
How to mold a dinosaur out of plasticine? We learn!

How to mold a dinosaur out of plasticine? Now we shall understand this question. Molding of plasticine - one of the most favorite activities of kids. That only do not create small pens! These are flowers, animals, fairy-tale characters and even cartoon characters. They occupy an honorable place among the child's crafts, which parents carefully preserve. But not all the figures a small sculptor can do independently, for example, a dinosaur. Therefore, to help the child parents come. There are many variants of such figures. All of them are sculpted quite simply. The child can be offered to make a good dinosaur with flowers, stegosaurus, brachiosaurus or predatory dimetrodon. The original beast looks like a beetle.

How to mold a dinosaur out of plasticine?

A great gift for a grandmother or mother will be a figure of a pretty dinosaur with a bouquet of flowers. It can be any color - yellow, blue, green or red. Selecting a plasticine bar, you need to divide it into three equal parts, from which the head, body and legs with a tail will be made. The first piece should be divided with a knife in the following way: first also into three equal parts, and then one of the resulting pieces - in three parts. Of the two smallest pieces, the front paws are obtained, and the two smaller ones are the rear ones. The two remaining largest pieces must be blinded together, rolled in sausage and pulled out so that the dinosaur has a head with neck, trunk and tail.

Then you need to make your hind legs. To do this, take two smaller pieces, give them a cylindrical shape, pull out a little from the bottom, and flatten them from above. Front paws make it even easier - just roll the little pieces into sausages and lightly press them down. Now you can collect a dinosaur, as you work, smoothing out all the roughness and roughness on the surface of his body. Only a small piece of plasticine remains unused. It is needed for the crest on the back and for the eyes.

Having nipped off from this part just two tiny pieces, from the remaining plasticine we form a lot of balls that need to be placed on the back of the dinosaur and slightly flattened. The comb is ready. With a knife on the clay or sticks, holes for the nostrils are made, fingers on the paws and jaws are cut out. From white plasticine, teeth, eyes and claws are made. And the two remaining pieces are the eyelids. Now it remains only to dazzle the bouquet and put it into the clutches of the dinosaur.

Another variant

How to clay plasticine dinosaur with a trunk of cones? Very simple. You will need a fir or pine cone and clay. A dinosaur can be monochrome or, conversely, bright. Having decided on the color scale, you can start modeling the composite parts of the body. Here everything is simple. It is necessary to roll a ball for the head, make a neck from a cylindrical billet. For the tail, a small sausage with one pointed end will do. There are four ovals for the paws and many small balls for the crest on the neck and tail. Now it remains only to collect all the details together. The handicraft is ready.


This is the most popular dinosaur in children. For his modeling, you need green plasticine, a knife, toothpicks and a stack - a tool for working with plasticine. First you need to prepare separate parts of the body in the form of balls - trunk, head, tail and four paws. The head should be given an oval shape, the torso should be teardrop-shaped. Then connect them and slightly extend the neck. Then attach the tail to the body of the dinosaur and gently pull it out, observing the proportions. Four remaining small balls rolled into sausages. Hind paws attach to the torso overlap to create the appearance of the hips, and the front - under the trunk. All the bonding points need to be ironed out.

Now you can proceed to the appearance of the dinosaur. On his back, pinches are made, which then need to be sharpened. On the head you need to make a cut with the help of a knife for the mouth, and on the feet - fingers. The nostrils are made with a toothpick, and the eye holes are stacked. After that, it remains to insert the small balls into the indentations and draw with a needle scales on the body of the dinosaur. In the mouth you can insert a tongue, molded from red plasticine. It turned out a very attractive dinosaur. If he attach wings, he will turn into a dragon.


How to mold a dinosaur out of plasticine? Not particularly difficult. We suggest you do brachioosaurus. The technique of its implementation is slightly different. This dinosaur with a long neck is often found in pictures. His figure kid can do on his own under the supervision of his father or mother. As usual, you need to divide the block of plasticine into six pieces - large (trunk), slightly smaller (head with neck) and four small (paws), then roll them into balls. A large ball for the trunk needs to be shaped like an oval, and a ball for the head is rolled into a long sausage and inserted into it a toothpick, otherwise the neck will not hold. Of the four remaining small balls make cylinders, sharpened at one end. In them, too, insert toothpicks. On the head, cut the mouth and insert a tongue in it, made of red plasticine. Then attach two white balls - eyes. Make your fingers on the paws. Now you can collect the figure and smooth out all the junctions of the parts. If you attach a dinosaur to the wings and make a comb on the back, it will look like a dragon.

How to make dinosaur Dimetrodon from clay? His figure fits perfectly into the baby's collection. First you need to make the details, of which then the dinosaur will be fashioned. For the head you need an oval ball, for the tail - an elongated sausage, pointed on one side, four small cylinders for the paws and a large comb-sail for the back. In addition to these details, you need a piece of red plasticine for the tongue, a white sausage for teeth and a pair of small balls for the eyes. Having formed a head and paws, they need to insert toothpicks in order to then connect all the details together. In the notch on the head, insert teeth and tongue, and from above make eyes and nostrils. On the back attach a comb-sail, on the paws to apply small strips of plasticine - claws. When everything is ready, connect all parts of the body and smooth the joints.

Here are such wonderful dinosaurs from plasticine are obtained. Crafts can be used as toys.


Molding is a very exciting activity for children. But you need to choose only high-quality plasticine and accessories.

Now you know how to dazzle a dinosaur. This means that you will be able to train your relatives in this matter.

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