
How to turn off the computer after a certain time: Tricks

Shutting down the computer is a simple process. True, not always. Today we will talk about how to turn off the computer after a certain time.


Suppose you are downloading a large file. To watch the jump tired and decided to go to sleep. But, about a miracle, in 5 hours the work will be completed. Look at the clock, and there - 00:00. At five o'clock in the morning the download will finish, then you'll wake up at 8 o'clock ... I would not want your "iron friend" to work without stopping. It is at this point that a person asks about how to turn off the computer after a certain time. In fact, it's pretty simple. There are several ways. About them now and will be discussed.


The first, though not quite true, but the obvious method - this is an independent shutdown. So, as you do this every day. In order, say, to turn off the computer after an hour, you need to press the shutdown button after this time. In truth, this method is a playful way. He is connected with the widespread expression that "computers" immerse the person completely in themselves and do not allow to think about time. So, if you decide to turn off the computer yourself at a certain point in time, put yourself an alarm clock or a reminder that will "drip on the brain" until you disconnect your "iron friend" from the network.


Another fairly simple way how to turn off the computer after a certain time is to perform the action through third-party programs. For example, you can use the "Off Timer" or Kshutdown.

When you find, download and install the program, run it. Each time you start, a window opens in which you need to enter the time through which the computer should be turned off. Be careful: somewhere it is indicated in minutes, somewhere in seconds, somewhere in hours. It all depends on what program you have installed. Once you "tweak" the settings, run the "program". Approximately 10-15 minutes before shutdown, many utilities notify users about how many their "com" will be turned off.


If you do not know how to turn off the computer after a certain time in Windows 7, but at the same time, when you want to "cut it out", it coincides with the time when you have finished downloading the file through the torrent, then it will help!

The fact is that in torrent programs in the boot settings there is such a function as "shut down the computer after the download is complete." By selecting this option, you will always be sure that after the end of the "jump" your "iron friend" will be disconnected from the network and go into the rest mode. Not the most successful, but still the method. If you have a computer downloading the program / game / music album for about a week, then you can use this method.

Process execution

Well, where do we go without our favorite function "Run." With it, you can also turn off the computer after a certain time. To do this, go to the Start menu. Find there "Run" and click. Now hammer in there only 3 letters: cmd. Confirm the action. Before you jump out a black window with white letters. This is what we need!

Now type shutdown /? And press "Enter". There will be a lot of "scribbling" in English. If you have a fully Russified operating system - rejoice. In this case, to understand the utility "shatdown" will be many times simpler. If you see English letters, but do not know the language well, then continue reading the article.

In order to answer how to turn off the computer after a certain time, we need only three parameters from all written on a black background. This s is the shutdown of the computer, t is the time through which it is necessary to disable your "iron friend" and a - cancel the shutdown (in case you change your mind).

So, now the most important thing is the start of the process. Type in the same black window shutdows -s -t * time in seconds *. Thus, after "time in seconds" after confirmation of the process, the computer turns off. As soon as you press "Enter", a message will appear in the system tray about how long the computer will disconnect from the network. Fast, convenient and reliable. If you change your mind about shutting down the computer, do the same manipulations, but instead of s write a.

In Windows 7, you can quickly set the time to turn off the computer by "crawling" into the search, located in the "start" menu. Just write there: shutdown -s -t * time * and press Enter. A message will appear in the tray that will inform you how long the session will finish.

New task

Another method, which is similar to the previous one, is setting a new task before the computer to shutdown. For this we need to refer to the "Task Scheduler". You can find it in the Control Panel. Go there to the Administration and select the "Task Scheduler". Now in the right part of the window that opens, find the inscription "Create a simple task". Click on it.

Next, a new task for the computer appears in front of you. Here you have to enter the task name, description and specify the frequency in the "trigger" tab. Click Next. Now you need to set the time for the execution of a task. Now click "Next" again. Enter the executable function (in our case it's shutdown). Do not forget to specify the execution arguments: -s -t * time in seconds *. Click "Ok". You can safely go about their business - the computer will be turned off exactly after such a period of time as you indicated.

So, today we talked about how to turn off the computer after a time, quite definite. As you can see, you can do this in several ways. Honestly, the fourth is the fastest and most widespread. However, to choose only you.

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