
How do I create a poll in Classmates? Themes for polls in "Odnoklassniki"

Do you remember how the subject of questionnaires was popular among schoolchildren? It was an ordinary notebook, carefully designed: wrote in her various (especially provocative) questions, both personal and on all sorts of remote topics, painted, pasted to make bright and attractive. Then this notebook was allowed to fill the entire class, and then they read it, learning all sorts of interesting facts about their classmates.

Times have changed, and the place of recorded on paper surveys took electronic, placed in social networks. Their essence has not changed, and the main purpose is to collect information about a particular category of people. However, now they perform a number of other functions, which we'll talk about a little later. To begin with, let's consider how to create a poll in "Classmates" and what topic to choose.

We do a poll on your page in "Odnoklassniki"

Until recently, users of this social network were unable to do surveys. First they appeared "VKontakte", and later were implemented here. However, today they literally flooded all kinds of groups, and also appeared on the pages of many friends. Do not you want to lag behind the public? Then read about how to add a poll in "Classmates" on your personal page.

It is very simple to do this. Find the field for the introduction of the status (it is called "Share with friends") and click on it with the cursor. A tab with four buttons opens, from which you can select the desired action. So, here it is offered to insert the text status, share a picture or a musical composition, here you can add a poll. The button we need is the most extreme on the right - we press it.

You will see a new poll field that you need to fill out, namely:

  • Enter the question (one line);
  • Enter response options (any number of lines).

Also, you can determine the way to answer the question: the ability to choose several of the proposed options or only one (to do this, tick the appropriate box).

In addition to the survey, you are invited to add a thematic picture or audio recording, and another link. The latter is very convenient in the event that you want to know the opinion of users on some issue or situation described on a third-party resource. Such additions will attract attention of a larger audience, rather than just a text question.

After the work is finished, click the button to share the survey with your friends. They will be able to see it in their newsline and vote. If you want the survey to be in your status, check the box next to "Put a note in the status".

Poll for placement in a group

If you are the owner of a group, then you are probably interested in how to create a poll in "Classmates" for placement not on the page, but in public. This is done as quickly and easily as in the case of a personal interview.

Go to your group as an administrator and click on the field to create a new topic. There is already a familiar string with a choice of buttons for placing a particular material. Choose the last one and fill out the survey form. As you enter the next answer, new lines will appear. If any of the options seem unnecessary, delete it by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner (appears when you hover over the corresponding answer).

When the survey is ready for everyone's attention, click on the "Share" button. It will become available to all subscribers of your group and those with whom they will want to share it.

What are polls for?

Well, we know how to create a poll in "Classmates" on your page and in a group. But why to do them? Really for the sake of a single goal - curiosity and desire to learn someone else's opinion on any issue? Not really. The main reasons to engage in questioning users of social networks are three:

  • Already understandable to us the goal - to collect information about preferences, interests of friends and group members;
  • Collection of information about the needs of users (with a view to extracting commercial benefits);
  • To advertise your profile or community (by virus).

Let's consider each of these reasons in more detail.

The purpose of the survey: the interests of the subscribers of the community

Why do we need to know them? And in order to satisfy them. After all, what is the main goal of the public / group in the social network? Collect like-minded people in one place and post content that will be of interest to this category of users. Here you can also advertise some goods / services, but to attract attention, you need to interest people. If it will be interesting for them to read material placed in your group, participate in discussions, etc., they will more willingly and more loyally accept information from you about a product that you will promote.

The purpose of the survey: to identify the needs of group members

In groups, it is often possible to see surveys aimed at identifying the needs of the audience. This is a fairly effective way to find out what exactly this category of people needs, what requirements are imposed on a particular product / service, and what properties / characteristics are most important for them. To create and develop a business, as well as subsequent advertising, this information is very valuable.

The purpose of the survey: viral advertising

Advertising - one of the most important reasons for which polls are created. You probably know that the liked record (including the poll) can be estimated by putting a "class". Thanks to this simple method, many publics advertise their community. With the goal to gain great popularity create polls and page owners. Thanks to the "viral" distribution of your survey on the network, you become known to a wide audience. And quickly achieve your goals (promote the group, increase the number of participants, sell the goods).

Polls on the personal page: the motives for creating

If this is your personal page and a survey for friends, then there may be different reasons for collecting information:

  • To know the opinion of friends about some things that you are going to acquire;
  • Ask for help in making some decision when you are facing a difficult choice;
  • Just for the sake of curiosity, to understand what views on those or other situations, the events of your friends.

Depending on the above reasons, before creating a poll in "Classmates", think about the most successful formulation of the question and offer as many diverse answers as possible.

Themes of polls for "Odnoklassniki": options

So, after you have decided on the purpose of creating a survey, you need to implement it. The most important and difficult is to come up with a topic, and depending on it - an interesting question and answers. How can this be done? Let's figure it out.

Interview to identify interests

What is the survey to create in "Classmates", if you need to identify the interests of your community's subscribers? The topic of the question should be close to the topic of the group. For example, if this is a public record on the topic of HLS, then ask the audience the question of how they prefer to keep themselves in shape. It can be fitness or dancing, swimming, yoga, etc., proper diet or diet, or there may be some unconventional methods. Do not forget to make the "Other" option with the opportunity to comment on it. Depending on the results obtained, you will understand what can be done when writing content, what information it will be interesting to read to subscribers.

Poll to determine needs

Similarly with preferences. For example, you are going to open an online store and reflect on which assortment will be most in demand. Create a survey on the topic of what categories of products users prefer to order on the Internet (or would like to), and which ones - to buy in a regular store. Or ask about specific brands, if you have already decided what to sell.

Advertising survey

And how to create a poll in "Classmates", if your goal is to advertise the community? In this case, questions (as well as answers) should cling, draw attention, evoke a desire to discuss, discuss and share them with friends. After all, this is the task - so that as many users as possible share your survey with other people. The questions can be both amusing, and deep, complex. The main thing is that they are interesting to people and, first of all, to your subscribers. These can be polls about the relationship of the sexes, political discussions, as well as those that make one laugh, joke, etc.

As for how to do polls in "Odnoklassniki" on your page, everything is much simpler here - choose topics that are interesting for you, and questions that you want answers to. It can be films and books, favorite brands, discussion of situations from personal or political life and so on.

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