Sports and FitnessWeight loss

How to quickly remove fat from the stomach

With age, many begin to worry about the problem of how to remove excess fat from the stomach. And this is understandable: the beauty of a special such "increase" does not add to anyone. However, if only the matter concerned beauty! In fact, everything is much more complicated.

Each extra kilogram, hung on the sides or abdomen - it's a blow to human health. Fat fold on the body shows that the internal organs are covered with fat. And this makes their work very difficult. Liver, heart, blood vessels. Excess weight disrupts the work of the spine and joints, excessively overloading them.

Hence, the most basic way to help fight obesity is a healthy lifestyle. That is, of course, you need to exclude from the food baked, fried, floury, sweet, replacing these products with vegetables and fruits, liver and fish.

To carbonated drinks, chips, mayonnaise, fast foods and other products of "quick cooking" in general should be treated as poisons!

But this, of course, is a long-term program. And often everyone cares about the question of how quickly to remove fat from the stomach, at least for two months. And it is doable, though, it will be necessary to make efforts.

One of the effective ways is the daily reception of activated carbon. By the way, it is completely harmless - it simply contributes to the rapid cleansing of the body.

There is another wonderful way how quickly to remove fat from the stomach (by the way, they need to use in combination with proper nutrition) - eating before meals, for about ten minutes, a glass of warm water, which is added with a spoon of apple or any other fruit or berry vinegar . For the pleasantness, you can still dissolve a little honey in the drink. This drink will improve the work of the intestines, reduce appetite and give vivacity.

In addition to what has been said about vinegar, it can be added that it is extremely useful to rub the problem areas covered with fat, and the legs decorated with a braid of varicose dilated veins, as well as the cones on the soles - folk medicine claims that vinegar is a powerful remedy. Even wrinkles on the face become noticeably less, if you rub your face daily with this simple and affordable remedy!

Since quickly remove fat from the stomach for anything will not work without physical exertion, then you can actively attend a fitness club or swimming pool. But if this is for some reason impossible - please turn the hula hoop hoop! Here you are "two in one" - and the load, and massage!

Cosmetologists have developed a lot of money for those who are concerned: how quickly to remove fat from the stomach? It is best to use them in a bath: we rub it where we need to "reduce", we are wrapped on top with food film and add another "park in the steam room". Fat will simply "melt" and drain off from you ... And on leaving the bath do not forget to weigh - 2-3 kg as it used to be!

But it is best to spend this procedure 2 to 3 times a week. Therefore, you can do sometimes without a bath. And to increase the effect of the house on top of the film put on warm clothes and do physical exercises. Only you need to listen to the body, and then some in an agiotage lead themselves to fainting and heart attacks.

If for some reason you do not trust the factory cosmetics - do yours. It is perfect for honey or melted chocolate.

Massage also helps to remove fat where necessary. Therefore it is possible to visit beauty salons or massage parlors, where specialists will make a fat-picking massage. But you can do with your means.

In addition to the usual familiar hand massage, it is perfectly used ... an ordinary kitchen roll. No, not at all in order that the spouse "drove" this weapon lost grace to his wife to lose weight! Although, if you think about it, you can also lose some weight in this way. But basically the rolling pin "rolls" the sides, the waist in the area of the "handles of love" and the belly, gently tap and again "roll out."

Massage canvas or linen sack with heated buckwheat became known to modern cosmetologists and masseurs relatively recently. And meanwhile people used it from time immemorial, and not only for weight loss, but also for cleansing the body of all kinds of infection.

If the question arises, how quickly to remove fat from the abdomen to the man, then the answer is simple: everything that concerns women is just as important to them. This diet, vinegar, charcoal, exercise and massage. But we must add one more method, which is more relevant to men than to women.

Eliminate the beer from the diet! Of course, in large quantities beer is harmful to women, but for men it causes obesity by the female type, since the beer contains female hormones. And not only that beer lovers very soon "overgrown" with an impressive tummy, they also lose their male power considerably. So beer kills a man in a man, depriving him of sex, which, by the way, is also the strongest means for dropping excess kilograms.

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