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Hemorrhoids chronic: causes, treatment, proctologist consultation

Recently, more and more patients have come to see a proctologist with complaints of pain and bleeding from the anus. Half of the people who turn in turn find hemorrhoids, and more often in chronic form. But what is the cause of the disease? How to protect yourself from him and what can the doctor help?

Hemorrhoids - what is this disease?

Hemorrhoids are a pathology that is directly related to the inflammatory process, a pathological enlargement of the hemorrhoidal veins that form nodules around the rectum. Often a diagnosis is made of "chronic hemorrhoids" (ICD-10), although the disease does not specifically have such a formulation, but any sluggish form falls under it. This is one of the most common coloproctological pathologies, which affects up to 10 people out of 100.

The disease occurs both in women and men, but chronic hemorrhoids are more often detected in the strong half of humanity, and all because they are late seeking qualified help. But what are the causes of this disease, what is the provoking factor?

The causes of hemorrhoids

According to the doctor-proctologist who examines patients with hemorrhoids, there are many reasons for the appearance of this disease, but more often pathology develops due to such factors:

  1. Hypodinamy.
  2. Work associated with constant seating, for example, at the computer.

These two factors are considered the main reasons for the appearance of hemorrhoids. Most of the patients who came to see a doctor, admit that they have sedentary work, and they move little in their daily lives.

But there are other reasons for the appearance of hemorrhoids of a chronic form:

  • Heavy physical work, lifting weights.
  • Inadequate nutrition: in the diet there is only fried and fatty foods, but there are almost no vegetables and fruits.
  • Heredity.
  • Pregnancy and birth in the female half.
  • Infectious diseases.

Hemorrhoids are of a chronic form. What types of pathology exist and how to recognize them?

Types of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be congenital or acquired. The latter is primary, which appeared as an independent disease, and secondary, if it is a complication of another pathology, for example prostate adenoma in men.

Depending on the location of hemorrhoids, the following varieties of this disease are distinguished:

  • Inner.
  • Outdoor.
  • Mixed.

The pathology can proceed both for a long time without complication of the process, and it is acute.

But most often the proctologist discovers in his patients the chronic form of hemorrhoids. It all starts with minor precursors. The patient feels minor discomfort in the anus, and then bleeds appear at the end of the defecation. This period of the disease lasts a very long time, it is characterized by remission phases, when the patient complains of nothing. Therefore, patients often very late apply for qualified care.

Gradually the disease begins to progress, during the defecation there are painful sensations, and they can intensify. The discharge of blood during defecation now becomes regular, and their intensity can be different, from a few drops to severe bleeding, resulting in anemia. Hemorrhoidal nodes become larger, which eventually leads to their prolapse.

Depending on how much the hemorrhoids have increased , the chronic hemorrhoids are divided into 4 stages:

  1. There are minor discharge of blood from the anus, but the hemorrhoidal nodes do not fall out. So begins to manifest hemorrhoids, the initial stage ends here.
  2. Hemorrhoidal nodes during defecation fall out, and after it self-correcting.
  3. At this stage, the nodes fall out, and they have to be moved by hand.
  4. And at the fourth stage, the nodes fall out not only during defecation, but also when coughing, sneezing, and even the slightest load, but they can not be fixed independently, the specialist's help is needed.

Symptoms of chronic hemorrhoids

Chronic hemorrhoids symptoms do not always manifest immediately. Very often a doctor can detect a pathology after the patient has turned for help with another disease. In most cases, the patient does not even imagine that he has hemorrhoids in a chronic form, until the disease goes into a heavy and noticeable form.

Chronic forms are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Bleeding from the anus.
  2. Itching and burning in the anus.
  3. Strong pain and a feeling that there is a foreign body in the rectum.

At the second stage of the disease, hemorrhoidal nodes appear.

With the advent of such symptoms, the question arises which doctor should seek help.

Proctologist: help with hemorrhoids

When the first symptoms of hemorrhoids appeared, you need to seek the help of a qualified specialist, so that he could correctly diagnose. The proctologist in Moscow can conduct a reception both in public clinics, and in private offices.

For example, patients leave good references about specialists working at the Euro-Med clinic near the Mayakovskaya metro station, the clinical hospital at Yauza, the therapeutic and diagnostic center of coloproctology and many other institutions.

The proctologist in the capital, like in any other city, refers to narrow-profile specialists who diagnose and deal with the therapy of diseases of the rectum and anus.

To see a doctor

But before going to the proctologist you need to prepare. The first thing to do before a visit is to clean the intestines. Cleaning is carried out the previous evening or in the morning with the enema "Microlax".

You should have a towel or wet wipes. It is necessary to remember when the disease appeared, and how it manifested itself. It is necessary to take an outpatient card, in which all the chronic pathologies and the transferred operations are indicated. All this may be needed to determine the exact cause of the onset of the disease.

Reception of the proctologist begins with a conversation with the patient, during which the complaints, symptoms of the disease and the timing of its appearance are elucidated. After this, it is necessary to inspect. The doctor finds out the severity of the pathology, the form of hemorrhoids and only then appoints the appropriate treatment.

Possible complications of hemorrhoids

If time does not detect chronic internal hemorrhoids, then there is a possibility of serious complications, which in the future will be very difficult to treat. The disease turns into an acute form, there is a severe pain in the anus, the nodes become dense, the temperature rises, and the general condition of the patient deteriorates significantly. There are three degrees of acute chronic hemorrhoids:

  1. Thrombosis without the presence of inflammation.
  2. With the inflammatory process of hemorrhoids.
  3. Thrombosis complicated by the inflammatory process of the subcutaneous tissue.

An acute form of the disease of the third degree requires urgent medical attention. Since in neglected forms, when hemorrhoids are not treated, complications often develop:

  1. Copious bleeding.
  2. Edema of the anus.
  3. Purulent paraproctitis.
  4. Necrosis of the tissues of the hemorrhoidal node.

Detect the necrosis of hemorrhoids can proctologist in Moscow and in any medical institution in the country, because the nodes become black. In this case, the patient can no longer help himself, and without the intervention of a specialist can not do.

Conservative treatment of chronic hemorrhoids

When the chronic hemorrhoids become aggravated, the doctor should immediately begin treatment, only in this case it will be possible to avoid serious consequences. Therapy of hemorrhoids in chronic form begins with conservative methods.

The external process is treated with ointments: Relief, Relief Ultra, Gepatrombin G, Proctosidil.

They contain several main components that allow:

  • Eliminate the pain syndrome.
  • Remove swelling of the node.
  • Improve the blood flow in the node.
  • Dissolve thrombi.
  • Remove itching and unpleasant burning sensation.

If the nodes are internal, then in this case the ointments will be ineffective, it is more appropriate to use candles. They put up to 4 times a day. If conservative methods do not help cure hemorrhoids, the doctor prescribes minimally invasive methods:

  • Ligation of knots by rings from latex.
  • Sclerotherapy.
  • Cryotherapy.
  • Infrared photocoagulation.

If these methods also do not give the desired results, then surgical intervention is recommended.

Treatment of hemorrhoids by operation

Surgery to remove hemorrhoids, cracks in the anus, condylomas and other formations is performed under general anesthesia. In addition to the classical procedure for the removal of hemorrhoids, the Longo operation and the TGD technique are also often used.

Longo surgery involves the removal of nodes with the help of a circular endostepler. This procedure is recommended for treating hemorrhoids 1 and 2 stages. But on the third one, anoplasty is added to it.

The technique of TGD (transanal hemorrhoidal desarterialization) is based on sewing hemorrhoidal arteries using an endorectal ultrasound transducer. The main goal of this method is to empty the cavernous tissue of the hemorrhoids. Applied with the initial stages and the third, but with the addition of anoplasty.

Hemorrhoids and Traditional Medicine

Very effectively heals hemorrhoids chronic folk medicine. Good results are provided by leech therapy. Due to their effects, the body's immune system is activated. Leeches excrete slag and toxic substances. They are put on hemorrhoids on the coccyx or sacrum. Thanks to them, the patient gets rid of severe pain and bleeding. But it is worth remembering that patients with hypotension and poor coagulability of blood leeches are contraindicated.

Also very good results in the treatment of hemorrhoids have shown such recipes of folk medicine:

  • 7 g of propolis, 80 g of Vaseline and 10 g of lanolin, melt in a water bath, bringing to a boil. After thorough mixing, to obtain a mixture in the form of a cream, this composition is lubricated by hemorrhoidal cones. After 3-5 procedures, the disease stops worrying.
  • 50 g of crushed marigold flowers mixed with 200 g of internal pork fat and brought to a boil in a water bath. Ready to store the ointment in the refrigerator. It can be lubricated with cones or put tampons in the anus.
  • Bleeding chronic combined hemorrhoids will help to remove the grass of the fodder. 25 g of the crushed fruits are poured in 500 ml of olive oil and insisted for 7 days. Take 1 tbsp. L. Morning on an empty stomach. After an hour you can have breakfast, after which you can drink tea with fruits of gorse.

There are many good and time-tested folk recipes, but remember that before using them, you need to consult a doctor.

Preventive measures for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a chronic disease that can progress or, conversely, do not disturb for a long time. To prevent pathology, doctors recommend preventive measures:

  1. To follow the work of the intestine, it must be soft and free. The first thing to do is to fight with stool disorders. Patients with frequent constipation most often suffer from hemorrhoids.
  2. Proper hygiene defecation. Do not use too hard toilet paper or containing a large amount of harmful substances that can cause skin irritation around the anus.
  3. Cool washing and drinking water. To prevent hemorrhoids pain, recommend taking a cold shower and drinking three times a day before eating a glass of cold water. Also advise cool baths with potassium permanganate.
  4. Endure itching. If the anus is very itchy, do not touch it. Combing can lead to damage to the knots and, consequently, to increased bleeding.
  5. Do not push yourself in the toilet and do not lift weights. This is a very important point for people who have a predisposition to hemorrhoids.
  6. Regular reception of warm baths. It is necessary to sit as often as possible in the bathroom with warm water, while it is important that the knees are raised, this will reduce pain in hemorrhoids.
  7. It is worth watching for excess weight. To aggravate the situation of a patient with a predisposition to hemorrhoids can be overweight.
  8. To be protected from hypothermia. It can lead to a violation of blood circulation, and this will provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  9. Sedentary work. People who spend most of the day sitting, you need to do at least a simple charge and make walks in the fresh air.

And, of course, we must not forget about proper nutrition. Excluding certain foods from the diet will help to get rid of hemorrhoids more quickly.

Nutrition for chronic hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids chronic will be easier to cure if you follow the recommendations for proper nutrition. It is better to give preference to such products:

  • In any amount, low-fat meat.
  • With soft food fibers (prunes, dried apricots and figs).
  • Fresh fruit, especially apples, bananas and grapes, you can also drink compotes made from these fruits.
  • Cookies are not good.
  • More porridges, especially pearl barley, oatmeal and barley.
  • Boiled and fresh vegetables, salads with them, but flavored with olive oil.
  • Nuts and wild berries.
  • Mineral water without gas, containing in its composition sulfates and magnesium.
  • Oil any, including olive, cream and pumpkin.
  • Sour-milk products, especially with bifidobacteria.
  • Fresh greens.
  • Soups with lean broth or vegetable.

Hemorrhoids chronic does not accept in the diet such foods that will only provoke its aggravation:

  • Alcoholic beverages with a high alcohol content.
  • Sharp, fried and too salty food.
  • Pulses, white cabbage, products that enhance gas formation.
  • Sorrel, radish and turnip.
  • Fresh milk.
  • Coffee, strong tea and chocolate.
  • Pepper, Adzhika, mustard.
  • Rye bread.
  • Drinks with gas and sugar.
  • Eggs and fat cottage cheese.
  • Refractory fats, especially mutton.
  • Such types of fruits: blueberries, quince, dogwood, pomegranate, cowberry, pear.

Exercises for hemorrhoids

With a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work, it is enough simply to earn hemorrhoids. The initial stage will quickly move into a more complex type, and in order to prevent this, special exercises can be recommended:

  1. To improve blood circulation, you need to walk, lifting your knees high and placing your legs crosswise, one in front of the other.
  2. Sitting on a stiff chair, the back is even, the body is slightly tilted forward, - to strain the muscles in the anus.
  3. Lying on the floor, hands lie along the trunk, squeeze and unclench the buttocks, just pulling in the rectum.
  4. Also, lying on the floor with slightly raised legs, doing an exercise "scissors": push and move your legs, slightly crossing them.
  5. Lying cross your legs, rhythmically strain the muscles of the buttocks and anus.
  6. Lying on your back doing an exercise bike.

Such charging will be the best prevention and help people with sedentary work protect themselves from exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Any disease, including hemorrhoids, is better prevented than treated. But if it so happened that the disease made itself felt, you should not engage in self-medication, but seek qualified help from a good doctor in Moscow or another city. Only an expert will recommend effective treatment.

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