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Icon "Economics": what are they praying for? "Economissa" - the icon of the Mother of God: from what helps?

The modern world of crises and contradictions of the system, strangely enough, is more conducive to the revival of spirituality and Orthodoxy in the Christian world. About God is most often remembered at critical moments, poverty and ruin for many are tantamount to ruin. That's when the person recognizes that there is an Orthodox shrine, whose help, through the prayers of believers, saves from poverty and ruin. The Mother of God "Economissa" is a rare icon of Mount Athos, the savior of the Orthodox from bankruptcy.

Domostroitelnitsa Holy Mountain

Icon "Economissa" has its history since the 10th century, the uniqueness of this image is that he never left the Holy Mount Athos, he was constantly there. It seems that the keeper of the Athos unquenchable lampade never leaves her post for a moment. The last economic crisis attracted thousands of pilgrims who wanted to bow and pray with prayer to the image of the Blessed Virgin. Despite the numerous requests of believers that the icon temporarily leave Athos monastery and thus afforded an opportunity to worship it to all comers, including women, "Economics" continues to be in its place. And miracles create lists from this miraculous image, helping from spiritual and physical difficulties.

The legend of the Athonite keeper

The icon of the Virgin "Economissa" has an interesting and unusual, slightly mystical history. According to the legend, the story began when a terrible famine broke out on Mount Athos. The monks left the monastery, the elder Athanasius last decided to leave the monastery. On the way he met a woman who was asking him about where he was going. Surprised by the appearance of a woman on this earth, Athanasius, in turn, asked the stranger about her. To which the woman replied that she knew Mount Athanasius and could help him. And when asked about herself, she answered that she is the one whose name he called his Abode.

The unbelieving Athanasius asked for evidence, to which he received the answer: "Strike with a rod in this stone and you will understand everything." In the place of impact water appeared, the holy spring was opened , and the Mother of God noticed that now she would constantly be a steward (economy) of the monastery and Mount Athos. At the behest of the Most Holy and Elder Athanasius, since then there is no economist in the monastery on Mount Athos, there is only an assistant to the economist. In memory of the miraculous phenomenon, the icon "Economissa" was written.

The second wonderful phenomenon of the consoler of the human race

The second legend says that during the lifetime of Athanasius, there was another miraculous phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin. The second time, the Most Pure Virgin was seen by the monk Matthew, known among the brethren in the monastery with his zeal and piety. During the service, he suddenly saw the image of the Virgin Mary, accompanied by two angels. She approached each monk and presented them with coins, depending on the degree of zeal for prayer. Several coins went to Matthew. So the steward of the Holy Mountain once again demonstrated her patronage and care for the holy abode. Since that time, one of the most revered shrines of the Holy Mount Athos was the "Economics" - an icon of the Mother of God.

According to our prayers it will be given to us ...

Like any other holy image, "Economissa" became famous for its miracles and the fulfillment of the prayers of those who pray for it. This unique image is prayed: "... O sweetest our Mother Abbess! Gather, the scattered flock of Christ in one and save all Orthodox Christians, granting heavenly life to the angels and all the saints in the Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him honor and glory with His original Father and with the Blessed and Gracious and Life-giving Spirit for ever and ever. Amen".

The prayer of the icon "Economissa" is filled with requests for a petition for sinful peace and intercession before the Lord for sinful people, about unity and peace between people, which is especially important in modern times of turmoil and war. The icon itself and the words of prayer to it seem to remind people of the impermanence of all earthly things, that the Lord will give mercy to us at our requests and solve the problems of this world.

Pilgrims to the Greek monastery Great Lavra

Athos image of the Mother Superior of Mount Athos became especially popular during the economic crisis, copies and lists of the miraculous image began to spread around the world. Representatives of all religious faiths attracted to the peninsula Athos icon "Economics". What the strong are praying to the holy image of this world, it is not difficult to guess. This image of the Lord sent a monk at the time of hunger and deprivation, therefore, and must be prayed for from getting rid of poverty and ruin.

Despite the fact that the Bible says that "it's easier for a caravan of camels to go to the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven," this icon really helps millionaires and the rich of this world. This is because the poor are suffering first and foremost from the poor, since with the stoppage of the work of factories, enterprises people remain unemployed, without means of subsistence. The wisdom of the Lord is endless, miracles that occur at the request of believers, uttered in such an image as the icon of "Economissa," are another testimony.

No woman stepped foot on the blessed land ...

Pilgrims come from the crisis-ridden countries to attach themselves to the miraculous image. At the same time, it does not matter at all what kind of faith the newcomer professes, the icon "Economics" (Domostroitelnitsa) helps everyone with sincere prayers and requests. The only exception is that women can not get to the icon, for they are absolutely forbidden to visit Mount Athos, so as not to embarrass the peace and peace of the monks living there. This is how the Mother of God commanded many centuries ago, when she chose the Holy Mountain for herself, and this prohibition has been observed for many years. Women have the opportunity to bow to copies of the image or lists from it, which are also not devoid of miraculous power. The repeated requests of the Orthodox for the possibility of letting the icon out of the monastery invariably have been refused, since the "Economics" - the icon of the Mother of God - is the guardian of the entire Holy Mount Athos.

Your prayers will be heard ...

The miracles of faith on the prayers of the Orthodox from the icon "Economics" are known throughout the world. In the 19th century, several deeply religious peasants from the Smolensk province went to worship Mount Athos. After spending a few days on the Holy Mountain, praying to many Athonite shrines, they went to bed at night. One of the pilgrims dreamed that their home was in great trouble, but the intercessor from heaven sent help and people were saved. After telling his dream to the abbot of the monastery, the peasants were sent to the Great Lavra to the image of the "Housebuilder". Praying for three days at the image, the peasants received a sign that their prayers had been heard. Returning home, the pilgrims learned that a terrible disaster had been diverted from their native places by their prayers: hunger and poverty, the death of all life, were prevented. The icon of the "Economissa" heard prayers. What are the Orthodox praying to her, from what keeps the human race according to their prayers, the Mother Superior of Mount Athos? The answer to these questions are the numerous miracles, created in a way.

The power of prayer is in faith

Prayer appeal to the Great Intercessor is formalized with a sincere message, as the holy fathers say, "from the heart". There are cases when the Domostroitelnitsa Mount Athos not only saved from need and deprivation, but also healed from infirmities and diseases. So, even in the 18th century, a pious and hard working woman and her little daughter were healed of illness, hunger and want. The sick and needy woman constantly prayed to the miraculous image and kissed him, the miracle happened, the family's life was normal. So the prayerful lady of the Russian land showed the world once again the wonders of her mercy and love for the human race. The prayer of the icon "Economissa" not only helped those in need and asked for help. The main condition is to formalize your prayer message sincerely and with love.

Holy guardian from hunger and need

Despite the fact that the icon of "Economissa" has never left its place of residence and has not gone around the world, wonderful copies from this image helped throughout the world, since the lists from this icon carry elements of purity and holiness. There is evidence of believers that in atheistic military times in besieged Leningrad people escaped from starvation, praying for the image of "Economics". Despite the fact that hunger, disease and death reigned all around, those who genuinely believed in the miraculous Saints were saved, protected, which was determined by "Economissa" - the icon of the Mother of God. What helps more A unique shrine? It saves from death and disease caused by poverty and hunger.

The meaning of the image for an Orthodox Christian

For many centuries this relic has been keeping the Orthodox world from the misery caused by poverty and hunger. The modern world is no exception, since financial problems in the era of the economic crisis pose a threat to poverty and ruin as close as possible to virtually every family. Some priests, zealous for their service, distributed a small list of miraculous images to every believer in the house, now they help many families of the "Economics", the icon of the Mother of God. What helps? We have already spoken about this. From poverty and hunger.

The financial crisis affects every family, both rich and not very wealthy people, both owners of businesses and enterprises, and their employees. The more important for the modern Christian is the icon "Economics", the value of which for an Orthodox person can not be overestimated. The saint constantly comes to the defense of her earthly children, becomes an inviolable wall between troubles and people, especially where sincere prayers for help are being offered. It is not so important where a person refers to this miraculous image: on Mount Athos or in a small village church, in the silence of a monastery or in a city apartment, sincere prayers and appeals will be heard, and the worshiper will once again receive a unique and magical icon " Economissa ".

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