for hair growth? The testimonies of the girls who tested the product on themselves show that the hair becomes more shiny and dense, after a month of regular use, hair loss is reduced, a hedgehog appears from the growing new hair, the fatiness of the scalp decreases, and dandruff disappears.

But there is an important point. Mumie dries hair, so use the product carefully, and if the hair is already dry, then choose another option for care or add to the mask burdock, olive or castor oil.

Be sure to try this simple and inexpensive recipe - add the mummy to the hair shampoo. Reviews about your results will be useful to other women who want to improve their hair.

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