
How to make a telescope at home

Everyone, probably, wanted to collect his own telescope from improvised materials as a child, but somehow hands did not reach ... How to make a telescope yourself? Yes, it's very simple, because now there are many schemes of amateur telescopes of the most diverse designs.

To begin with, we need an ordinary sheet of Whatman. The first thing you need to paint one side of the sheet in black - it will be internal. Painting is needed to ensure that inside the telescope tube, which will become a rolled paper, it was dark, otherwise you will see a rather cloudy image in the eyepiece and you will hardly find the answer to the question "how to make a telescope". Yes, by the way, in length the sheet of a paper should be about 1 meter - this is the focal length ideal for a home-made telescope.

So, the tube of the future telescope is ready. Now you need to find a lens for the lens. For a device with a focal length of a meter, glass with a diopter +1 is suitable. What's good is that these lenses are sold at any optics store at a bargain price, so you can even buy glasses for stock.

Further in the action plan entitled "How to make a telescope," the next point is the fixation of the lens. The lens is attached to one end of your telescope using cardboard rings and scotch tape. There is a variant with fixing the glass with insulating tape, however it does not always fit. When you firmly connect the lens to the telescope, you can proceed to the next step.

To completely forget about the turbidity of the image, you also need to make a diaphragm. This is called a small cardboard circle with a hole in the middle. Set the aperture is possible both behind the lens and in front of it - this will not affect the end result.

In any case, experiments are welcome, so, probably, it is your model of the reflector that can become an illustration to the book "How to make a telescope."

If you are not an experimenter at all, you can look for tables of correspondence between the sizes of lenses of lenses and the diameters of holes in the apertures.

For example, for a 70-millimeter lens, there is enough diaphragm with a 40-mm hole.

Next, you need to find a good eyepiece, because it is through this glass that you will look.

In specialized stores small glasses of eyepieces are quite expensive - up to 1,5 thousand rubles apiece. But we are not interested in the question "how to make a telescope expensive," on the contrary, we want to save. That's why you can forget about going to the shops.

For the eyepiece, even a glass of binoculars, with which you played in childhood, will do. It is important that it is glass, and not a piece of plastic, because plastic gives turbidity to the image.

The eyepiece is attached to the end of the second, small tube, using the same cardboard rings and scotch tape. You can also use plastic stoppers and lids from cans from under the chips. Why are we connecting a small pipe with a large one in such a way that the static construction does not turn out - after all, we may need to focus. That's why you need to make the diameter of a small pipe slightly smaller than the diameter of a large one.

Making a tripod is optional - you can even use a stack of books under the tripod, since the home-made telescope does not need to be fixed statically, because it gives a small increase, which means that the picture will not shake.

So you have learned how to make a telescope-reflector in the home with a minimum of costs!

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