
How to distinguish a female from a male rabbit? Breeding rabbits for beginners. Little rabbits

Breeding rabbits is a very profitable business. After all, these animals multiply in fact very quickly. как отличить самку от самца кролик а. However, to get a good offspring of animals, you should, of course, know how to distinguish a female from a male rabbit . Business is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Buying Rabbits: General Tips

Acquired rabbits for the farm should be aged at least 1-1.5 months. In younger individuals, the body is poorly adapted to conventional food. нуждаются в материнском молоке. Small rabbits need mother's milk. When buying a baby, you should also look at their equipment. Too thin a rabbit to buy, of course, is not worth it. They may be sick. The eyes of the kids should be clean, and the fur is smooth and shiny. как хозяйственных, так и декоративных кроликов. All these rules should be observed when buying both household and decorative rabbits.

What difficulties can arise

Rabbits, purchased for breeding for meat or for obtaining skins, should be examined especially carefully. Unfortunately, there are not too bona fide sellers trying to "slip" an inexperienced male farmer instead of a female. The fact is that rabbits usually give birth to roughly the same number of "boys" and "girls." Small females in consumers are usually more in demand than males. ля разведения кроликов начинающим и опытным фермерам в хозяйстве достаточно иметь на нескольких маток одного самца. After all, for breeding rabbits beginners and experienced farmers in the household is enough to have several queens of one male.

Also, it is worthwhile to be more careful when buying people who decided to become breeders of ornamental rabbits. The reason for deception on the part of the seller in this case may be the same.

External signs

как отличить самку от самца кролика? So, how to distinguish a female from a rabbit male? животные в стаде выглядят абсолютно одинаково . At first glance, it seems that all the animals in the herd look the same . And really, purely outwardly the females of these animals are very similar to males. However, if you look closely, it is still possible to distinguish the rabbit from the future uterus. First, you need to look at the animal's head. In rabbits it is more powerful and larger than that of females. The shape of the boy's head is square. The female has a lighter one. The shape of the uterine head is a little pointed.

You should also examine the pelvis of the animal. In rabbits it is much wider than in males. This structure of the body of the uterus is "conceived" by nature itself. After all, with a wide pelvis to give birth to rabbits, the female is much easier.

You can distinguish rabbits from the uterus and according to the constitution of the body. Samochki look more fragile and elegant. Also worth looking at and the behavior of animals. Krolls are much more active than females. To measure their territory, however, these animals can have both uterus and males. So, on this basis, animals can not be distinguished.

A more accurate way

To distinguish the chick from the uterus by external signs can be basically only if they are already adults. In relation to small rabbits, this method can not be used. Such rabbits are really very similar to each other. The only thing, boys up to the age of about 2 months are smaller than girls. But in any case, to distinguish the male from the female in rabbits, as in any other animal, the easiest way is to examine their genitals. For this:

  • The rabbit is kneeling on his back with his head towards him. Further, his hind legs are bred to him. Do this as carefully as possible. Bones in rabbits are fragile enough.
  • Inspect the place under the tail of the animal.

In a more or less adult female, one can notice a pronounced "cone" starting from the tail itself. A small "girl" instead has a narrow slit.

In male rabbits, the genital organ is located quite far from the tail. In small individuals, a small circular tubule orifice is clearly visible. изогнутый пенис. At large krolov at pressing it will be possible to see and itself the curved penis. In young individuals it is white, in adults it is pink. Also, males older than 5 months already have two reddish or gray oval eggs. The dimensions they have are large and it will be simply impossible not to notice them.

Helpful Tips

как отличить самца кролика от самки. Thus, we found out how to distinguish a male rabbit from a female. этих животных и пока не имеете представления о том, как выглядят половые органы матки и крола , осмотрите сразу нескольких малышей . If you have never bought these animals and have no idea what the genitals of the uterus and the rabbit look like , examine several babies at once . The difference in structure will be immediately noticeable. If the seller does not allow this, it is better to refuse the purchase. Perhaps in the exposed litter remained only males. Sometimes it happens that the seller himself shows the buyer a place under the tail of the rabbit. This makes it so fast that you can not notice anything practically. Do not fall for this bait. довольно-таки охотно разрешают покупателям осматривать своих питомцев. But usually sellers still quite willingly allow buyers to inspect their pets.

What should I do after the purchase?

понять кролик — самка или самец, таким образом, несложен. The answer to the question of how to understand a rabbit - a female or male, thus, is simple. ыбрав необходимое количество маток и самцов, можно будет быстро увеличить стадо кроликов в хозяйстве. In selecting the required number of queens and males, you can quickly increase the herd of rabbits in the household. However, the breeding of these animals will be successful only if the host takes care of their health in advance. Sore rabbits, unfortunately, more often than most other farm animals.

Acquired individuals, before they allow them to the main herd, be sure to take a few days in quarantine. Also, rabbits need to be planted. There are many diseases that affect these animals. It is impossible to get vaccinations in advance from everyone, of course. But to protect animals from the most common is still worth it.

Most often rabbits - both economic and decorative - are ill with Myxomatosis and VGBC. The mortality of animals in both these cases can be from 70 to 100%. Therefore, vaccinations against these diseases should be done necessarily. In a large farm for this it is worth to invite a veterinarian. Decorative rabbit can be taken to the clinic independently. Dwarf pets are also desirable to get vaccinated against rabies.

At what age do vaccinations for rabbits

In the first days of life, substances that stimulate the development of immunity, the kids receive with the mother's milk. Therefore, the purchased rabbits should be kept in the household for some time unvaccinated. The organism of toddlers must adapt to new food and develop their own protective mechanisms. The first inoculation of rabbits is done no earlier than at the age of about 1.5-2 months. By this time, the kids should already reach the weight of at least 500 grams. Adult rabbits are vaccinated twice a year.

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