Self improvementMotivation

History of successful people of the world

Many people want to achieve success in some kind of activity, but they are absolutely sure that they will not succeed. In fact, everything is possible if you believe in yourself and work on your knowledge and skills. Motivating stories of successful people - this is one way to raise morale and adjust yourself to victory. Each of them began with a small, gradually more and more trying to win, to their goal. To make sure that you have the opportunity to achieve the desired result in any case, read the stories of life of successful people who, like you, did not know whether they will succeed in achieving their goal.

Incredible people live all over the world. In Russia there is a huge amount of them, much more than anywhere else. Therefore, you should not justify the fact that you do not live in a promising country. So, read the stories of successful people in Russia, who at first had nothing. But we will not forget about other countries either.

Andrey Krylov

Andrei Krylov is a man whose history begins with the fact that he is given a terrible diagnosis. With cerebral palsy, the boy lived from the very childhood. When it was time to go to school, he was identified in a special orphanage, in which the children with a disability studied. Among these children, Andrew stood out with intelligence, ingenuity and resourcefulness. Being in his position, the boy never lost hope of recovery.

Once Andrei heard from the next attending physician that if he wants and strives he can heal himself on his own. So, the guy starts reading medical literature, actively doing sports. Andrei's family began to seriously worry about his state of mind, so the boy wanted to stand up.

The first simulator of the guy was a self-made bar. Studying sports literature, the young man trained at home. Over time, his hands and feet began to obey him. He was very impressed by the medical commission when he came to the examination himself.

Today Andrey Krylov is a successful bodybuilder, although he can not do more delicate work, for example screwing nuts or repairing small items. But the guy does not lose hope. He has a bright head, a great desire to act and an unshakable faith in himself, so no one doubts that Andrei will soon win his diagnosis completely. And that's why this incredible biography often opens all the stories of successful people in Russia.

David Smitt

Today, many people, especially women, dream of getting rid of hateful fat folds, but they can not find motivation for this. David Smith is a man who, without special methods, was able to lose weight by as much as 186 kilograms.

The story of this guy begins with the fact that he could not move without help. His weight was 268 kilograms, and he decided it was time to change his life.

Surely you will inquire how a young man 26 years has brought himself to such a state. The fact is that the guy from childhood suffered from a penchant for completeness. When his mother died, to which he was strongly attached, he tried to fight despair by eating. Less than a year, as the guy did not already know how to get rid of the fat layer.

With the help of sports and proper nutrition, David brought himself in shape, but he had to turn to professional surgeons, because his skin was very sloping.

Now the young man, satisfied with his result, lives a full life and is not going to stop there.

Ingeborg Mootz

Surely you are interested in the stories of financially successful people. If this is so, then the biography of Ingeborgi Mootz, who is already 83 years old, you will like. She, like any old lady of her age, lives in a small private house, which is filled with old-fashioned furniture inside. Ingeborga keeps photos of friends and relatives and conducts a normal way of life. It would seem that there is nothing surprising in this phenomenon. But Ingeborga stands out because it is a successful stock speculator in Germany.

Once, when her husband died, the old woman realized that she simply had nothing to live on. The start-up capital of the woman became the shares bought earlier by the husband. Without losing her chance, Ingeborga started to play on the stock exchange. In a short time, a woman could earn 500 thousand euros. Moreover, her relatives trust her with her capital, so that she multiplies them.

To date, the pensioner is not going to stop there, she wants to earn a million and is actively moving towards her goal. Moreover, Ingeborga gives practical advice to all comers, helps poor people and conducts courses for people who want to play on the stock exchange.

As the old lady herself says, her success is due to the fact that she is not fixated on money. For her, playing a stock exchange is a simple hobby, knowledge of which she is ready to share with the whole world.

Mark Goffeny

No history of successful people begins with pleasant circumstances. So the biography of Mark Goffeni is interesting because the guy dreamed of learning to play the guitar, but one difficult circumstance hampered him. A young man is disabled, he has neither hands.

Any story of successful people in the world fades when it becomes known that the guy has become a skilled guitar player, and he plays his favorite instrument with his feet. His music is filled with a special charm, so Mark already has thousands of fans around the world. Guy gives guitar lessons, enjoys life and is not going to stop there, improving his skills and continuing to work on himself.

Zhang Yin

The success story of successful people necessarily has its strangeness. So, Zhang Yin, the owner of a small company that only a few people knew about, was able to earn a fortune by studying US garbage dumps. Having bought most of them, it supplied waste paper to China, where raw materials were recycled and supplied to America already in the form of packing boxes.

Zhang Yin is China's first lady. Any incredible story of successful people begins with the fact that a person does not realize that he is able to achieve great results. But in the case of Zhang Yin, everything is much more serious. In China, a woman has the role of a housewife and a secondary person. Unthinkable is the fact that a woman who does not have an education, start-up capital and family ties, takes the lead and becomes the first business lady of the country.

This biography motivates and inspires a large number of people around the world. The main lesson that Zhang Yin gives is that out of everything you can make a profit, even from garbage, and everything you can achieve, there would be a desire. To date, the queen of dumps is very popular, she is not going to stop, she plans to develop her business in order to reach an even larger scale.

Serikbol Kuldeibayev

All stories of successful people in business start with the fact that they dream of earning a certain amount of money. So, Serikbol Kuldeibayev, who is a disabled person of the first group since childhood, dreamed of becoming a millionaire. It would seem that his desire is impracticable. But a guy to the whole world proved that nothing is impossible.

After graduating from school in an orphanage for disabled people, the boy learned sewing. In this area, he worked for seven years, saving a small amount of money. Later he decided that repairing shoes was not for him, but for delayed finances he opened six shoe points. But this was only Serikbol's first step as a businessman.

The guy around the city arranged the points where you could buy soda, later he decided to open his own shashlik. Since he did not want to buy expensive meat from private entrepreneurs, he bought his own farm. So Serikbol first earned a million.

But there were in the life of a successful entrepreneur and the difficulties associated with the transfer of the capital, in which he lived, to another city. The man and his family decided to try themselves in a new place. Serikbolu had to experience many difficulties to open a business in a new city, many books to read and get to know a lot of people. But the result quickly made itself felt.

Today, a man lives in abundance, but the desire for new achievements did not leave him. He assures me that nothing would have happened if the kind and sympathetic people who helped him in his endeavors did not come across in his path.

Jean-Claude Van Damme

The stories of rich successful people are always interesting. Now it is very difficult to find a person who would not have heard such a name as Jean Claude Van Damme. Indeed, this is a world-famous actor, but very few people know that his path to success was extremely difficult.

Jean begins his development with admission to the ballet school. Thanks to his talent, efficiency, self-confidence and a strong desire to succeed, the guy quickly conquers the world of sports and becomes his star. But the dream about the career of the actor does not give him rest.

At the age of 20, leaving everything, Jean goes to Hollywood. The first few years were very difficult, because the guy had to work in the worst positions, to at least somehow earn a living.

Fate ordered Jean's life so that one day he met with Chuck Norris, who helped the guy get a small role in his first film. The talent of the young man was noticed immediately, so he was invited to castings, to give the main roles. Soon Jean became the Hollywood star, which he always dreamed of. Such a biography proves once again that you can not give up when there is even a small chance of winning.

Suzanne Boyle

The stories of the most successful people in the world are connected not only with business. Susan Boyle was most recently a typical 47-year-old woman who did not stand out from the crowd. She does not have a vivid appearance and does not seek to win the love and attention of all the people of the world. She simply has a dream, which is to become a singer. With this thought, the woman decided to go to the British talent show.

When Susan came on stage, the audience in the hall and the members of the jury took her appearance with a somewhat skeptical attitude. Everyone was amazed, looking at the appearance of a woman, that she really wants to become a singer. But after the grandiose appearance of Susan, the amazed spectators and members of the jury atoned for it in applause.

Literally an hour after the broadcast, millions of Internet users watched the video of the woman's performance. To date, the number of Suzanne fans is growing exponentially, and the woman is pleased that she was able to muster the courage and fulfill the dream of her whole life.

Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch is a person who teaches that the life stories of successful people do not necessarily have to end on a positive note. A man is not known for his incredible wealth, a successful career in filmmaking or phenomenal talent in the field of music. All people know him as the author of the so-called "last lecture".

At the age of 45, Randi learned of a fatal diagnosis. A person who was well versed in philosophy and computer sciences, who aspired to receive knowledge and apply them to improve the world, had to live no more than 2 months.

Usually in this situation, people despair, go into themselves and stop hoping for the best. But this is not about Randy. Before his death, he gave a lecture on life, on how important it is to appreciate every moment how to live so that you do not regret the things that have not been done. This story was touched and motivated by millions of people around the world. The guy left a trace in history, which will never be erased.

Biography Randy Pausch proves that it is not necessary to be full of energy and energy, it is not necessary to look far into the future in order to achieve success and do good to people around.

Tatiana Bakalchuk

The stories of successful people in business continue. This time we will talk about Tatiana Bakalchuk. This woman is the owner of one of the largest online stores.

Tatyana's story begins with the fact that she was on maternity leave. At this time, the woman decided to open a virtual clothing store. The warehouse was right in her apartment. Since 2004, Tatiana has managed to spin her business, multiplying her capital several times. To date, Tatiana's condition is 380 million US dollars.

The example of this woman shows that even when on maternity leave, you should not sit idly by. Perhaps, fate will meet you, and you will become one of the richest people in the world. After all, Tatiana had no connections and a large starting capital, she had only a desire to work, ingenuity and the ability to feel the needs of clients.

Eduard Tiktinsky

Eduard Tiktinsky is an exemplary businessman. Even from a young age, he was confident that he wanted to become an entrepreneur. His dream came true, but Eduard had to work hard to implement it. His biography continues the stories of successful people in Russia.

Since the boy was born in a poor family, his career began with the position of assistant to one of the heads of the real estate company. Soon Edward's talent was noticed and he became a marketing manager for one of the leading firms, and after that he founded his own holding.

The man assures us that there is simply no one way to achieve success in business. To achieve the desired result in work, you need to get pleasure from it. Therefore, go to your dream, embody the desired in the real, without thinking about the fact that something can not work out.

Vadim Kulubekov

Vadim Kulubekov is a guy who managed to create his own company at the age of 21, while having 100,000 rubles in his pocket, which became his starting capital.

The history of this man, like most biographies of successful people, began with a tragic event. When Vadim was 19 years old, his father died, who always supported the guy in everything. Then he realized that there was no one else to hope for in this life.

Having a strong character, Vadim did not want to work for someone else's, getting a penny. Reflecting on his future destiny, the guy decided to become an entrepreneur. He found a small room, where both the employees of his company lived and the office of this company was located. Thanks to his ability and love for his work, Vadim managed to expand production and become one of the most promising entrepreneurs of his time.

Albert Einstein

Who does not know Einstein today? This is the most outstanding scientist of the last century, it would seem, his life should have been filled with successful discoveries. But this is far from the case.

When little Albert was born, no one could guess and close that it will be a phenomenal success. The boy began to speak only in 4 years, and when his peers already knew how to write, he could barely read. Parents and the rest of the adults considered Albert to be a mentally retarded child, the teacher and his teacher had been placed on it for a long time.

But in fact, the young man who was already growing up simply did not think like the rest of the people. He stood out from the crowd. And already in a short time Einstein received the Nobel Prize in physics. Then he made a discovery after discovery, gradually becoming the greatest scientist of the century. Already no one dared to say that Albert is an inferior person, because he left a visible mark in the history of science.

Walt Disney

What history of successful people will do without the creator of Disneyland and our favorite childhood cartoons? Walt Disney, starting his career, has failed for failure. Due to the fact that he did not have enough creative ideas, he was fired from the newspaper, and his animation studio went bankrupt.

To get funding for the creation of Disneyland, Walt had to work hard. 302 times he was refused, after which he was still given this chance.

The most famous animator of his time has suffered so many failures, no one would have dared to endure any man striving for success. Perhaps that's why he achieved his goal. This story proves once again that you can not give up to get recognition.

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg was expelled from two schools, which did not particularly upset the young man. He tried to enter the film school three times, but all these attempts failed miserably. The members of the admissions committee answered the guy that he was talented and could not achieve anything.

However, in one of the popular universities, Stephen was able to get. He studied hard, trying to be as close to his dream as possible. His efforts were not in vain, as Spielberg became the director of the most significant films in the history of cinema. Without much difficulty, he managed to get 3 Oscars. By the way, the film school, which he did not manage to do in his youth, awarded an already honorable academic degree to an adult and successful Spielberg.

Many more awards are in the collection of the man, and not one billion US dollars he managed to earn, but for him this is not a priority. His main goal was to achieve his dream of mastering his beloved profession and become successful, which he achieved, overcoming all obstacles.

Marilyn Monroe

It's hard to believe, but Marilyn Monroe, the most famous blonde of all time, a sex symbol of many generations and just a successful actress, has suffered many setbacks on her way to her goal. So, the girl decided to try fate in Hollywood, but one of the companies she refused, motivating it that she is not attractive and can not adequately play in the movies.

The young woman did not give up, continuing the struggle for her happiness. Many trials fell to her both in her career and in her personal life. There are rumors that Marilyn was not a happy person, because she tried several times to commit suicide.

Nevertheless, the girl is the most popular blonde of our time, the ideal of beauty and the standard of femininity. So think several times. If you are refused, perhaps, fate gives you a chance to try your hand at another, more successful place for you.

Thus, these motivating stories make you think that it is not necessary to be the ideal of beauty or the most intelligent person in your environment to achieve phenomenal success. It's enough to love what you do and do it with your soul, skilfully avoiding all obstacles. Believe in yourself, then success will knock on your door. Do not stop there, but do not become a slave to what you are doing. Most likely, you will be pursued by failures, perhaps in large numbers. But this only means one thing: fate tests you for strength, to give success, about which you so dreamed and to which you have so long sought.

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