HealthWomen Health

How to insert a tampon correctly.

The modern world of new technologies, unfortunately, does not affect all aspects of human life, and some of its intimate aspects remain behind the scenes. Although many adolescents who, due to some social peculiarities, lack Mama's simple participation in their lives, good advice or an explanation of the basic rules of hygiene. That is why on various forums in Internet networks, you can often see dialogs with questions: how to correctly insert a tampon, how often you can use it, etc.

However, we must start from the very beginning.

On average, menstruation begins in girls from 12-14 years old, at this age they are not regular, the cycle has not been fully established, therefore it is rather difficult to calculate the rhythmicity. Most girls and women always carry a lining or a tampon in their handbag, in case the menstrual cycle is lost and the menstrual cycle started earlier. Adolescent girls with the emergence of the first menarchies also need to constantly have this personal hygiene (tampon) along with hygienic intimate napkins. This should be done in order not to provoke the development of extraneous microflora in the vagina. The big misconception is that the tampon can not be used by virgins. This is not true. Tampons can be used by all girls (except for some gynecological patients, but the attending physician warns about this). But girls who did not have sexual intercourse should be more careful in choosing a tampon:

- the size of the tampon should be minimal (different firms produce tampons of different diameter and length, most often the length directly depends on the amount of absorption, so it's better to take a smaller volume, but just change it more often).

- do not cost to save on personal hygiene, because poor-quality synthetic fiber often causes allergic reactions.

- for the first injection of a tampon, it is best to choose the first days of the cycle (abundant menstruation will make it more comfortable to insert a tampon).

Hygienic tampons are a very convenient way of personal hygiene in menstruation, with them the woman feels much more comfortable and comfortable, provided the tampon is correctly inserted.

How to insert a tampon correctly?

  1. Before the introduction, be sure to wash your hands with soap, or wipe them with sanitary napkins or rub with a liquid disinfectant.
  2. If possible, the tampon should be administered after showering or after washing (if conditions do not allow you to use wet wipes for personal hygiene).
  3. Before the introduction, take a comfortable pose: the muscles should be relaxed, the legs slightly divorced and bent at the knees - this is the most physiological position for the insertion of a tampon. It is possible to insert the tampon in an upright position, but this option is suitable only for experienced women.
  4. How to properly insert a tampon is not known to every woman, but all because not every woman imagines the anatomy of her sexual organs. You need to place the tampon in the direction of the vagina so that its pointed part is facing forward, and the index finger is on the end with the thread. Insert the tampon gently and gently so as not to damage the vaginal mucosa. Push the vagina tampon in accordance with its physiology, i.e. Not up, but straight and a little down.
  5. When moving the tampon, do not apply too much force, the tampon should move freely, if this does not happen, then you have done something wrong. In this situation, remove the swab and try again.

Well, here is a tampon. Estimate the correctness of the introduction can be in a few minutes. It is through this time that the swab will take a physiological form, and the muscles of the vagina will relax - the woman will not feel any negative emotions, there should not be a feeling of a foreign body, pain and cuts. If any of these symptoms are worried about a woman, a swab should be removed by a string, and use other hygiene products.

How to use the tampon correctly?

  1. Use a tampon only for the purpose and during menstruation (you can not use a swab instead of daily padding and absorb other fluids).
  2. Tampon is not recommended to use more often than 5 days of the menstrual cycle and at night.
  3. The swab is changed at least 4-6 hours later, otherwise septic shock and attachment of bacterial flora are possible.
  4. In cases where you experience discomfort after typing, headache, nausea, or weakness, you should immediately remove the tampon and, if necessary, contact your gynecologist.
  5. With a decrease in the volume of menstruation, a tampon with a lower absorbency should be used.

How to properly insert a tampon during bathing?

During menstruation bathing in the sea and other water bodies is not recommended, but not prohibited. Especially safe time for water procedures - the last days of menstruation.

If you decide to bathe in the very beginning of menstruation, then you must protect yourself from infections with a tampon. It is necessary to insert a swab immediately before bathing and immediately remove the tampon and put a new one. For better safety, you can use special lubricants on a disinfectant base, they are applied to the tip of the tampon before injection (they not only disinfect, but also provide a softer injection of the tampon).

Now not only adolescent girls, but also adult women, will be able to get an answer to a fairly common question: how to correctly insert a tampon and some features of its use.

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