
Industries. Classification of industries

All branches of the national economy are divided into two large spheres: productive and non-productive. The existence of organizations belonging to the second group (culture, education, consumer services, management) is impossible without the successful development of enterprises first.

Industries: the definition

Relate to this part of the national economy, enterprises that carry out activities aimed at creating material goods. Also, the organizations of this group produce their sorting, moving, etc. The exact definition of the production sphere is as follows: "The aggregate of enterprises that manufacture the material product and render material services."

General classification

In the development of the national economy, the production sphere plays a very significant role. It is the enterprises related to it that create national income and conditions for the development of intangible production. There are the following main branches of the production sphere:

  • industry,
  • Agriculture,
  • building,
  • transport,
  • Trade and catering,
  • Logistical support.


This industry includes enterprises engaged in the extraction and processing of raw materials, the manufacture of equipment, the production of energy, consumer goods, as well as other similar organizations, which are the main part of such an area as the manufacturing sector. Industries belonging to the industry are divided into:

  • Power engineering. Enterprises belonging to this group are engaged in the generation and transmission of electrical energy, as well as control over its sale and consumption. Production of any kind of product without organizations that carry out such activities is impossible.
  • Metallurgy . This industry, in turn, is divided into two sub-sectors: color and black. The first group includes enterprises engaged in the extraction of precious metals (gold, silver, platinum), diamonds, copper, nickel, etc. Steel and iron are produced at the iron and steel works.
  • The fuel industry. The structure of this industry includes enterprises engaged in the extraction of coal, oil and gas.
  • Chemical industry. Technological manufactures of this type produce products of very different purposes. The latter can be divided into four main categories: basic and special chemicals, consumer goods, life-support products.
  • Forest industry. This group includes enterprises that harvest logs that produce sawnwood, as well as paper, cellulose, matches, etc.
  • Mechanical engineering and metalworking. Plants in this area are engaged in the manufacture of equipment, tools and machines.
  • Light industry. Enterprises of this group produce mostly consumer goods: clothing, footwear, furniture, etc.
  • Industry of building materials. The main activity of the factories and combines of this industry is the production of products intended for the erection of buildings and structures (concrete mixes, bricks, blocks, plasters, heaters, waterproofing agents,
  • The glass industry. The structure of this industry includes, among others, factories for the production of porcelain and faience. Enterprises of this sub-sector produce dishes, plumbing, window glass, mirrors, etc.

All industrial enterprises are classified into two large groups:

  • Extractive - mines, quarries, mines, wells.
  • Processing - combines, factories, workshops.


This is also a very important area of the economy of the state, falling under the definition of "production sphere". The branches of the economy of this orientation are primarily responsible for the production and partial processing of food products. They are divided into two groups: livestock and crop production. The structure of the first includes enterprises engaged in:

  • Cattle breeding . Growing large and small cattle allows the population to provide such important food products as meat and milk.
  • Pig breeding . The enterprises of this group supply lard and meat to the market.
  • Animalism . Of the skins of small animals, mostly worn things are produced. A very large percentage of these products are exported.
  • Poultry farming . The agricultural enterprises of this group supply the market with dietary meat, eggs and a feather.

To plant growing are such sub-sectors as:

  • Growing of cereals. This is the most important sub-sector of agriculture, the most developed in our country. The agricultural enterprises of this group of the production sector are engaged in the cultivation of wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, etc. On how efficiently this sector is developed, the degree of provision of the population with such important products as bread, flour, cereals depends.
  • Vegetable growing . This kind of activity in our country is carried out mainly by small and medium-sized organizations, as well as by farms.
  • Fruit growing and viticulture. Developed mainly in the southern regions of the country. The agricultural enterprises of this group supply fruits and wines to the market.

Plant cultivation and such sub-sectors as potato cultivation, flax cultivation, melon growing, etc., belong to plant growing.

The industry and agriculture are considered to be the main branches of the production sphere. However, an equally important role in the economy of the country is played by enterprises and other groups that are in close contact with them.


The organizations of this group are engaged in the erection of buildings and structures. It can be both objects of household purpose, and cultural, administrative or industrial. In addition, construction organizations develop designs for buildings and structures, perform their reconstruction, expansion, major repairs, etc.

With the groups of enterprises of this type, absolutely all other branches of the production sphere are in cooperation. Construction companies can work both on government orders, and on specific organizations or individuals.


The organizations of this area of the national economy are responsible for the transportation of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. The following branches of the production sphere enter into it:

  • Motor transportation. The companies of this group mainly deliver goods for short distances.
  • Marine . This type of transport is mainly carried out by foreign trade (oil and oil products). In addition, marine companies serve remote areas of the country.
  • Rail transportation. Within the developed economic zone, trains are the main transport that delivers goods over long distances.
  • Aviation . Companies of this area of the transport industry are engaged mainly in the transport of perishable goods.

The success of the operation of enterprises in such sectors as agriculture, industry, construction, etc., directly depends on the efficiency of the activities of transport group companies. In addition to the above-mentioned production areas, organizations that transport oil, products of its processing, gas, etc. .


No less important role in the economy of the country is played by such branches of the production sphere as:

  • wholesale;
  • retail;
  • catering.

Its subjects are enterprises and organizations engaged in the sale of goods produced by industry and agriculture, as well as related work and services. Catering companies include canteens, shashlik, cafes, restaurants, pizzerias, bistros, etc.

Material and technical support

The main kind of activity of the subjects of this branch of the production sphere is to provide enterprises of industry, agriculture, etc. with working capital: components, containers, spare parts, rapidly wearing equipment and tools, etc. The logistics support group also includes organizations, Engaged in supply and marketing.

Thus, the branches of the production sphere, the definition of which was given at the beginning of this article, are the most important components of the national economy. The effectiveness of the development of the country's economy as a whole and, as a result, the growth of the well-being of its citizens, directly depends on the success of the activities of the enterprises entering into them.

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