Sports and FitnessHockey

KHL is a European hockey league

Hockey in Europe is very popular. At international championships, European teams play at a fairly high level. Given that the Russian hockey league needed to be updated for a long time, the management decided to take drastic measures.

What is the abbreviation of the KHL?

KHL is an open international Continental Hockey League. The first championship, according to all its organizers, was experimental, since it is impossible in the first year of existence to take into account all the nuances in organizing the largest hockey league in the world. It was organized on the basis of the Russian Super League. In the KHL draw the following are determined:

  1. Winner of the championship. In the KHL championship, the team that wins the most points after all the games of the regular season wins.
  2. Winner of the division. It is revealed as a result of all the games of the regular season.
  3. A pair of participants in the playoff games. All KHL games are drawn up in advance by the leadership of the league. They are organized in such a way as to arouse the greatest interest among the spectators.

Format of the championship

The KHL Championship consists of two conferences, which are divided according to the geographical principle: Eastern and Western. Each conference has two divisions. Proceeding from this, it turns out that there are 4 divisions in the KHL, each having 7 teams, with the exception of Chernyshev's division, since recently the team "Krasnaya Zvezda Kunlun" was added there, and it became the eighth in a row.

Each KHL team must play four games with other teams in the division and two games with participants from another division of their conference. In addition, each representative of the league will additionally play 4 games with representatives of his division.

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For the winning match, each team of the CHL takes a maximum of three points. Two points are awarded to a team that was able to win in extra time or in shootouts. If the team lost in extra time or in shootouts, then it only gets one point. When a team loses a match, not a single point is awarded.

At the end of the games, the winner of the division is the team that scored the most points. Counting is conducted taking into account absolutely all games, and not only on the results of games inside the division. All results of the matches are recorded by the leadership of the KHL.

The table, presented for the teams and their fans, includes the statistics of the performances of the teams in the conference and separately in each division.

Draw of the playoffs

Each team playing in the KHL, can participate in the first stage of the playoff championship of the Continental Hockey League. To do this, it must take at least 8 places in its conference. The first two places in the draw of the playoffs are awarded to teams that took first place in their division. Other places are occupied by teams in order of decreasing the number of points.

As a result of the drawing, the winners of the conferences will be identified first. And after these teams will compete in the final. In the Gagarin Cup, the club wins, which won all the wins in the games. At each stage, the participants will hold a series of games to four wins.

The first champion of the league was the Kazan "Ak Bars". This club showed strong hockey throughout the season and rightfully took all the prizes.

Extension of the league

KHL is the largest hockey league in the world. Immediately after the founding, 21 Russian teams took part in the drawing, and teams from Belarus, Latvia and Kazakhstan played in the championship for the joy of the fans of hockey. KHL is a prestigious and popular league in which many teams want to participate. Since the beginning of the base, the number of participants has steadily increased.

Now the championship is played by 29 teams. Representatives from Croatia, Finland, Slovakia and even from the PRC were added. The list of applications for participation from different countries is growing. But not everyone wants to meet the requirements of the league.

The KHL is a prestigious league, for which participation requires an initial contribution and stable further funding. And it also requires the presence of its own stadium, which will meet the requirements.

Many were surprised by the addition of league teams from Beijing. It was created specifically to participate in the KHL. The club included Chinese stars and eighteen foreigners. Trainer was appointed known to all Russian fans Vladimir Yurzinov, Jr.. Results in the first season while the team is bad. But in the future it will necessarily grow and will compete with the grandees of European hockey.

The Continental Hockey League is developing and striving to become better. By the degree of entertainment, it is already in no way inferior to the National Hockey League. Not for nothing many leading players leave it in the KHL. Pavel Datsuk and Ilya Kovalchuk after the creation of the league returned to their homeland.

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