
How to configure a router "Rostelecom"? Connection, setting, password

This review material will not only describe how to configure the Rostelecom's WiFi router, but also do it properly, using the example of the F @ ST 2804 network device developed by Sagemcom. The following algorithm for router switching , configuring its configuration and testing is universal and it can be applied to other routers that are sold by this leading Russian Internet provider.

Information about the company and the services provided

The company "Rostelecom" dates back to 1992. This state-owned enterprise at that time was formed by merging about 20 organizations specializing in the provision of fixed telephony services. Over the past 24 years, this organization has consistently added various organizations. Either by acquisition or by merger. As a result, to date, Rostelecom is one of the largest companies that provides not only fixed telephony services, but also mobile communications, Internet access and interactive television. The availability of fixed telephone communication in almost any locality in the Russian Federation allows this company without special problems to organize access to the global web. Only here the connection of the WiFi-router in this situation is slightly complicated by the non-standard type of its input port. As a rule, all modern network routers have an RJ-45 input port. But this telecommunications organization has an absolutely different port with the ADSL designation for these purposes. In essence, proprietary routers in this case unite in their case two devices at once: a standard router that allows to create on their own basis a wired and wireless computer network and an ADSL modem that converts a signal from a telephone line into an understandable signal for the router.

Technical specifications of the router

The router F @ ST 2804 has such technical specifications:

  • The input device can be an ADSL port, an Ethernet port or a 4G modem installed in a USB port.
  • The transmission speed in the wired part of the network can reach 100 Mb / s, and in the wireless part when the 802.11n mode is activated it is 150 Mbps.
  • This router can function as a print server or even a file server. In the first case, you need to connect it to the USB port of the printer, and in the second - a flash drive to the same port.

On the side wall there is a sticker, where the detailed parameters of the router are indicated. This and his model, this and possible modes of operation, this is the MAC address, user name, and password from WiFi. "Rostelecom" installs special firmware on its network devices to its routers and to access the settings of the latter, there is an individual login with a password. Therefore, before setting up such a device, it is recommended that the content of this label be rewritten on a separate piece of paper. This will significantly simplify the setup and testing process in the future.

Completion of the network device

The equipment in this case is:

  • Router.
  • Installation disc with drivers and electronic version of the complete documentation.
  • Power Supply.
  • The configuration of the Sagemcom WiFi-router Sagemcom of this model is described in detail in the user's manual.
  • Warranty card.
  • The twisted pair is compressed on both sides with a length of about 1 m.

Connecting the router for setup and further use

The circuit, regardless of the equipment and type of equipment used, must be assembled on a completely de-energized equipment. And this applies to both the router, and personal computers, laptops, TVs. As an example, we will consider connecting a network router with an ADSL-input. In some cases, this one universal device is replaced by two. One of them is an ADSL modem, and the second is an ordinary router. In this case, the scheme will change and the connection of the WiFi router Rostelecom will be performed in this order:

  • The input wire from the telephone line is connected to the input of the ADSL modem.
  • The output wire (crimped twisted pair from two ends) connects one end to the ADSL modem, and the second one to the input port of the router with the inscription WAN.
  • The power supply of the modem is installed in the socket, and the wire from it to its socket.
  • The second power supply from the router is connected to the second free outlet, and the wire from it to the corresponding socket for supplying voltage to the network device.
  • The wired part of the network is connected to the LAN ports.

In the future, the configuration of such a system is no different from the configuration of a conventional router. Therefore, we will not consider this option in the future. Connection of the Rostelecom WiFi-router with ADSL-input is performed in the following order:

  • Complete set of power supply is installed in the socket. We lead the wire from it to the router and connect it to its corresponding socket.
  • The wire from the telephone line is connected to the port of the network device with the inscription ADSL.
  • We collect the wired part of the computer network by connecting to the ports with the inscription LAN and numbers from 1 to 4.

Supply voltage and enter the setup menu

Further it is necessary to check in detail the circuit assembled at the previous stage and make sure it is correct. Then turn on the back of the network device toggle switch, next to which is the inscription Power. Next, you need to wait for the end of its download, which, as a rule, takes no more than 60 seconds. Then run a personal computer or laptop. It is with the help of such equipment that it is recommended to configure the key component of the computer network. At the next stage of how to configure a WiFi-router "Rostelecom", you need to go to the settings menu. To do this, after the PC boot is finished, we run any of the available browsers on it. In its address dialing line, type rt and press "ENTER". After that, a window appears where you need to enter the administrator name and password. This information can be taken from the company's sticker, which is located on the side of the network device. Enter it and click "Ok". After that, the router setup window will open .

Software configuration of the network device

Now let's look at how to configure the WiFi-router "Rostelecom" at the program level. In the opened menu there will be only two items: "Setup Wizard" or "Manual Tuning". Since the first of them is much simpler, then we choose it. The second configuration option is better suited for more advanced users. In the next window, you need to specify:

  • Region of your location.
  • In the second field, you must select the city or branch to which your settlement belongs in the hierarchy of Rostelecom.
  • The third field is the type of service. The simplest option is just the Internet. A more complicated case is the phone and the Internet. But the maximum level of complexity in this case is the option - phone, internet and TV. The type of service is specified in the contract and it is there where it can be clarified if necessary.

Once you have specified this data, we point the pointer of the manipulator to "Continue" and click on this button. If you use dynamic IP address technology , the next step will be automatically skipped. But when using PPPoE technology it will be necessary to specify the user's login and code for accessing the global web. In the next two steps, you just need to tick off the ports to which the set-top box and phone are connected. Next, set the name of the wireless network and the access code to it. After moving to the next window, we check the correctness of the set values and save them. Close the browser window. After further rebooting the network device, everything is ready and you can start testing.

Checking the wired part of the computer network

After the previous actions, setting up a WiFi router "Rostelecom" Is over. Now you need to make sure it works correctly. To do this, start the browser on the computer and enter the address of any page you are interested in. Then click "Enter". After that, the page you need should open.

Testing WiFi

Next, we'll figure out how to connect a WiFi router "Rostelecom" and any mobile device. To do this, enter the setup menu in the latter and go to the "Wireless Networks" section. We find the activation menu "WiFi" and start the scan to compile a list of available wireless networks. In this list, choose the name that was previously specified. Then, in the request, we enter the password to gain access. After that, close all previously opened windows. Then we start the mail client and check for new mail. If everything is done correctly, the list of received emails will be automatically updated.


This review article describes not only how to configure a WiFi router "Rostelecom" of any model, but also correctly connect it. The test procedure is also described. All this will allow without any problems to configure the connection from this provider to the global web on its own.

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