BeautySkin care

How to remove facial wrinkles?

How to remove facial wrinkles? This question stirs the minds of millions of women. Unfortunately, with such a problem, not only the lady of Balzac's age, but also the very young girl can face. Most often, facial wrinkles appear due to overly mimicry. The facial muscles contract approximately 17,000 times a day, reflecting different emotions. Any expression of joy, anger, resentment, contempt, every smile is fixed by specific muscles. It is in these places that small creases form, which eventually turn into wrinkles. The problem can be solved, but it takes a lot of work to get results. Let's figure out how to remove facial wrinkles, what are the causes of their appearance, and also measures to prevent their appearance.

Well, why, why me?

Of course, you need to start looking for a solution if you are firmly convinced of the reason for its occurrence. The blame for everything can be heredity, severe nervous shocks, metabolic disorders. Significantly accelerate the occurrence of facial wrinkles, various bad habits (meaning not only smoking, but even lack of sleep). But there are a number of other factors that may influence the probability of such a problem: the state of the epidermis, excessive emotionality, insufficient moisturizing and nourishing the skin, the use of substandard cosmetics, the influence of the external environment.

Purpose: to remove facial wrinkles

Any woman should understand that in a few days the problem can not be solved. An integrated approach is important. Begin with folk methods to combat mimic wrinkles. You should use masks that moisturize and nourish the skin. The effect can be observed from the use of apricot, almond, olive oil. They should be applied to the skin around the eyes. An excellent effect gives a mask of strawberries. Cut a few fresh berries and mix with a little vegetable oil. Put a teaspoon of honey and a similar decoction of chamomile. This mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. A wash it should be, using a cotton swab that was moistened in milk. You can also prepare "chamomile" ice, that is, simply to freeze its decoction in molds. Use these cubes to wipe your face every morning.

How to remove mimic wrinkles, you will be prompted and in one of the beauty salons. Of course, everyone has heard about botox injections. But there are also such procedures as mesotherapy, contour plastic, laser lifting, myostimulation and others. Before deciding to take advantage of such proposals, it is worth consulting with a dermatologist.

The problem is not only the area around the eyes or mouth. Many are interested in how to remove facial wrinkles on the forehead. In this case it is recommended not only to regularly apply masks, but also to perform a number of exercises. For example, you can put two fingers on the mimic wrinkle, then start to frown heavily. Do this 50 times. Thanks to the resistance, muscles will strengthen. This exercise is best performed up to five times a day.

To warn is better than to fight

In order not to have to find an answer to the question of how to remove facial wrinkles, due attention should be paid to measures to prevent their occurrence. After 25 years worth of careful monitoring of the skin, do not abuse sunbathing, solarium, decorative cosmetics. You need to drink more water, use creams that are suitable for a particular type of skin. And most importantly - watch your facial expressions. It should not be overly expressed. And before wrinkling your nose or frowning your forehead, you should think about whether you need it.

The appearance of facial wrinkles can be prevented. But if they are still there, do not despair. With them it is quite possible to fight.

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