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Plaques in the carotid artery: treatment. Cholesterol plaques: causes, symptoms

Sleepy arteries are vessels that provide blood to the brain, as well as other organs of the neck. They pass through the region of the chest, the neck, the human brain. There are often cases when plaques form in the carotid artery. Treatment should be immediate, as this condition can lead to severe brain damage and even cause a stroke.

The process of formation of plaques in the vessels

As a rule, the walls of arteries have a smooth structure. Thanks to this, blood flows well into all internal organs. However, under certain conditions, the vessels narrow, since atherosclerotic plaques form on their walls. They can consist of cholesterol, calcium, other lipid substances. With a progressive disease, the arteries can become completely clogged. Blood supply in the area of the skull is disrupted.

Cholesterol plaques in the carotid artery are one of the causes of stroke. In some cases, the surface of such formation becomes rough. At the same time, an inflammatory process begins, a thrombus arises, which not only clogs the artery, but also migrates with the flow of blood.

Stages of formation of lipid plaques

The first stage of this process is lipoidosis. At the same time small spots are formed from lipids, they have a yellowish color. When the disease progresses, they combine into strips. Next (at the stage of liposclerosis) lipids impregnate the vessel wall, the skeleton of the plaque itself is formed. It can be either soft, or with a dense structure. Plaques of the latter type worsen blood flow. The last stage is the formation of complicated cholesterol plaque. Increased pressure, increased blood flow velocity - such moments can lead to destruction of the integrity of lipid formation. Completely close the lumen of the vessel in case of calcification of the plaque.

What are the causes of the appearance of cholesterol plaques?

Atherosclerotic plaques appear in the carotid artery most often when other vessels of the body are affected. Contribute to this process factors such as smoking, irrational nutrition with an abundance of fatty harmful food. Also, the disease develops due to diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension). Provoke the occurrence of cholesterol substances may increase thrombosis.

Symptoms of the disease

Early stages of the disease can occur without any signs. However, if a plaque was formed in the carotid artery, the symptoms of atherosclerosis development are as follows: the patient becomes sluggish, there is an increased weakness. Also, a man complains of peculiar tingling, mainly in one half of the body. It may lose control of one limb (arm or leg). The memory is broken. Another plaque in the carotid artery also causes symptoms: inarticulate slurred speech, decrease and total loss of vision in the eye. There may be faints.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Although such manifestations of ischemic attack may disappear after a certain time, it is impossible to ignore them. Paying due attention to violations of this nature, it is possible to prevent a stroke.

Diagnosis of carotid artery lesions

First of all, the expert listens to complaints, asks questions about the symptoms and the time of the problem. Then the pressure is measured, ultrasound is determined (using contrast). Thus, the structure of the vessel, the blood flow in it, is evaluated. If the information is not enough, the doctor recommends a computer tomography. Angiography is also possible. A contrast medium is injected, the artery is examined using X-rays. In the images obtained with such a diagnosis, all the structural changes in the vessels are visible. However, this method of visualization is rarely used, because the risk of damage to the plaque and various complications is quite high.

Conservative therapy

If plaques are found in the carotid artery, the medication can be medicated. The doctor prescribes medications that lower the cholesterol level - statins ("Krestor", "Lipidor", "Zokor"). Lipid metabolism is also normalized (Clofibrate, Gemfibrozil, Fenofibrate). Experts with the help of medications lead the blood pressure indicators back to normal. Medicines that lead to the dilution of blood are used. Thus, the appearance of clots is prevented. The doctor recommends changing the diet in the direction of eating foods with low cholesterol. If the patient smokes, the first symptoms of the disease should be the reason to get rid of the bad habit. More severe cases of atherosclerosis of the carotid artery require surgical intervention.

The affected carotid artery. Plaques, the operation to remove them

If the disease is severe and the risk of a stroke is high, specialists will perform an operative intervention. Operation on a carotid artery can be carried out by two methods. Endarterectomy provides for a small incision through which the cholesterol plaque is extracted. Can be administered under local or general anesthesia. After such intervention, the patient remains in the hospital for several days. This removal of plaques in the carotid arteries is a fairly effective and widespread method of treatment. If this operation can not be carried out due to some circumstances, then angioplasty and stenting under local anesthesia are performed. A special instrument - a catheter - is inserted through the femoral artery. Through it passes the equipment necessary for manipulation. Angioplasty allows you to investigate the degree of damage to the vessel, restore its lumen.

Stenting as a method of treating atherosclerosis

Stenting is an operation on the carotid artery (and also other vessels), which involves the installation of an endoprosthesis in its cavity. The stent is a tube of metal, which consists of separate cells. Its main task is to keep the artery in a straightened form. Thus, the artery does not clog, the blood circulation in it comes back to normal. Such an operation to remove plaques in the carotid artery is carried out as follows. A contrast is introduced through the catheter in the femoral artery. In the area that is above the affected area, a stent is delivered. Produced its installation, expansion of the vessel. With the help of an image on the monitor, a specialist monitors the course of the operation. At the final stage, the stent filter and catheter are removed.

Rehabilitation period

If surgically removed plaques in the carotid artery, treatment is necessary and in the postoperative period. It should be prepared for the fact that the therapy will be quite long. Prescribe drugs that will prevent the appearance of blood clots. It is also necessary to take statins. These are substances that slow the development of atherosclerosis. Arterial pressure should be under strict control. Visits to the neurologist should be made regularly, especially when the symptoms of the disease recur. It is worth remembering that stenting will not relieve atherosclerosis. However, it can prevent stroke and significantly improve the quality of life.

Folk remedies for cholesterol plaques

If plaques are diagnosed in the carotid artery, treatment with folk remedies will help improve blood circulation, somewhat widen the lumen of the vessels. Used herbs, such as valerian, motherwort. They have a calming effect, expand the arteries. Horse chestnut liquefies blood, helps normalize fat metabolism. The hawthorn has a positive influence. It normalizes blood circulation in the brain, stabilizes the heart rhythm and pressure. Folk remedies for the treatment of plaques, the use of which shows a positive dynamics - dog rose, sea buckthorn. On the basis of dogrose prepares tincture (using alcohol). This agent is used for 20 drops several times a day. If alcohol consumption is not possible, the briars are simply brewed.

Recipes are also known with the use of garlic. It is used in its pure form, alcoholic tinctures are prepared. It is proved that it stimulates metabolism, has a positive effect on lipid metabolism.

Products useful in the clogging of blood vessels

To reduce the number of cholesterol formations (plaques in the carotid artery), treatment and prevention should imply a nutritional adjustment. You should know the products that are especially useful in atherosclerosis. Cucumbers have a good effect on the vessels. Potassium, which is contained in them, is useful for the heart and nervous system. Beetroot has similar properties. The juice of this vegetable contains potassium, magnesium, a large number of vitamins. Reduces the level of cholesterol product such as corn oil.

Bananas are also extremely rich in potassium. They are recommended to be used in both hypertension and atherosclerosis. Normalizes the chemical composition of blood honey. It is a storehouse of useful microelements, vitamins. Experts recommend to use honey regularly (if there are no contraindications, allergies). You can make a mixture of dried fruits. For this, crushed dried apricots, prunes, lemon, add a couple of spoons of honey. Useful and buckwheat. Also, the berries of sea-buckthorn deserve special attention. They contain a substance that prevents the deposition of cholesterol. Use them fresh or ground with honey (sugar).

Preventing the occurrence of cholesterol plaques

In order to protect yourself from such a disease, you should stop smoking. Alcohol is also better to exclude (or significantly restrict). But physical activity is extremely necessary. You should also carefully select food. Preference is given to vegetable fats. In order that the body does not retain fluid (and do not increase the pressure), the amount of salt is recommended to reduce. It is necessary to refuse and from reception of fried food. If a person suffers from diabetes mellitus, hypertension, visits to the doctor should be of a regular nature. In order for the body to be in tone, and health persisted for as long as possible, it is important to avoid stressful situations.

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