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Learn the secret of how to teach parrots to talk

Every bird lover, acquiring a parrot, dreams that his pet will necessarily speak well. How to teach parrots to talk? It is established that almost any parrot (except for "non-speaking" species) can and should be taught to imitate human speech. Even the parrots of the coral, wild and hot, and many others master simple phrases.

Create the conditions for learning

There is no difference in what kind of bird you have - a female or a male. More important is the nature of the parrot (sociable or shy).

  • Parrots learn faster, being among people talking. The most talkative birds live in the homes of pensioners and housewives, who are often at home. Do not keep the bird in an isolated room - take it to the kitchen or living room.
  • The society of other parrots will interfere with the mastery of human speech, because in the environment bird sounds will prevail.
  • Educate parrots should be as early as possible. In young years, birds learn much faster. The wavy parrots of the Czechs are already able to take lessons in a month and a half of life.
  • Instruct teaching for one member of the family. Although all the others can help in the process (to invent phrases and communicate with the bird), but someone must be engaged in it. This may well be a school-age child who will benefit from such activities. Firstly, he will learn patience, because parrots do not immediately begin to speak, and, secondly, such an instruction, how to teach parrots to speak, will help the child become more responsible.
  • Although parrots, unlike dogs, do not associate their successes in conversational speech with delicacies, which they are awarded by people, but they are more eager to learn when they are given personal attention. For example, they hold a ball for play on their hands or roll with them.
  • Very effectively the next action - before the beginning of the lesson, for example in the morning, to release the parrot from the cage. This will help him get used to the learning process. Morning and evening are the best time to practice, because during these periods they are most active and noisy.

Tips on how to teach parrots to talk

The training of parrots in colloquial speech, as well as any training, should be approached methodically.

  • Set a goal and start classes, remembering that regularity is the key to rapid success. The time of employment should not exceed 15 minutes is enough.
  • At a time, do not try to teach the bird a few phrases, this will only complicate the process. Much more effective will be the following method: make a list and mark in it those phrases and words that have already been mastered by your pet. Only after this it will be possible to proceed to the next item. Begin with simple tasks - learn short words or a personal name (Gosha, Grusha, Masha). Be especially careful with the words of profanity. If the parrot has memorized such words, it will be impossible to wean it already. The only way out is to prevent them from being heard for a long time. Perhaps he will forget them himself.
  • Knowing how to teach parrots to talk, help your pet learn first of all consonant sounds. Repeat words and phrases need, after short intervals, loudly and clearly pronouncing with a constant intonation (preferably a higher voice).
  • If the parrot is not in the mood (turns away from you), postpone the studies until a convenient moment.

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