Food and drinkRecipes

Learn how to boil potatoes in a microwave.

Each self-respecting hostess knows a lot of interesting and necessary recipes for both local and national cuisines of other nations. An ideal cook should have everything at hand. This and all the necessary utensils, and a set of products, and means for various methods of cooking: gas or electric stove, oven, microwave ...

In order to show her culinary skills, preparing for a celebration or a holiday, the hostess will gladly think in advance about how to find out some new and interesting recipe and to amaze the family or guests who came to her house-friends, relatives. Often recipes pass from each other in the process of communication either from cookbooks, and more recently from the most modern source of information - the Internet. Each recipe a true cook does not repeat literally, but improves, adding its "raisins". That is why, thanks to the creative approach to the simple cause of cooking, and original and mouth-watering dishes are born.

It would seem that the new can be thought of in cooking potatoes? But there are new technologies and lead to new, unusual dishes. For example, a potato in a uniform in a microwave. Take this simple recipe seriously. How to cook potatoes in a microwave oven?

Let's try to figure this out. It is necessary to remember some rules. Of course, any landlady will cope with this, since boiling potatoes in a microwave is very simple. The potato is cleaned, well washed with water, laid out in a bowl suitable for an electric stove. Two tablespoons of water are added to the potato, and all of this is covered with a lid. At maximum microwave power the potatoes are cooked for 15-20 minutes. And almost everything is ready. It remains to bring the dish to mind. Whether you want to serve simply boiled whole potatoes in vegetable or mustard oil with greens or mousse puree depends on your taste and imagination, the taste of your guests or family members.

We described the easiest way to cook potatoes in a microwave oven. But there are a lot of cooking options. Tell you one more thing. Peeled and washed potatoes are cut into four pieces each. We put garlic in it. Here we add salt, spices, black ground pepper, we cover potatoes with vegetable oil. Be sure to cover the saucepan tightly with a lid and wait 10-15 minutes. For a more intense taste in potatoes, you can add your own cooking sauce by stirring sour cream and a little mayonnaise. Together with the sauce and herbs, keep the potatoes in the microwave for another five minutes, and a delicious dinner can be served to the table.

Now you know how to boil potatoes in a microwave and can share these recipes with your girlfriends.

Another of the simplest recipes for cooking potatoes in the microwave is the potato in a uniform. It will be able to cook both experienced and novice mistresses. Let us share this recipe with you.

Potatoes in a uniform in a microwave oven

Our old familiar potato in a uniform today looks in a new fashion. Thanks to modern technology, it has acquired new flavor and aromatic shades. In order to make potatoes in a uniform, you need to thoroughly wash the potatoes, put them in a pan. In this case, in each of them, make several punctures with a fork or knife. After 10-20 minutes of cooking at 800-850, the dish will be ready.

Potatoes in the microwave in the package

To get an interesting and unusual taste, whether it is baked or boiled potatoes, it is necessary to clean the root vegetable with vegetable oil with spices and salt, put in a plastic bag, tie it and make a couple of holes for air and steam. 15 minutes - and pleasant and mouth-watering potatoes will please you and your family with taste and color.

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