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MOLCHALIN: Characteristics of the character. Speech characteristics of Molchalin ("Woe from Wit")

Comedy by A. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" was created in 1824. Because of the expository content of the work, it was published only in 1833, and even then selectively. Only in 1862 a full-fledged comedy saw the light. In his work, the author wished to express that he had been sick for so many years of contemplation of hypocrisy and sycophancy of people around him. The comedy "Woe from Wit" is a confrontation between an intelligent, thinking person with an active life position, an open and honest person with vile, vile, wicked people who care only about wealth and ranks.

General Characteristics A. A. Molčalina

Faithful dog Famusov, a friend of Sophia's heart, a sycophant, a hypocrite, a bureaucratic official, the main antagonist of Chatsky-that's who Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin is. Characteristics of the central character of the comedy shows a typical representative of the Famus society, to which its corrupting influence was rendered by serfdom and bureaucratic morality. Since childhood Molchalin was taught to be servile, to please everyone: the boss, the master, the butler, the janitor's dog in the end, so that she could be affectionate.

The nature of the character is fully revealed by the self-speaking surname. In general, Alexei Stepanovich is silent, tolerates humiliation, cries, even if unjust reproaches. He understands perfectly well that a clan official can not live in this frailty and cynical society without the support of powerful people, that's why he pleases everyone around, trying not to quarrel with anyone, to be good for everyone, and he does it excellently. The author of the comedy is sad that the society is teeming with such heroes who know how to silence, stroke the dog of an influential lady, say a compliment, raise a handkerchief and for all this receive formal rewards and ranks, in reality remaining servants.

Quotation Characteristics of MOLCHALIN

The secretary of Famusov is characterized by various comedy characters: Chatsky, Sofia, Famusov, Lisa. Someone speaks of him as a modest, beautiful, quiet and timid man, ready to endure all humiliations and reproaches. Some heroes of the work guess about his low soul, and only a few see the true face of Molchalin.

Sophia sees in Alexei Stepanych a fictitious image: "For the sake of others I forget myself", "the enemy of insolence, always timidly, timidly." The girl thinks that MOLCHALIN is shyly behaving, because he is modest by nature, not suspecting that this is just one of his masks. "He serves for three years with the priest, he often angry, but he will disarm his silence, forgive the kindness of the soul," Aleksei's slavish obedience speaks of his definite life position, suggesting to remain silent, endure, but not get involved in a scandal.

The true face of Molchalin reveals to Liza: "Why are you with the young lady modest, and with the maid of the rake?" Only her secretary talks about her true feelings for Sophia. On the duplicity and pettiness of Alexei Chatsky also guessed: "He will reach the degrees of the known, because now they love the dumb", "Who else will settle everything peacefully! There, the patter will pat on time in time, then the card will be punched in time ... "A brief description of Molchalin shows that his silence is not at all a manifestation of stupidity. This is a well-thought-out plan for obtaining benefits.

Speech characteristic of MOLCHALIN

The manner of conversation of Alexei Stepanich very successfully characterizes his internal appearance. Sneaking, obedience, servility are the main features of the character character, therefore in his speech there are traced diminutive words, self-deprecating intonations, exaggerated courtesy, obsequious tone. To please people is richer and higher in rank, the hero adds to words the prefix "c". MOLCHALIN is mostly taciturn, without unnecessary need to talk, tries not to join. His eloquence, he shows only with Liza, before which he can remove the mask and show the true face.

The ratio of the hero to Sophia

The ability to please helps in moving up the career ladder - that's what MOLCHALIN thinks. Characteristics of the character suggests that he even started a novel with Sophia for the reason that she is the daughter of Famusov, and it is impossible to refuse a close relative of the chief to perform whims. The girl herself came up with a hero and imposed her feelings on Alexei Stepanich, making him a platonic admirer. To please the lady, he is ready to give up his native philistine dialect and communicate in a language of silent looks and gestures. MOLCHALIN silently sits quietly next to Sofya, reading novels with her, only because she can not refuse the daughter of the chief. The hero himself not only does not love the girl, but also considers her a "lamentable".

A comparative characteristic of the images of Molchalin and Famusov

The problem of bureaucracy is one of the main issues addressed in the comedy "Woe from Wit". Characteristics of Molchalin gives the reader an idea of a new type of officials of the early XIX century. They are with Famusov refer to the world of bureaucrats, but still not similar to each other, because they belong to different ages. The master is an elderly rich man with an established opinion and a career. Alexei Stepanich is still young, that's why he goes to small officials and only climbs up the career ladder.

In the XIX century, a new type of Russian bureaucrat, who refused the commandments of the "fathers". This is the characteristic of Molchalin. "Woe from Wit" is a story about a social and political conflict that expresses the position of society. Whatever it was, but Molchalin still belongs to the Famusov surroundings, and just like his boss admires the ranks and wealth.

Molchalin and Chatsky

The comparative characteristics of Molchalin and Chatsky show how different they are. Molchalin - Secretary Famusov, has no noble origin, but has developed his own tactics, following which he builds himself a reliable and comfortable future. Once again, you can not extract words from it, but he knows how to run on tiptoe, work with papers and appear at the right time, and this is liked by many. Silent, obliging, spineless people were valued in the era of Nicholas I, so such as Molchalin, was waiting for a brilliant career, awards for merits before the homeland. In appearance he is a modest young man, he likes Sofya with his meekness and compliance, pleases with his patience and silence Famusov, fawns at Khlestov and only maid Liza reveals a true face - vile, hypocritical, cowardly.

Chatsky is the embodiment of the image of the Decembrists, a romantic nobleman who reveals the vices of serfdom. It is his antagonist is MOLCHALIN. Characteristics of the hero shows that it embodied the features of the advanced thinking man of the early XIX century. Chatsky is convinced of his rightness, that is why he unhesitatingly preaches new ideals, reveals ignorance of the present rich people, exposes them to false patriotism, inhumanity, hypocrisy. It's a freethinker who fell into a rotten society, and that's his trouble.

Life principles of the hero

The heroic symbol of servility and meanness was Griboyedov's hero Molchalin. Characterization of the character shows that Alexey Stepanovich has programmed in his head from the very childhood a plan for how to get into people, make a career, achieve a high rank. He walked along his path, not turning aside. This person is absolutely indifferent to the feelings of other people, he will not give anyone a helping hand if it is unprofitable.

The main theme of the comedy

Through the whole comedy "Woe from Wit" the topic of bureaucracy is stretched out, which in the 19th century was raised by many writers. The bureaucracy of the state was growing and turning into a serious machine, grinding all the rebels and working as beneficial to it. Griboedov in his work showed real people, his contemporaries. He set himself the goal to ridicule certain traits of a person, to show the tragedy of the society of that era, and the writer did it perfectly.

History of the creation of comedy

Once in Moscow, a rumor spread that Alexander Griboyedov had gone mad. University professor Thomas Evans, alarmed by this news, decided to visit the writer. In turn, Griboyedov told his interlocutor the story that happened to him on one of the balls. He was fed up with the antics of a society praising a Frenchman, an ordinary chatterbox, who did not do anything remarkable. Griboedov could not restrain himself and told everyone around him what he thought of them, and someone from the crowd cried out, as if the writer was a little out of himself. Alexander Sergeyevich was offended and promised to create a comedy, the heroes of which will be those unlucky zlopyhateli, called him crazy. That's how the work "Woe from Wit" came into being.

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