
How to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive disease

Elevated blood pressure is the main symptom of hypertension. Patients are worried about intense headache, dizziness, pain in the heart. The localization of pain may be different: in the nape, temples, frontal or parietal region of the head. Often it acquires the character of a migraine, can also be paroxysmal, while continuing for many hours, accompanied by vomiting. Dizziness develops as a result of a violation of the tone of the vessels of the brain, and cerebral circulation disorders. It seems to the sick that the ground is running out from under the feet, and all the objects are turning like a carousel. Pain in the heart area can be of the type of cardialgia, and when atherosclerosis joins, it is manifested by attacks of angina pectoris.

Especially dangerous is the rapid increase in blood pressure with the development of the clinic hypertensive crisis. In this case, it is possible to develop severe complications - myocardial infarction, stroke, which threaten not only health, but also the life of the patient.

Everyone who has hypertension is found to know how to lower blood pressure. A further prognosis of the development of the disease depends largely on the timely prescribed adequate treatment of hypertension. In this article, we will consider how to reduce blood pressure in uncomplicated hypertension and during hypertensive crisis.

How to lower blood pressure

With periodic increase in blood pressure treatment should start with non-drug methods, which should be interpreted as a change in lifestyle. These include:

- weight loss;

- restriction of the use of table salt;

- restriction of the use of alcohol and struggle with smoking;

- Increased physical activity;

Necessarily it is necessary to normalize a night dream, to apply improving physical culture, balneological and physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. If the blood pressure is not normalized for several months, it is necessary to prescribe antihypertensive medication. Treatment with antihypertensive drugs at the initial stages of the disease can be exchange rate, periodic. Along with medications, non-medicamentous methods of treatment do not lose relevance. In severe hypertension, treatment with pharmaceuticals should be carried out continuously.

How to quickly lower blood pressure

The need for a rapid reduction in blood pressure arises with the development of hypertensive crisis, which not only significantly improves the overall condition of the patient, but also prevents the possible development of complications.

Hypertensive crisis requires the provision of qualified medical care. When symptoms of a crisis appear, you need to call an ambulance. To facilitate the patient's condition before the car arrives, the patient needs to provide the necessary pre-medical care.

Before reducing blood pressure, it is necessary to measure its performance with a tonometer. First of all, the patient should be reassured, for this you can apply drops of corvalol, valocordin, barbovala and the like. On the occipital region, you can put a yellow card, this will relieve the spasm of blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Inside, you can take a pill of an antihypertensive drug. With severe pain in the heart area, the reception of the nitroglycerin pill under the tongue is indicated.

Qualified medical care for hypertensive crisis consists in parenteral administration of antihypertensive drugs, monitoring the patient's condition. Complicated crisis requires mandatory hospitalization of the patient.

Before you quickly lower your blood pressure, you should know that a rapid decrease in blood pressure can lead to the development of hypotension, vascular insufficiency up to the development of collapse.

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