
Minusinsky tomato: description of the variety, weight, taste, cultivation

Tomatoes from the family of Solanaceous cultures have many names, one of which is the Minusinsky tomato. On the ways of reproduction, the wisdoms of growing and its useful properties, read this article.

Historical reference

The tomato "Minusinskie" became famous in Siberia in the late 19th century. In those days, such a gardener lived Starukhin. He brought out a special variety, suitable for growth in the Siberian cold. Later this tomato was called "Minusinsky". The fact is that in the East Siberia there is the Minusinsk hollow, which has a unique microclimate. It is here that the tomato "Minusinskie" is grown.

They have excellent taste, large size and high yield. Starukhin grew a tomato weighing seven hundred and forty-five and a half grams. The diameter of this vegetable was forty-three centimeters. This was the greatest achievement at the time. Since then, the locals began to grow tomatoes everywhere. The governor of the region has officially established a holiday in honor of the Minusinsk tomato.


Minusinsk tomatoes, the price of which is slightly higher than other varieties of this crop, differ in the shape of the bush. The plant seems fragile due to thin stems and twigs. Therefore, immediately after landing in the ground, it should be tied up so that the wind does not break. Stepchildren are formed in large numbers. They need to be removed, leaving 2-3 pieces. This is enough to get several kilograms of tomatoes from one bush. The maturity period of the Minusinsk tomatoes falls at the beginning of July. Harvesting continues until August. Ripe tomatoes have a sugar taste, they are not watery and very large. Everyone weighs almost a kilogram. One tomato is enough to make a salad.

What is needed for cultivation?

You can get a high yield of tomatoes only from a strong bush. To do this, it is necessary to introduce organic fertilizers into the soil, and to carry out preventive measures to protect plants from pests and various diseases. Usually these problems are solved with the help of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. But this is not the best way to grow a Minusinsk tomato High Quality. Why poison the vegetable with chemistry and spoil its taste, when you can use natural fertilizers and completely free.

They are under your feet on the backyard. These are fallen leaves, weeds, twigs. They should be collected in a heap, cover and give time for decay. You get a compost mass, which you can use to fertilize the land. Minusinsk tomatoes, grown in a nutrient-rich environment, will not lose their flavor and health benefits and will be protected from disease.

Soil cultivation

Usually in the late autumn after harvesting or early spring before planting the land is plowed or dig through. This is a very laborious work. But nobody ever thinks about whether it is necessary for plants. In fact, microorganisms live in the soil: useful, neutral and harmful. Some help, others hinder the cultivation of the Minusinsk tomato, ruthlessly destroying the fruits of our efforts.

When digging the soil, we turn it over, creating unfavorable conditions for a natural balance, in which harmful organisms multiply rapidly. But there, where the human foot has not set foot, the plants are growing rapidly and are well-fruited. This is because there is no interference, and then life-giving microorganisms predominate over harmful microbes.

Minusin tomatoes, cultivated in fertile soil, are stronger and less susceptible to various lesions. For a culture such as tomato, it is not necessary to dig up the entire bed. Try to disrupt the balance of nature as little as possible. It is enough to dig a hole under the plant and loosen the soil around it.


Tomatoes in general, and in particular tomatoes of the grade "Minusinsky", are considered the most labor-intensive crops in cultivation. Their biological cycle is long-term, and therefore they are grown mainly by seedlings. At the initial stage of development, Minusinsk tomatoes need special care . Seeds must first be soaked, and then sown. The further development of the entire plant depends on how strong the new shoots appear.

To swell the seeds, they must be placed in clean water. So that they sprout faster, the land should be moist and warm, about twenty to twenty-two degrees. In this case, the shoots will appear in a week. If the soil temperature is below sixteen degrees, the plants absorb phosphorus and nitrogen less, which adversely affects the development of accessory roots and access to moisture. Seeds, of course, will germinate in this case, but the first shoots will have to wait a whole month. Remember, at temperatures below five degrees and above forty-three plants are damaged, and then die. In the open ground seedlings are planted in May.


The first stages of development take place at home. Minusinsk tomatoes. Seeds germinate and give amicable shoots. At this stage, no difficulties arise. Later, when the plants begin to grow up, in addition to water they need light and mandatory temperature fluctuations during the day. Have to sweat fairly to ensure a comfortable growth of young plants. Boxes with seedlings will have to be moved from place to place repeatedly. And otherwise, care for Minusinsk tomatoes is the same as for other varieties of these vegetables.

When two or three leaves appear, a pick is made: each plant is transplanted into a separate container of small size. One-time glasses will do. In them, tomatoes will grow about a month. Weak plants are not suitable. Once a week, the seedlings should be watered, and after half a month after transplanting - feed with an aqueous solution of nitrofoxy: one tablespoon per bucket of liquid. A month later, they again sow sprouts, but already in pots of large sizes. This is necessary in order to inhibit the growth of plants, otherwise the stems will be fragile and unstable, and the roots are weak.

That the bush grows strong, the top part of plants is trimmed, as a result of which there are stepsons. As the growth increases, the lower shoots are removed so that they do not thicken the bush. Leave only a pair of top. They will tie themselves to the support. Before planting on a permanent place of growth, seedlings must be hardened. You can start in April, when the air warms up to twelve degrees of heat. To do this, boxes with plants are carried to the loggia, at night they cover with foil. Seedlings are considered ready for planting with 8-12 leaflets and at least one inflorescence.

What are the values of tomatoes?

Often the Minusinsky tomato is called a miracle-berry. And this is not accidental, because it contains vitamins A, B, C, K, PP. In tomatoes, a lot of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, iodine, fluorine, zinc. Almost the entire periodic table. The daily use of only two tomatoes of medium size replenishes the daily requirement for vitamins necessary for normal metabolism.

It is recommended to consume fresh vegetable juice for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood, and stomach. Help restore the memory and improve the performance of Minusinsk tomatoes. Reviews about this variety of vegetable culture are always only positive. People love them and buy them in large quantities. Tomatoes are used fresh. They can be preserved, fried and boiled. They are an ornament and addition to various dishes.

Day of Minusinsk Tomato

The status of the event of regional significance was received in 2004. Since then, every August 15, there are mass festivities in honor of the famous tomato. Townspeople and residents from the regions come to the Minusinsk tomato with pleasure. Ogorodniki display the largest and most beautiful specimens. The main intrigue of the holiday is the identification of the winner. They become a man who has grown the largest tomato.

Fairs are arranged not only for the purchase of unique vegetables, but also for entertainment. Here, masters of applied arts, famous creative teams come from all over the region. The holiday of the Minusinsk tomato is a brand event. It forms an image of the unique nature of the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which contributes to the development of tourism.

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