
Hormonal drugs with menopause: what are they for?

Menopause is the physiological inevitable state of the female body. Most women mistakenly believe that menopause will bring discomfort and inferiority to life. Of course, this is a deep delusion, and we will try to figure out how to prevent unpleasant symptoms and normalize the fading functions of the ovaries. Doctors often recommend hormonal drugs in menopause, during age-related changes in sexual functions. Medications containing estrogens help to normalize and improve the hormonal background, as well as to neutralize uncomfortable sensations during this period.

Unfortunately, in most cases, the climatic syndrome contributes to the occurrence of unpleasant phenomena, namely:


- high tides;




- often a rise in temperature;

-osteoporosis (disease of bones);

-urinary incontinence;

-Objections are possible at a climax of different intensity;

-the dryness of the skin and mucous membranes;

-increase in cholesterol;

-influence of metabolic processes.

All these symptoms develop against a background of decreased production of sex hormones. In this article, we'll look at how to help and ease the onset of menopause. Usually, hormonal drugs with menopause are prescribed with a sharp deficit of estrogens, it is because of this that the above manifestations appear. For relief, two types of hormonal medications are used: combined and estrogen-containing.

Replacement hormonal drugs in menopause help improve the general state during the natural physiological process and eliminate unpleasant manifestations. Before prescribing hormones, the doctor prescribes a test. The medication is administered under the mandatory supervision of a specialist.

In some diseases, hormonal therapy is contraindicated : malignant endometrial formation, breast cancer, bile duct and liver diseases, uterine myoma, thrombophilia, endometriosis, cardiovascular diseases and profuse bleeding with menopause from the genital tract.

Often homeopathic remedies are used to relieve such manifestations as depression, insomnia, weakness, general malaise, the emergence of causeless panic, hot flushes and uterine bleeding. Well-proven drugs: "Klimadinon", "Miakaltsik", "Benefis", "Ksidifon." Self-prescribed therapy is strictly prohibited.

Homeopathic preparations help not only prevent symptoms, but also protect the mucous membrane of intimate areas from dystrophic changes, and strengthen the central nervous system. In addition, such therapy has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system and normalizes the hormonal balance of the body.

Hormonal drugs with menopause help to fill the lack of estrogen, but as it turned out, not all of them are suitable, therefore, as substitute therapy used medicines of plant origin. They contain natural substances, similar in structure to sex hormones. The main advantage of phytoestrogens is that they are absolutely safe and show good results.

They also do not harm the liver and do not have negative effects on the endocrine system. Popular herbal remedies: Estrovel, Remens, Menopace, Lefem. The correct therapy in each individual case can be selected only by a doctor.

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