Sports and FitnessEquipment

Lantern headlamp - on what is capable, how to choose and where to apply

The benefits of modern technical development have already reached such seemingly remote spheres of human life as fishing, tourism, hunting, etc. The mass of all kinds of devices is designed to make a person out of the zone of his habitual habitation more comfortable and safe. One of these devices will be discussed in the article. Lantern headlong - on what is capable, how to choose and where to apply?

What is it needed for

It is obvious. Lantern headlamp frees hands and gives greater freedom of action in the dark or poorly lit places. The scope of application is very different - from the coal mine and to the repair work in the house. Reducing the overall dimensions and reducing the cost of batteries with a larger light flux, achieved due to technical improvements, made the headlamp headlong demanded literally everywhere.

Types of devices

Lamps with an incandescent lamp are difficult to find now, and their acquisition can not be called appropriate. Now everywhere dominated by LEDs. These small, reliable and economical devices give an excellent light intensity and consume a minimum of energy. Thus, to consider the types of headlamps by the light source there is no sense, as incandescent lamps - this is the day before yesterday. But the differences in power supply are worth considering.

Lantern headlamp is on batteries and battery, both kinds have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, batteries need periodic replacement, therefore, are economically less profitable than a battery that can simply be recharged from the outlet. But you need to take into account that not everywhere there is an opportunity to recharge the battery. In a multi-day hiking tour, the flashlight headlamp will be just an extra load, but on a one-day fishing trip or when used on a farm, it certainly is more preferable. However, modern batteries are quite capacious, they may be enough for a few nights, but far from the energy networks it is more reliable to have a stock of batteries.

The power of light

Choose the lantern headlamp based on the luminous intensity described in its passport (counted in lumens) and the number of hours during which the manufacturer guarantees the operation of the device on a single charge or a set of batteries. It is not recommended to buy lanterns from Chinese manufacturers. Usually, there are no documents and instructions to them, therefore, it is impossible to know the characteristics of the product. In practice, one set of branded batteries is enough for them not more than 10 hours of operation. If we compare, for example, with PETZL lanterns, which work 190 hours, and multiply by the number of batteries required for the "Chinese", it will be obvious that it will not be possible to save, to put it mildly.


You do not need to try to save on high-tech products, among which is the headlight. For fishing, tourism and sports, this device is often just indispensable, it must be extremely reliable. But the measure also needs to be known, since some manufacturers take too much for their "masterpieces".

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