EducationThe science

Modern man: what is he like?

Turning to philosophical anthropology, we note that today many scientists from this area believe that modern man has contradictory features: on the one hand, he is the creator of the great achievements of our time, and on the other hand, the ordinary consumer who does not think about the need for self-development.

Of course, in every culture there are outstanding personalities that contribute to the progress of progress, and also inactive people, but if we imagine a modern person as a collective image, then the picture certainly looks contradictory.

Modern man: the cult of success and morality

Today, the common for the representatives of different cultures is the desire to achieve success. It is interesting that earlier the person considered the success of the manifestation of heroism (the period of 50-200 years ago), the creation of strong family bonds and the birth of healthy offspring, i.e. Social realization without taking into account material benefits.

Now the measure of success (in most cases) is money, and the pursuit of them is sometimes aimed at destroying the environment, and sometimes self-destruction.

It can be said that material and spiritual value in the understanding of modern man merge into a concept with one meaning, material, while earlier people endowed them with great differences.

Nevertheless, in society, so far, such concepts as charity, kindness, and sympathy are of great importance: this is indicated by the various organizations created for the material support of the poor.

Therefore, we can say that the value orientation of modern man is polar: one can find examples of both altruistic behavior and selfish ones.

Modern man and technology

Another distinguishing feature of modernity is the increased pace of introduction of new technologies and devices. And this is what distinguishes the life of a modern young man, it is inextricably linked with technology.

Electronic devices have become of great importance for many modern people, they become not only a part of everyday life, but even form a way of life. One has only to imagine a day without a computer and the Internet. Some can not be organized without them, and others simply will not find what to do, and yet they will turn to other technical devices: telephone, radio, television. 200 years ago, people existed without these devices, and now life without them would be very complicated.

Therefore, we can say that the life of modern people is very closely related to technology, its quality largely depends on technical capabilities.

Modern man and the problem of freedom

Previously, the issue of freedom was not as acute as it is now. Man has learned to defend his rights, appreciate the expanded opportunities and respect others' freedom. This is a positive feature of the present: practically everyone has the maximum possible freedom of development, which allows them to show their talents. This contributes to the development of progress and testifies to the humanity of the world outlook. Equal rights are important and useful for society. And the fact that they are now realized is a positive feature of our time.

What a modern man should be like

The historian and sociologist Boris Porshnev derived such a notion as "neanthropus," by which he understood the type of person of the future, but he pointed out that his representatives can still be found today. This person has such characteristics:

  • Free, not subject to someone else's suggestion (developed self-awareness);
  • Abstract thinking, developed will and ability to suggestion are used only for creative purposes;
  • Striving for the vital balance of society (no revolutions);
  • kindness.

According to the scientist, such people can lead society to prosperity and reduce the number of conflicts that are destructively affecting all areas of life.

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