EducationSecondary education and schools

How do you understand the meaning of the word "good"? Is it relevant now?

Works at school have always been a challenge for students. Someone to cope with it was easier, but someone sincerely disliked Russian lessons only because of this. But there are some secrets that help to simplify the writing of works? Undoubtedly. Let's stop on the topic "How do you understand the meaning of the word" good "?". An essay in this direction can be written by a student of any age.


First of all, we need to write an introduction, in which we ask the beginning of the composition. It can begin with the question "How do you understand the meaning of the word" good "? But other than that, there are other options to start with.

  • You can start thinking with your thoughts about this concept. Example: "Good is what makes the world around us better and more colorful. After all, bad always seems bigger and more terrible. And only such a light concept, as good, can outshine all the bad things in our life. "
  • Also you can put problems before the reader. "In modern life, the notion of kindness has become completely irrelevant. In pursuit of personal happiness and success, people began to forget what it was like to be kind. And this problem is gaining momentum nowadays. "

The introduction should not be too big - 3-4 proposals are sufficient, after which it is necessary to go to the main part.

The main part of the work

How do you understand the meaning of the word "good"? Formulate for the beginning this concept for yourself, because then you will expound your thoughts on paper.

The main part should be at least ½ of the total volume of the text, and it is necessary to disclose the whole topic. Thus, if you started your essay with the formulation of a question or a problem, you need to give a complete and understandable reasoning on this topic. There are several ways to do this:

  • If you have not asked this question in the introduction, the ideal starting point for the main part will be a rhetorical question: "How do you understand the meaning of the word" good "? Next, your thoughts and arguments on this topic. "I believe that good is the quality of a person who makes it better."
  • Also in your composition you can compare the value of this concept several decades ago and now. Think and argue, whether good was valued earlier more or nothing has changed in the last century? Is there a difference?

The next option is the disclosure of several problems from one problem. For example, you have identified a problem - the lack of kindness in our days. But what is her replacement? False kindness, or, in other words, hypocrisy. Continuing to argue in this direction, you will uncover several modern problems at once.

Turning to the subject, we pass to the conclusion.


In this part it is necessary to write a conclusion and give a final answer to the question "how do you understand the meaning of the word" good "?". A student can express his thoughts or use quotations from famous authors.

The conclusion should be approximately equal to the entry volume. The main thing is that you logically finished your thoughts. "Despite all the problems of our time, there are a lot of good people even now, which means that not everything has been lost."

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