
How to take care of a lemon at home to get fruits

Among the many species of citrus plants grown in indoor conditions, the most popular is the lemon. This is a small tree with a shiny bright green foliage, which even without fruits will become a wonderful decoration of any room. Blossoms a lemon for a long time and abundantly, fragrant waxy flowers of white color. At this time the plant acquires a special decorativeness. No less effective is a lemon, hung with bright yellow fruits.

How to care for a lemon at home, so that the plant was healthy and pleased the eye? To do this, you must follow the basic rules of agricultural technology.

All citrus are light-loving, and a lemon as well. It develops better under conditions of bright scattered light, but it is reconciled and with slight shading. The next important factor is the temperature. In the summer it should be room, but for wintering it is preferable to have a cool content - about 10 degrees.

Growing a lemon at home often ends in failure due to mistakes in winter content. Not always it is possible to provide the necessary temperature in conditions of an apartment. In addition, in a cool room, when the plant passes into a state of rest, you need to be able to adjust the watering. He should be very careful that the roots of the lemon are not rotten from overmoistening. In spring, at the beginning of the growing season, watering is increased, while simultaneously starting to introduce fertilizers. Another serious point in the question of how to care for a lemon at home is the humidity of the air. All citruses suffer from its lack, which is reflected in their appearance. Therefore, the lemon tree will have to be sprayed regularly. For the same purpose, the pot with the plant is placed on a pallet with moistened moss or expanded clay.

Transplant the lemon in the spring, as the whole earth coma is braided by the roots. The plants themselves signal the need for this procedure: the soil in the pot dries up very quickly, and roots start to come out of the drainage hole. Soil mixture for transplantation is used nutritious and friable, with a weakly acidic or neutral reaction of the medium.

Knowing how to care for a lemon at home, it remains only to find out where to get this plant. There are several options - to buy in a store, plant a seed or root a stalk. The first method is the easiest - to bring from the store an adult copy, which immediately will bloom and bear fruit. But, of course, the second and third methods are more interesting. It is always interesting to observe the plant, which is evolving from a nondescript bush in a spectacular tree. Before planting a lemon, you need to learn the difference between the seed method and cuttings. The stem keeps the qualities of the mother plant, including varietal characteristics. Turning into an adult tree, it will blossom and give full-fledged fruit. And from the seed will grow "wild", which will have to be planted, using as a scion of a stem of a fruit-bearing varietal lemon. If you do not do this, the sapling will in any case bloom and give fruit, only the quality of these fruits will be unpredictable. But such plants are much more resistant to pathogens and easier to forgive mistakes in care.

In any case, independently growing a lemon, it is necessary in the first years of life to prevent its one-stone development. To stimulate lateral branching, you need to pinch the growth point (the tip of the seedling) from the very early age. To stimulate flowering and fruiting, additional illumination with phytolamps, electric humidifiers and some other techniques are used. In the homeland, in the subtropical climate, the lemons, grown by the seed method, blossom after the fifth year of life. In room conditions, everything depends on care. To the question of how to care for a lemon at home, it only remains to add that the main thing is the love of the plant. If carefully create conditions for him that are as close to nature as possible, the award will be a spectacular tree with fragrant flowers and beautiful fragrant fruits.

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