HealthDiseases and Conditions

Infectious mononucleosis in children: treatment should be timely

If we talk about infectious mononucleosis, it is important to clarify that this pathology predominates mainly in childhood. So, infectious mononucleosis in children is a disease common in medical practice, provoked by the herpes virus and attributing itself to infections of acute viral ethnology. We are talking about a specific pathogen, namely the Epstein-Barr virus, the penetration of which is accompanied by fever, tonsillitis, generalized lymphadenopathy, characteristic changes in the blood composition, enlargement of the spleen and liver, in addition, the pathology can acquire a chronic form. It is often possible to confuse angina and infectious mononucleosis, the treatment of the latter has its typical features.

The disease is transmitted through the air by direct contact with a potential patient, and in case of defeat, "quarantine" of infectious mononucleosis continues for a couple of weeks. It is necessary to study in detail all the characteristic symptoms of such pathological process as infectious mononucleosis in children, then treatment will be timely.

First of all, it should be clarified that at an early stage the disease manifests itself spontaneously, because already on the second day a strong chill and signs of general intoxication reach a higher limit. Since the infection of the body, weakness, arthralgia, headache, myalgia, and a rapid temperature increase are observed. And the most surprising thing is that the usual antipyretic drugs are not able to bring down the heat for several days, which once again confirms that if there is a suspicion of infectious mononucleosis in children, treatment should be appointed exclusively by a knowledgeable specialist. After all, only an experienced doctor can in a timely manner prevent the chronic course of this illness. A chronic form of the pathology of "infectious mononucleosis in children" is extremely undesirable, the treatment of which is very protracted. Why is this happening? Long stay of a pathogenic microbe in the body does not pass without a trace, many patients experience a sharp deterioration in their habitual state. In addition, chronic mononucleosis develops against a background of certain pathological processes. These can be long-lasting or neglected diseases with a huge content of microorganisms that are subject to the Epstein-Barr virus, as well as the accumulation of this virus in the affected tissues and the concomitant defeat of a number of organs. Hence the differences of specific symptoms.

If infectious mononucleosis is detected in children, treatment should be rapid and "shock on all fronts," so to speak. To hospitalize the patient or not, the doctor should decide, proceeding from the degree of progression of the disease, but more often such an ailment is still treated at home. Requires bed rest and a special diet in the presence of concomitant complications. The general direction of intensive therapy is not, it all depends on the nature of mononucleosis, but most often perform detoxification therapy with the lack of antibiotics. The main task of such treatment is desensitizing, symptomatic and restorative effect on the body with regular rinsing of the oropharynx with solutions of antiseptics. In case of serious complications, antibiotics are recommended, but their reception is often accompanied by the appearance of a skin rash, which disappears after their withdrawal.

Unequivocally, the following can be said: predominantly seasonal pathology is "infectious mononucleosis in children," the treatment of which requires special care and all the instructions of an experienced physician capable of preventing the occurrence of extremely undesirable complications.

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