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How feedback controls the company's reputation on the Internet: 5 tips for executives

The Internet is the most effective tool for attracting customers and promoting goods and services in the market. But just as effectively, it can spoil the business reputation of any company, literally leaving it on stone. Surprisingly, many Russian businessmen do not seriously manage the reputation on the Internet, underestimating the degree of influence of modern "word of mouth" on the minds. And in vain: according to the results of research conducted by foreign marketers, 80% of respondents regularly read reviews about companies and goods before making a decision. And more than 70% of respondents reported that positive and negative feedback from customers, employees and consumers have an impact on their own choices. Russian studies confirm this statistics. At the same time, young people, that is, the most solvent and active part of the population, trust the reviews on the Web much more than the representatives of the older generation.

Do you need to worry about your company's reputation on the Internet? Yes, if you are important to its success and profitability. To let things go on their own means risking business. Investments in advertising and "unwinding" of the brand will never pay off, if on forums and sites with reviews you are, as they say, "pesochat" to everyone who is not too lazy - people always trust the sincere and lively reviews of customers and the opinion of employees much more than advertising, which A priori can not be objective. "Do not be lazy" usually those who have a negative impression. What to write when everything is good? Well, an offended employee or dissatisfied customer will spare no time to go to the site and write a review. Fortunately, on the Internet today there are enough sites with reviews, both reliable and not very much: one user is trusted, others are not. One of the authoritative Russian sites, enjoying a good reputation among users - the site "Write a review." At the same time, a good reputation has to be created over the years, and the negative spreads like a forest fire: a moment - and everything flared up. To effectively counter black PR on the Web, use the advice of professionals.

Regularly monitor the situation

Be sure to track negative references to your company. It can be both impulsive and occasional negative feedback, or an intentional point negative or a directed "black" PR company. If you have a marketer in the state, entrust this task to him. To search for reviews and references, you can use conventional search engines, but professional services that conduct deep monitoring are much more effective.

Quickly react to any feedback to your address

In many respects, the reputation of a company depends on how the communication with customers is built. People like to receive answers to their responses and questions. And the answer should be timely - hardly anyone will like it if the company responds in a few months or years. On negative feedback you need to react necessarily and as quickly as possible in order to avoid the avalanche of negativity. If a bad review was received deservedly, think about how you can solve the problem so that the client is satisfied. Do not try to hide or deny the problem - it can cause more damage to the company than a true confession and a sincere desire to remedy the situation. If it is a matter of defamation and a deliberate attempt to damage reputation, contact the site owner - the resources are also interested in making feedback about the companies objective and reliable.

Beware of the response negative

On accusations, especially unfair ones, I want to respond with causticity. This is exactly what the enemy is trying to do: to get you out of balance and provoke an aggressive, irritated response. Your answers in any case should be neutral and reasoned - if the charges are false, it will expose your opponent in a bad light, and the company will add "pluses." If a negative review is received deservedly - the client will appreciate what is being listened to in his opinion. When the issue is resolved, ask him to write again a review about the company, but already positive.

Protect your reputation

This can be done by working with the target audience, reacting in a timely manner to comments on the network, removing false negative feedback and spreading positive information. Place the desired content on authoritative resources. Does the company trade? One of the most popular sites, enjoying the trust of users of Runet - here. Refrain from excessive praise in your address - such reviews do not inspire confidence in the reader. Modern users are not stupid and inclined to blindly trust what is written on the Internet. That's why all positive feedback should be real - ask loyal customers to write a few kind words to your address.

Contact a specialist

If it is a full-fledged "black" PR company, contact the SERM-agency, which is professionally engaged in neutralizing the custom negativity. The agency will carry out in-depth monitoring of the information space, contact the hosting companies in order to remove the paid materials, will investigate the deceitful posts and oust negative information.

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