
How to pull a splinter?

How to pull a splinter? Actions aimed at eliminating this problem are an independent extraction of it using needles or tweezers. In case the foreign body is small and colorless, a magnifying glass is necessary, only with its help it will be possible to cope with such unpleasantness.

How to pull a splinter? Fundamental rules

Do not over tighten with removal of foreign body. A splinter that is in the skin for more than six hours becomes the cause of the inflammatory process. You can not eliminate the problem with dirty hands, with poor visibility, in the absence of tweezers or needles. Before removing the splinter, it is necessary to treat the skin with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or soapy water. Zelenka should not be used, because it will make it difficult to determine the zone of injury.

Another step towards the elimination of splinters is the treatment of the problem zone by potassium permanganate. This will help determine the exact location in which it entered, as this area acquires a darker color than other tissues.

The tool used for removal is also very important to disinfect. To do this, it should be treated with the above antiseptics, burn with a flame or boil.

Below are some more popular tips, which explain in detail how to pull a splinter.

With the help of iodine. For this, you need to periodically treat the sore spot with this substance, and the splinter in your finger will simply "burn out".

Using boiling water. This method helps with a very deep splinter located under the nail. It is necessary to add a few tablespoons of salt in a glass with very hot water and lower the finger into it, which it is recommended to keep in this solution for as long as possible (until the liquid cools completely). According to the feedback, the pain will subside the next morning, and the problem will be eliminated. The main thing is to start to float the problem place as early as possible.

The following recipe will tell you how to remove a splinter with the help of a resin from a coniferous tree. For this, the natural mass should be slightly warmed up and applied to the affected area. After about half an hour, a splinter will appear on the surface of the skin so that it can be easily pinched by tweezers. The resin can be replaced with tar, the nature of its impact is similar. In addition, these natural products have excellent antibacterial properties, thus preventing the inflammatory process at the site of penetration of the foreign body.

How to get a splinter with clay? It is recommended to dilute it with water (or vinegar) to a mushy consistency and apply for several hours. In the absence of this remedy, you can use curd (preferably wet). Both these products effectively draw pus, relieve inflammation and swelling.

To get rid of this problem, you can also use a banana peel. It is enough to tie it with the inside of the affected area and leave a kind of compress at night. The next morning the foreign body will come out. It is recommended to treat the site with iodine.

If it was possible to pull out the splinter, but in place of the wound there were signs of inflammation (but pus does not yet stand out), it is necessary to dip a finger into a solution of vodka with salt. You can also use medicines, for example, "Triderm" ointment. This drug can be replaced by the liniment of synthomycin. The first signs of suppuration - a serious reason to seek help from a specialist.

The above recommendations are applicable in the event that the splinter was pulled out completely. But what if its tip remained deep in the skin? In this case, you can try to apply the following folk method: chew densely sprinkled with salt bread crumb until turning it into gruel. The received weight to place on a plaster and to fix it on a finger not less than for six hours. If, at the end of this time, the splinter has left - on the wound it is necessary to apply an antiseptic, and then the bandage, if not - then go to the doctor.

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