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How to increase the soda soda? How effective and safe is soda?

A small penis can be a problem for some men. Doctors say that this problem is rather psychological, because it causes tension, which has a negative impact on sexual life. There are many actions by which you can achieve the right size of the male penis without surgical interventions. Many of them have already been tested, but there is always a desire to learn something new and effective. As a folk remedy, many people use ordinary baking soda. и насколько действенным окажется этот метод. Today we will learn how to increase the soda by soda and how effective this method will be.


Increase the size of the penis with soda really. But this method is lengthy in time, the result of the increase at the same time in many polls is no more than four centimeters.

Before you start the procedure, you need to think carefully whether it is necessary. Doctors call a small size the one that does not exceed ten centimeters in a state of erection. The most common size of the penis in men is the average, no more than eighteen centimeters in a state of erection.

But sometimes the owners of large sizes do not consider him proud and have a desire to increase it. In this case, soda will not give any result. , необходимо знать, что это будет бесполезным в случае наличия врожденных аномалий или хронических болезней. Before you increase the penis with soda , you need to know that it will be useless in the case of congenital anomalies or chronic diseases. In this case, a specialist consultation is needed.

Role of soda

The property of baking soda lies in its ability to quickly penetrate into tissues and dilute blood. This her ability is auxiliary in order to enlarge the penis.

It is recommended to use this product as an additional tool during penile training. Soda is in this case a remedy that will protect you from injuries and negative consequences when performing certain exercises where there is a risk of blood clots.

Methods of application

Before you increase the term at home with soda, you need to decide how to take it, because there are several options. So, baking soda can be taken orally, make from it an ointment or a bath, lotions. Let's take a closer look at each of the ways.


This method is the most common and is combined with carrying out certain exercises for the penis. One liter of water is taken one hundred grams of soda powder. , в емкость наливают воду немного больше комнатной температуры и разводят в ней порошок. Before increasing the penis with soda , pour a little more room temperature into the container and dilute the powder in it. Baths are taken for some time before the start of the exercises, their duration should not exceed fifteen minutes.

This procedure is done twice a day for one month. Many male representatives claim that this method was effective and did not cause negative consequences.

Lotions and compresses

при помощи компресса или примочки, необходимо приготовить раствор. Before soda to enlarge the penis with a compress or lotion, you need to prepare a solution. For this, take two tablespoons of table soda and dissolve in half a glass of cold water. In the solution wet gauze or bandage and applied to the genitals.

Gauze should be so long that it was possible to wrap it around the entire body. Do this procedure should be about thirty days, otherwise it will not bring the expected result.

To the solution of soda, if desired, drip two drops of cypress oil or cardamom. The smell coming from the composition helps to relax. After the procedure, it takes some time to lie in bed.


на протяжении месяца, но желает быстрее приобрести «нужный размер», рекомендуется использовать содовую мазь. For those who know how soda helps to increase a member for a month, but wants to quickly get the "right size", it is recommended to use soda ointment. For this, water is added to the powder in such an amount that a thick paste of thick consistency is formed. The water is added slowly, stirring constantly.

The resulting mixture is used both as an independent tool, and in combination with certain exercises. The ointment is rubbed for ten minutes into the penis, do it gently so that it will not be injured or injured. The procedure is carried out three times a day.

Ointment can be prepared and based on honey. For this, twenty-five grams of soda is bred in one spoon of honey. The ready mix is rubbed into the genital organ. , утверждают, что использование несколько раз такого средства помогает усилить половое влечение и увеличить длительность полового акта. Many who know how to increase the penis soda , argue that the use of several times such a tool helps to strengthen the sexual desire and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. It should be remembered that honey can cause allergies, so apply this method with caution.


You can take soda inside as a supplement to the above methods. This product has the property to positively influence internal organs and systems. In some cases, the length of the penis is not fully revealed due to the presence of a man of a disease. Soda in this case will help get rid of the slag that can cause disease.

Consider how to increase a member of a soda recipe suggested by Professor Neumyvakin. In the morning and evening you need to take one quarter teaspoon of soda powder between meals. The amount of powder should be gradually increased to one spoon of the dining room. You can also spoon one teaspoon of soda in half a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning.

To enhance the effect of the recommended to use special means that increase blood flow to the penis and strengthen the erection. These can be creams, sprays, capsules or drops.

Precautionary measures

. We know how to increase a member of drinking soda . But there are some recommendations to avoid negative consequences:

  1. With increased acidity of the stomach, there is a risk of developing gastritis or ulcers. In this case, you can not take soda inside.
  2. Do not use baking soda for those who suffer from diabetes, since it has an effect on blood cells.
  3. Do not use soda in the presence of malignant tumors. She, contributing to the dilution of blood, will provoke the spread of cancer cells throughout the body.
  4. , но имеют пониженную кислотность желудка, также не рекомендуется использовать вышеперечисленные методы. Men who are interested in how to increase the penis soda , but have a decreased acidity of the stomach, it is also not recommended to use the above methods.
  5. It is not recommended to use soda for those who have dry skin and increased sensitivity. This can cause irritation and inflammation.


, нужно помнить о том, что данная процедура имеет противопоказания. Those who are interested in how to increase the soda soda , you need to remember that this procedure has contraindications. The use of this food product in massages and compresses is prohibited in a number of cases:

  • Presence of wounds and eruptions on the penis;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Abnormal changes in the penis.

The use of this food product for ingestion is prohibited in such cases:

  • Disorders of gastric acidity, chronic gastritis, ulcer;
  • Individual intolerance to the product.

It is necessary to use only a fresh product, so it is recommended to pay attention to the expiration date of the soda, which is indicated on the package. Moreover, if it has a yellowish tint and an unpleasant smell, its application is also not allowed. If there are any reactions of the body to baking soda, you need to stop using it. In any case, a specialist consultation is necessary.

Thus, a man who wants to change the size of his penis should set himself a clear goal. The baking soda chosen as a means to an end is generally harmless. But sometimes an unpredictable reaction can occur.

Therefore, before doing penis enlargement, a man should weigh all the pros and cons and only then proceed to the procedures. In any case, the problem of a small penis size is purely psychological and does not require any intervention, with the exception of congenital pathologies that prevent a normal sexual life. In such cases, surgical intervention is performed. And we must remember that it is not the size that matters, but the ability to manifest oneself in bed.

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